Warrior is legitimately unplayable at higher MMR (3s)

Arms needs some of these goofy pvp nerfs reverted on the core talents before they start aura buffing the spec. Shouldn’t have things from bfa still hamstringing the spec.

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I’d like to see shockwave buffed to 3 sec baseline

I’d like wrecking throw to allow the Mortal Strike to also affect shields in some way rather than forcing warrior to interrupt our rotation with an attack that doesn’t apply colossus stacks or even deep wounds

I’d like shattering throw to be instant cast

Finally i’d like some form of usability buff for ravager

God even these 2 changes alone would feel so good

Remove the warrior from the game, leaving only mages, feral and evoker. Simple, it will solve all the problems. Remove the warrior from the game immediately. It takes away the fun of everyone who plays warrior, please. I ask that you remove the warrior from the game, since you do not know how to balance the game, you only understand how to screw up the class more and more. Ridiculous developers.


I disagree with everything you said.

How, specifically

In regards to what Breathbuddy said to me. Dno does a lot of damage, but I assure you from numerous games it is Magnus being the main threat of damage. Warrior also brings it’s mortal strike and solid up time compared to something like ret which just doesn’t have an MS. Also I do use strength of soul it just isn’t enough sometimes. We can go back and forth about it all the time, but I’m pretty firm in my believe that warrior isn’t terrible. But more specifically Magnus does unreal damage compared to the other Warriors I typically see as to be expected.

“Fury warrior is good because a rank 1 warrior who has spent years playing with the best NA 2s healer who is pumping dam overtuned dam on pres are killing me in 2v2”

Come on man, literally every other data point shows otherwise and multiple r1 warrior mains are saying both specs are down bad at the moment, but nah, Cloudx lost in 2s to Magnus/Dno so warrior must be good


Woah, you don’t gotta come at me like that. I can think the spec is good and disagree with yall and it not be a huge issue. I’ve lost to other warriors in 3s as well. But I guess that’s invalid cause your data points show it’s trash.

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He’ll do more damage as well as more to enable his teammate to do damage.

Correct! When a player does that much damage it enables their teammate to flourish. I appreciate that good players like Magnus and Dno show how powerful their specs can be when piloted well.

Slight edit: Dno doesn’t play bad healing specs afaik so he’s always looking on top.

I’m also not saying Warrior is the best Melee at all btw.

I mean, why is 2s gameplay in this discussion at all? Backpedalling 1600 rated in 3s BM hunters get 2400+ in this bracket with e-girl priests

Ladder statistics are showing a significant drop off in warrior play

None of the top warriors are queueing 3s anymore, the highest one, Laros, is 2291, and is not playing it anymore and is literally qing MM hunter on stream instead as we speak LOL

Dno/Mag “pilot it so well” in 2s but I don’t see them queueing 3s :thinking:


Actually so disgusting that warrior is in the state it’s in :sob:


Laros giving up on Warrior after getting 2291 isn’t unplayable to me, just seems like rerolling fotm cause it’s easier. I think the spec is fine. I’m sure if you guys bring up enough complaints about Warrior not being the top dog they’ll bring it back up like they have in the last couple xpacs. I know Ret/War is just waiting to roll over the ladder again.

Sometimes specs can be playable but not at the top. Maybe Warrior is in that spot right now, that’s okay.

The issue here is your entire basis is off the 2s bracket. Obviously the game isn’t balanced around that so Magnus doing well there doesn’t mean that warriors are good.


Pointless 2v2 post

Completely different game
Warriors issues stand out significantly in 3s (the only thing that matters) and blitz if you care about a mini mini mini game

Thankfully feeling this about ret and boomkin for the first time in 9 seasons

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Quick check on drustvar shows more warriors in the top 1000 spots of 3s then feral, ret, dh, rogue. Idk if you got different sources, but that’s something to show it’s clearly being played. At the top 100 you have 2 warriors in it same with ret, ww, surv hunter, 1 dh. Seems like DK and Rogue are above which I agree with. Idk what you want. You guys somehow playing a warrior free ladder?

Representation does not equal strength, I would hope that a class/spec that’s extremely more popular then niche specs like you listed would have more people playing it.


Is it FOTM rerolling, or is it that he reached that rating, realized how unplayable warrior is at that level, knew it wasn’t worth it to queue any longer , and then had to swap to something else viable so that his partners would actually q with him? Laros doesn’t usually fotm, sooooo


You sound like you won’t be satisfied unless they’re at the tip top. They have equal or more representation then a lot of other specs. How do you even quantify strength? Does warrior need to be the top dog of melee for it to be good enough? I gave you numbers that show it’s comparable and somehow it isn’t good enough.

I would call that fotm rerolling 2 weeks into the season when they’re still actively balancing, yes. Especially when they made this xpac mad alt friendly.