Warrior, Paladin, or Death Knight? Which do you prefer and why?

Not sure which one you mean. Lol

Paladin, just for class fantasy. I don’t like RPing as a dead guy and warrior feels bland.

If you’re not interested in healing, then I’d say warrior or DK because you’ll have 2 DPS specs to play with and therefore more flexibility. Both classes are great tanks and DPS right now. That being said, if you enjoy playing classes with more mobility there’s no question that you should play a warrior. DKs are slow, and that’s partly why I usually enjoy playing my monk and DH more. If mobility isn’t a big issue for you, then personally I like DKs more because there is so much more lore tied to them…warriors (like hunters) are an iconic class but actually quite boring lore-wise.

I’d be a paladin if I could be like a cool IRL paladin like Charlemagne or Astolfo. But not a “for the light!” simp. So the other two.