This has been hunters for their entire existence. Almost always they’re ok at low rating and then fall off a cliff to the worst class at high ratings. This is one of the few exceptions this season and people acting like it’s the end of the world when you probably still won’t even see jungle in awc.
Has the least good comps unless they’re overtuned. At least warrior has lots of easy and good comps
they either need to remove the negative pvp modifiers, give arms some type of ramping damage that isn’t RNG, or yes, make avatar and CS actually do meaningful damage. Too much rng for Arms to do good damage (this also goes back to S1 DF when all modifiers active + crit stars aligning could 2 shot people = nerfs), all it is currently is a bleed ms mediocre sustained bot, unless you hit the lotto and get 3 big crits in a row with cds popped.
This all stems from the pvp crit nerfs affecting arms as a crit reliant spec… talents got smacked with pvp modifiers, and crit nerfs affecting the whole Arms identity, hasn’t felt the same since early S1 DF.
Nobody is queueing or looking to play warrior comps.
Breath, I am curious on your thoughts on how they can fix this. I feel like this happens repeatedly due to warriors “primitive” design in a sense. It’s either warrior is grossly overtuned damage wise and overshadows other melee, or it does equal (or lesser) damage than all others and there’s little reason to bring one
I feel like first and foremost they need to remove and reduce MS effects for all non-warrior specs. WW, Rogue, DH, feral should have no MS or an incredibly weak one. For example if WW/DH MS was removed, you then can decide, as a dk, if you want to play WWDK or hero cleave, or play TSG w/ a 25% MS. This is just one example but can apply to Boomy/DH, etc.
They’ve been having trouble finding the sweet spot between being a glorified hunter pet that applies bleeds and healing reduction and ret rework dmg profile where you 100-0 somebody every bolt.
theres so many things they could change that would bring it to good levels again, they’ve been mentioned hundreds of times.
spear not being able to be escaped except being trinketed would be a start (or even 45s cd in its current state), MS stacking dmg pvp modifier nerfs, warlords torment being terrible for arms, crit nerfs, fatality marks nerf, sharpen nerf, any of these could be changed and it would be significant, its just too many negative modifiers, nothing in Arms tree feels good atm.
Yeah, I was hoping they’d go back to pvp tier for something like this. 2pc giving mandatory pickups or stuff that people normally can’t grab, like sharpen blade or dark sim.
War hasnt felt strong since fury has received its 2 rounds of nerfs. I am not really sure why it even got nerfed twice like this, it really only needed the first round of nerfs but minus the bladestorm nerf that applied to arms for some reason from pve i believe.
Wars definitely feel squishy imo far too much for a plate wearing class and they also do pretty regular damage now. Def needs a little help
that actually sounds insane, it might be needed but i feel like it would be way too OP to have that much passive DR. Ignore pain needs extremely buffed or changed as well.