Warrior, Rogue, or Death Knight? Sell me your class

Join the ranks of the Unholy today. Be the master of undeath, cackle as your ghouls devour your victims all while they putrify from the deadliest plagues Azeroth and Necromancy have to offer.

You were born to be a champion of Acherus and member of the Ebon Blade.

We bend no knee to either faction but merely ally ourselves to conquer shared foes.

Live forever feeding on the suffering and life force of your prey to sate the terrible pain of undeath.

Become the personal champion of either Lich King Arthas or Lich King Bolvar depending on which race you choose.

The world is yours for the taking.

Suffer Well!

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I also have to add that Rogues are extremely hard to kill. Even with our currently over pruned toolkit, we can survive one shot mechanics with ease. We get cheat death, evasion for aggro pulls, feint for pesky aoe garbage on the floor when you don’t feel like moving, and the best of all cloak of shadows when you just don’t feel like doing a magic based mechanic in a raid fight. If you like time, money, utility, and the feeling of being invincible, Rogues are the pick.

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