Warrior prot lf raiding guild im 603 il

Warrior tank / fury lf raiding guild heroic / normal us server im a 603 il tank

Hey Marlika, we are recruiting a tank for our Heroic Raid Team, if our times work for you I would love to chat!

Hello Marlika,

Bunny Slippers Cult is a group of friendly misfit toys, looking to add to our AOTC focused raid team and Mythic+ teams. We raid Wed. 7-9 pm and Sat. 7-10 pm Est time. We are looking for all positions to fill out our raid team. We were AOTC on all raids last xpac.

What can we offer, you ask? We got the auras that make the girls cry and our feasts taste like despair. We got mogs for days. What we expect from our raiders: attendance and willingness to improve. Not looking for perfection, but kindly giving each other tips is on our list. Most importantly, don’t be that guy, no one likes that guy.

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If you are interested in trying us out, please contact Slippersocks at: Slippersocks#11591 or discord: slippersocks and Nix would also love to hear from you. You can contact him at btag Gimmicks#1671

Marlika! We are in the market for a fury warrior!

Work in Progress is currently recruiting all roles and classes for CORE raid spots in The War Within!

About Us:

We are a very new (brand new to be exact) guild formed from a rag tag group of gamers looking to push content. is aspiring to be a long-term guild. Many of us have been playing with each other for over 15 years, but have been in different raid groups. Leadership has vast experience spanning from CE, AOTC, 3K IO gamers, and a couple hardo glads. Raid leader is currently 8/8 N and 6/8 H in Nerub’ar Palace. We are ultimately looking to clear content efficiently while having fun doing so. Our short-term goal is to have every member obtain AOTC. If we have the numbers and mental capacity, we will dabble in Mythic.


We will be raiding Tues/Thurs 8:30-10:30 PM EST. We require near 100% raid attendance. With that being said, we understand IRL obligations pop up from time to time. All we ask is that you communicate you will be unable to make a raid. It’s not fair to have a group wait around for you when you know you aren’t going to show up.


We are looking for members that want to be a part of this guild for the long term. You don’t have to be a Cutting Edge, RWF, sweatlord to join, but basic knowledge of your class/rotation is helpful. As stated above, we are looking to get everyone AOTC. We are prioritizing dedication over everything.

With that being said, we are actively recruiting all roles/classes. Slight emphasis on the DPS side of things. We encourage smaller groups of friends to apply!


If you’re interested in joining or have any questions/concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Discord: Richarino or Dahmonka

Battlenet: Richarino#1648 or Drew#1630

Looking for a solid tank for our guild, think you might be a good fit

Sicily US - Area 52 is a AOTC/Mythic + focused guild that is looking to increase the size of its ranks in order to take on The War Within. Led by multiple experienced Mythic/CE raiders, who are tired of the burn out and grind that comes with Mythic raiding, and are looking to create a more chill and fun environment where we can all come to have fun! While we are seeking to finalize our core raid team with players looking to have fun in raid, while also experiencing a good time in other aspects of the game such as PVP and M+. In the long run, we will be seeking to clear Heroic content at a casual but efficient pace, while also pushing higher end Mythic + and PVP content. As our core is a group of close friends who enjoy raiding with each other in a respectful environment, we would love to welcome you into our community as we take on the challenge of end-game content, and prepare for The War Within Expansion.

Current Raid Times/Days:
Thursday : 7:00 P.M - 9:00 P.M EST
Sunday: 7:00 P.M - 9:00 P.M EST

Recruitment Needs:


What we Offer:

  1. Gems/Flasks/Enchants/Mats for all our core members.
  2. Repairs during raid times.
  3. Very friendly and active environment/guild chat that often talk and play games with each other not only in WoW but outside of the game as well.
  4. Your new home that will last all throughout The War Within.

What we expect from our raiders:

  1. Commitment to the Group, helping others, and creating a fun environment for all to enjoy.
  2. Be prepared and perform to the best of your ability.
  3. Most importantly, BE RESPECTFUL. Drama will not be tolerated.

If you are interested in joining, apply using the following link:

If you have any other questions or are interested in joining, please contact those listed below.

GM - BTAG: Takeflight#11670
Raid Leader - BTAG: evvs#1490
Raid Leader - BTAG: Beeflip#1918