Warrior is the worst melee in game currently

I havent played a single round of shuffle this ssn on warrior

Blade storm is a snare breaker and cc immune skill. Don’t think of it as primarily damage. If it was that would just straight up be op


devastation evoker is the worst melee in the game.


Does Outlaw have a tier set bonus that totally breaks the spec like Assassination Rogue’s does? Assassination is the weakest defensively of the three and if you are using the tier set you can’t reset or even use vanish defensively.

I have no idea if this is true, but it warms my heart to think that it might even at least be mistaken as worse than outlaw.

cries in wrath warrior
Back when whirlwind was just auto attack damage, and white damage was like 50%+ of our damage profile, getting six whirlwinds and 2 auto attacks + sweeping strikes in a six second window was so nasty.

bladestorm? is hitting for 10k critting for 15k during colossus smash… def cutting em up now

17k a tick with CS avatar on cloth, maybe. average hit over a 6 round shuffle is like 9k. lol

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Outlaw rogue, assa rogue, frost dk, and survival if it’s getting focused down.

Warrior needs some love, but it’s not terrible.


Outlaw tier does the same thing but doesn’t even increase your damage.

With all CDs up I get 51k crits on leather with bladestorm

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another warrior crying…do they send you tissues when you make the class or do you have to buy your own? Just asking because when these weak willed, poorly informed devs eventually do push warriors over the edge I’m hoping mine is geared up for easy games too.


thats probably the unhinged hitting for that. You cant even bladestorm crit the dummy for 50k with all CDs… check again


Unhinged hitting for 40kish and this was a monk in a duel. Also slammed the monk for 124k lol

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wtf…? was he naked with 0 versa? definitely in pve gear… thats absurd


yeah theres no way. just specced 4 talent points into slam and it hit the dummy for 19k and crit for 28k… during CS… lol no.


Most of the PVP mods do not work on the dummy, Not saying its the case here but very possible.


warrior is the only melee that can actually be stranded between targets for any meaningful amount of time. every other melee has either too much mobility or too much ranged damage to lose long strings of gcds uselessly trying to find a target in mid

ymmv whether you think it’s a good thing that ret unholy survival rogue have long range on nearly everything they want to do and ww havoc feral enh can realistically never be ran so out of mobility that they’re stranded in the open; i’m not a huge fan of dk and ret being added to the hunter pantheon of “ranged nocastbar” but i guess shuffle demands it.

makes me wonder what pacifier they’ll eventually put in the warrior mouth, cuz there’s no chance they let a playerbase this big languish at the bottom of the curve forever


He was geared lol, hit him for 134k too but didn’t capture that

Sudden death on all the abilities!


I want a cd that has me pulling out random weapons from a bag on my back that I just throw at people. Warrior fixed.

Axe throw stance pls.

Based and 10 character pilled.