Warrior or Shaman?

I was running out of mana constantly. Even when I’d pop rage, the mob would be dead so fast it wouldn’t give me back much mana.

This is technically true, but it requires so much cooperation from the rest of your group that it’s not something to consider if you’re not playing with people you know and trust.

I’ll have you know that I mindlessly spam Arcane Blast on my mage.

For heroics sure… Maybe even for 60+ dungeons… but a shaman is more than capable of tanking a pre-60 dungeon without much effort at all.

I’ve had a few shaman tanks. No more than a handful. Every time I’ve run with one, it’s never been as smooth a run as it could have been with an actual tank class. Shaman really shouldn’t be “tanking” anything past SM:GY IMO.

Agreed. Shaman is amazing solo as Enhance. Crazy good leveling DPS with zero downtime and with earth elemental I was able to solo all but the 5 people elite quests.

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This is simply not true for all scenarios, a lot of the time they want aoe or cc for heroics… and given a choice between the million mages and enhancement shaman, mages will likely be picked while youre still looking.

Raiding, its like one posted above… the ones that ‘want’ you are for the totems, but rightfully so as theyre great.

PVP Wise though it will be rough. Easily kited. Vs Melee you will want to wear a shield, which takes a lot of the wind out of the sails.

As far as solo questing, you don’t need the earth elemental to solo a lot of the group quests. Earthbind Totem/Frostshock , get distance using instant ghost wolf and heal up. If the mob can be slowed, you can solo it. Also stoneclaw totem is just too good and often overlooked.

Sorry you allow yourself to play with toxic players?

I’ve never had this problem, then again I don’t put up with jerks.

Sounds like the overarching consensus is that shamans are pretty awesome both for content as well as fun. I’ll go ahead and give it a shot!

Is warrior leveling really as painful as people say? I got to 20 or so on mine, and it isn’t too bad.

I mained a Warrior in retail for 16 years and I actually wanted to try something new in TBCC. I choose enhance and I absolutely love enhance.

As others have mentioned, I’d your focus is PVE then go shaman. If you love doing both PVE and PvP go shaman. If just PvP go Warrior.

Don’t listen to that troll, the rotation of enhance is so much fun and engaging compared to Warrior rotation.

What is the general rotation?

I dont think there really is one, at least not that I’ve paid attention to.

Keep up Flame Shock, Twist WF/Grace, Earth Shock between Flame Shocks (assuming no resists on FS…) SS on cooldown, Drop your Fire Nova on CD…

Flame shock - Storm strike - Earth shock when FS debuff is up. Twisting air and fire totems.

There is little to no downtime between casts. I may be just biased, but enhance is a blast and it pumps. Going to be even stronger in P3-5

Its just really slow and monotonous.


Pre Heroic dungeons does not require cooperation from the rest of your group, I don’t know where you’re getting your information from, but this is flat out wrong. You’ve probably just been handed really bad shaman tanks.

Once you get water shield + sham rage, enhance can plow through enemies non stop.

Arms is one of the lowest APMs while enhance is one of the highest lol

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