Warrior Gameplay Difficulties

Balancing the game was around level 60 classes in epics. So the devs only tested warriors at level 60 with epics that were generating too much rage before while not caring what happened to low level warriors as a result. In previous patches before this one that they made the one we would be using for the entirety of classic is the version where warriors had their rage gutted. So in low levels warriors generate a pathetic amount of rage and have to suffer only because it was too good for level 60 warriors in epics. Of course they constantly nerfed the warrior’s talents/skills and etc. only because Blizzard kept making the issue of making warrior endgame gear continue to scale up and overpowered. It was the gear that was overpowered that made warrior as a class get nerfed. Is that making sense for you?

I do remember at one time warrior rage generation wasn’t that bad and the class was tolerable to play.

Upgrading gear constantly is the only way to supplement warrior leveling. And honestly that’s probably a good reason why warriors are so greedy on gear drops. People complain that warriors are greedy but hey that’s a result of Blizzard constantly nerfing them and making them very gear dependent.

Bit of an update. I’m 20 now, tried getting a group for deadmines. Got a group as dps, tank bailed. There was me and a druid, we got a rogue to replace him. I was sortof the tank, got a few mobs down, practicing.

Everything was working, more or less, until we got to the foundry. Pulled 2 mobs on the left, then 2 ranged near the middle pulled. Everything was spawning golems and we died. Then 2nd round, pretty much the same happened on my part. Everyone else seemed to be handling it without me. I think the priest was making it happen and didn’t say a word.

Then for Sneed, there was him and 2 trash mobs. Pulled one mob, killed it then pulled Sneed and the other trash. I was sortof tanking the trash, everyone went for Sneed. Taunted him, for about 2 second before he went for the dps. Left there.

So i got a green cape and belt upgrade. That was it.

I have a few points in arms Heroic Strike, it’s cheaper than Sunder Armor. But if my attacks spend rage instead of the other way around… Is that a good idea for tanking? You would get rage for incoming damage too. I put the other stance in both stance on the key 0 (zero). So i use Charge then swap stance. It helped but in the end it was not enough.

I really enjoy warrior leveling, but for it to go smoothly you’re going to want to optimize a few things.

I’d highly recommend checking out a few warrior guides and using the elements you like from each in your gameplay.

Warriors scale well with gear, and thus if you don’t have current weapons it will be worse and worse. I would suggest looking at a weapon progression guide as you level. Even just getting the quests for an instance and doing it once for a weapon will make a drastic difference for you.

Once you get a solid weapon upgrade, you’ll immediately see a difference. Remember as well that the amount of rage and health you have currently is, in general, negatively correlated. Thus, if you a lot of rage but have sub 75%-50% hp you should consider continuing to engage new mobs due to the increased dmg.

It takes getting into the swing of it, but once you do it’s a pretty enjoyable class to level.

You are stuck doing white attacks for 90% of your damage till like level 35. Warrior is pretty rough at low levels

First of all, get the best weapon you can afford.

Battleshout->Rend to open, then sunder armor until the mob is 50% or so, then you might want to use heroic strike. You might also just want to pool your rage for killing the next mob instead of using heroic strike. It all depends on the mob and the situation. If you are going to have to eat after the kill, no reason to save your rage, but if you can immediately move on to the next mob, save your rage.

Fight mobs that are a couple of levels below you (or more), if possible. You won’t really have much downtime doing so.

Warrior is notoriously bad for solo leveling.

It’s worth it in the end.

leveling a warrior revolves around how current you keep your gear. every time you get a weapon upgrade you get 4 or 5 levels of easy killing then promptly lose all your efficiency until your next upgrade

You’re likely having trouble with Warrior because of Rage. You just need to wait till later levels. The cool thing about Warriors (and I think Rogues) is the cost of their abilities don’t go up as the ranks do.

Couple that with your rage-gain being largely based on how much damage you do (think it’s like 1 rage for ever 5 ‘points’ of damage from your weapon swing [white damage]).

Try to keep around 20 rage ‘in the tank’ at all times. Not because you need to, but because it’ll train you to not instantly use rage and then sit there doing white damage for the next 5-8 seconds.

Also, for all classes, you’ll eventually find yourself ‘stuck’ if you stick to just one continent.

Like on mine, once Westfall left me with only ‘orange’ quests, I went to Loch Modan. When that dried up, I hopped a boat to Darkshore. Then I circled back and finished up Westfall; along with a few Deadmines.

My rotation is: [no combat] Charge, Demo shout, White attack [2hand], Rend, White attack [until 30 rage], Heroic Strike, refresh rend; using Overpower when ever it procs.

I am trying my hands at dual-wield daggers, 1.6s / 1.4s. Pretty fun…lotta misses though; need to get some +hit gear. >_<

Think your gear might not be that good

Like other people have said, warriors start slow and finish strong provided you get gear. The leveling process is the price you pay for someday having a geared max level warrior.

Do green quests, grind green mobs, spend time and gold keeping your gear as up to date as possible. Make sure you level first aid and cooking. Get your whirlwind axe at level 30, or as soon as you can past 30. Grinding the troll tusks and spending the gold is worth it.

The warrior leveling progress gets more easier once you find a good weapon. Also first aid, cooking, and alchemy will prevent you from dying. Warrior is not even hard.