Warrior or dh?

I am trying to decide between those 2. I have both at level 50.

I would personally be playing fury or havoc

Which in your opinion is more fun?
Which is more effective in PVE and PVP?
Which has more utility?

I played a warrior from classic to end of legion.

DH are just a better version of warriors… to the point that mobility stopped being the warrior niche (which was its one strength) and DH got that moniker.

Charge vs rush (target and pathing issues vs none)
mid range interupt that gives resources and a range dispel
Hard CC (something warriors have been begging for since classic)
to swap between tank/dps does not require different weapon sets
heroic throw vs glaive throw
passive run speed increases
the biggest win glide with how vertical content is getting and blocking flying its the most amazing advantage.

Edit: oh and double jump.

I haven’t heard any Fury Warriors making waves in PvP compared to Arms.

PvE is great. Especially m+.

Bladestorm goes brrr.

Go DH, they have a lot of CC, a lot of burst, and are a very solid choice right now, especially with the magic meta in groups. Chaos brand very valuable.


take me back to Cata warrior with Shockwave, Throwdown, and Concussion Blow

so warrior is :poop:???

No, not at all. I just think DH is slightly better in most cases.

Vengeance has the better play style, & I played it since Legion beta. Of course, you must like to tank, but the abilities seem more fluid.

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what about fury vs havoc?

Is there something that fury is better than havoc?

I was thinking about your question and I think havoc is better at everything except mogs:

Better pvp? havoc
Better pve? havoc
Better mobility? havoc
Better utility? havoc
More tanky? havoc
More surv tools? havoc
Better cooldowns? havoc
Better mogs? fury
Better rotation? prob fury

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Play what you like, does it matter if something is better then the other? Maybe… if you are an elitist jerk… then sure.

But I’ve been playing this warrior since vanilla and I play nothing else, unless except for the random days when I’m bored.

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he likes to read opinions

this is so backwards…
Better pvp? havoc - uh dh’s in general suck for pvp, and arms is utterly OP

Better pve? havoc - uh, fury warriors are the best aoe in the game. Victory rush and certain talents (blood bath, 70% MS when leap) allows open-world to be way more efficient as fury.

Better mobility? havoc - uh, as someone who has played both specs for a while, NOTHING beats the utility of 2 x charge + heroic leap. The distance you can cover in that short of a time frame = OP. Plus, charge feels 10x better than fel rush. Doing backflips has always been awkward …

Better utility? havoc -uh, battle shout and 15% raid-wide HP are far more useful than chaos brand and shadows. Havoc has imprison for m+ CC, but its not something you notice if you dont have it.

More tanky? havoc -uhhh not really. Wars can spam ignore pain, have 1.5 min pseudo full health/damage-reduction, and victory rush if multiple mobs are present (Torghast lawl). Havoc relies just on leech, which isn’t on demand. Blur can’t be spammed. Shadows REALLY can’t be spammed. Wars wear plate; dh’s use leather.

More surv tools? havoc - uhhh read above.

Better cooldowns? havoc -uhhh fury warriors have a 1.5 min cd as their bread and butter, vs 5 min meta. 45 seconds for bladestorm vs 30 sec eyebeam for aoe, but BS hits far harder and has CC immunity.

Better mogs? fury - uhhh debatable. I always found demon hunters to look better simply because they’re newer models and have the glowing effects + unique head gear

Better rotation? prob fury - true. Fury warrior (imo) has the best, most satisfying rotation in the game.

One thing I will say the fury rotation feels really nice.

There is something so jarring about havoc having to use demon bite. the demon bite to chaos strike part of the rotation feels TERRIBLE!!!

Nobody can answer this but you. What do you enjoy playing?

I’ve played a Warrior for as long as I’ve been playing, mostly as Fury. Totally sucked at start of SL, now is quite fun.

Tried DH and hated it more than any class except Monk. Others clearly disagree.

Dh if ya wanna be boring

Warrior if you wanna actually play a unique race and look different from other people

(in all reality, I’d say you’d just need to try both a good bit and find which one is more fun for you)

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Fury in SL feels clunky and horrible with all the nerfs we got in beta, and they never got around to fixing it. So in order to get a smooth rotation you sort of have to stack haste as hard as possible just to get consistent enrage uptime.

But at least we have more than a two button rotation :rofl: .

Havoc, it’s not even close.

For whatever reason Blizzard really loves making fury a laughing stock. We were mid to low tier in BfA, and we got massive nerfs going into SL. If you’re looking to be effective, look somewhere else.

Havoc, it’s not even close.

Purge, Single target stun, AoE stun, incap, best interrupt in the game, chaos brand, and darkness. All of this is baseline.

Warriors are easily the strongest melee class in the game right now, at least in terms of pvp.

signed, someone who actually pvp’s.

If anyone here recommends a demon hunter in pvp over a warrior, please ignore them. They don’t know what they’re talking about.

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I don’t PvE much, but I found Warrior to be more fun in PVP. For general questing, I enjoyed DH more due to amazing mobility and survivability (vengeance). The rotation is cake, which makes it nice when you just want to zone out and grind. If I had to choose only one I would go with DH currently due to all the grinding you still have to do to get anywhere in this game.

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