Warrior or Shaman?

Hey everyone,

I’m currently deciding between playing an enh shammy or a warrior (level as arms probably). I was just wondering what everyone found to be better solo leveling (probs shammy), group quests/dungeons, and overall fun (subjective I know). I would appreciate any insight. I’m pretty torn between the two.

I like the idea of a shaman for the whole magic melee warrior theme and controlling the elements. However, there is something appealing about smashing people with sword and board. Thanks for any help :slight_smile:

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Neither is great solo. That said, I’d give an advantage to the shaman. Speed wise, they’re about the same, but the shaman at least has more tools to get out of trouble.

Warriors can tank, so that’s always going to be valuable for getting groups. But shaman can heal, and everybody loves totems. I’d give the edge to warriors.

I’d give this to warriors as well. Warriors are one of the few classes in TBC that have a more than one or two buttons to press consistently (yeah I know totem and seal twisting are a thing).

That said, literally everybody wants shaman at endgame. If you have any plains on raiding, I’d highly recommend shaman. Especially if you’re Alliance.

Thank you so much! I always wanted to tank, but idk if I’m good enough lol. Have you leveled both of these classes? Do you have any opinion on PvP for them?

The problem with warrior tanking is that it’s probably the hardest out of the tank classes. Also, while people will love you for dungeons if you tank, you’re probably going to have trouble finding a spot in endgame raids. With a shaman, people will roll out the red carpet for you.

As for PvP, I have no real idea what that’s like. From the little I know, warrior is the best choice between the two since shaman have to hard cast basically all of their spells. On the other hand, warriors are extremely gear dependent. Honestly, it feels like you have to be a least a bit sweaty to get the most out of being a warrior. Again, this is just what people say as a I have little to no experience in PvP.

Shaman, end of discussion.

Far too many whining Warriors around.

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As someone who currently mains 2 fury warriors… Go shaman for PvE or 5s arena or bgs. Go warrior for 2s or 3s arenas.

Shaman will be a smoother leveling experience solo as well as much easier to get into groups (being able to heal or dps as well as windfury is OP).

Shaman also has a large advantage raiding, they are much more desired in any of the 3 specs but especially enhancement.

PvP wise you will have more fun solo in bgs as shaman imo and will be more sought after for 5s arena teams as well (most likely as ele, but the other specs are solid as well) though warriors are strong in 5s and finding a spot shouldn’t be too difficult. Caveat being 2s and 3s is much more in favor of warriors (stronger class in these brackets and more comps utilize warriors).

Prot warriors are in a very weak spot right now for raiding but arms and fury are in a good spot. However, most guilds have their dedicated arms warrior already (you only run 1) and a lot of guilds don’t have the space for another melee, due to compositions. If you do have a guild/spot lined up though fury is very fun/rewarding and an S tier dps.

Don’t be a enhancement shaman… You will thank me later. Everyone will tell you to go shaman because they want your totems. It is literally the most pain in the a** class in the game. Constantly forever totem twisiting/spaming different spells compared to half of these 1 button classes that take no effort and easily do more damage effortlessly. Imagine dropping a totem that will benefit you over party members… prepare to get yelled at. Go warrior

Anyways hope that helped.

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Okay well Ive leveled 3 shamans to 70 questing and can promise you you are wrong lol.

Shamans are great solo levelers. Poison / disease cleanse. Heals. Totems. And at higher levels lust and elemental totems.

Come on. Shamans are BiS class in the game for a reason

Enhancement is one of the most fun specs in the game. Don’t listen to that troll above.

You will get into every single group imaginable especially as alliance.

My god they need shamans and will kill for you

Don’t Fall For their Lies… I did and my wow life has turned into a job. A job of supplying totems for life to the world of Warcraft players. All they do is use you! I once forgot to drop a WF totem for 15 seconds and… I don’t like to talk about it

Currently leveling a shaman. At level 56 right now. It’s not as good as a hunter, war lock, or even a frost mage. Still better than a warrior though.

Twist LOL?

Can you twist if you’re elemental or resto?

If you want to raid, I’d recommend enhancement shaman. If BGs/arena are your only goal; arms warrior is where it’s at.

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Yes. Resto shamans twisted all of classic. Not ideal though.

You twist with a all caster party? that’s not very smart… come on now

Thats tough actually. I have both and I think Enhance is probably all around more enjoyable, and also seems easier to get into raids/gdkps etc. Warrior is still a lot of fun though and especially in later phases will be a lot more competitive on dps, though people will always take a shaman for heroism etc.

Threads about Enhance, why are you in a caster group?

If you are in a 5 man…yeah drop the totem that helps the most?


You certainly could?

Oh shaman is muuuuch faster. Especially after you get Sham rage, you pretty much never have any downtime. Warrior you’re going to be stopping and eating/bandaging constantly.

If you want to tank sure, but only because tanks are a little harder to find than healers while leveling… although really even shamans can tank leveling dungeons with a shield which technically gives them options across all 3 roles…

Shamans push way more buttons than warriors. Much more difficult rotation as well once warriors reach a point where rage management becomes nominal.

That I’ll agree with. Maybe not so much the red carpet treatment these days… but definitely more so than a warrior.

Turbo is pretty popular these days. 3’s/5’s as enhance is pretty fun. Hard to beat WF/SS crits almost one-shotting someone.

I mean… just dont be bad lol. Twisting isn’t that difficult but yea I guess it’s more involved than mindlessly spamming frostbolt.

You can always twist. It’s just harder as resto since being GCD locked when you need to drop a heal can be costly plus ele and resto tend to be a lot harder up for mana than Enhance.