Warrior Gameplay Difficulties

I find that unlocking new abilities helps quite a bit. Warrior is pretty basic at first and there’s not much you can do but hit and be hit, but once you start getting more abilities/stances/talents, you can really gain some momentum, especially if you’re willing to tank dungeons.

Tanking dungeons as a warrior is a lot of fun.

If you’re questing, or go to a questing area, spamming general for groups can be a big help.

Forget trading health for rage and use heroic strike whenever possible.

everyone who says its hard and bad also give the worst suggestions making it obvious they dont know how to level a warrior.

it’s easy, get a shield and a DAGGER. Spec into prot

Now the game is super easy peasy and rage literally spills over your rage bar.You also will never die, almost immortal. Those speedrun guides that say die here and rez closer to town. Those dont work for you anymore. You’re like Chuck Norris on steroids.

Gearing. Warriors are very gear dependent, and up until level 36 you don’t really have a single on use ability which really impacts their early game.
Getting WW at 36 and then your iconic MS or Bloodthirst at 40 is a big milestone as you can now do on demand damage for the first time.

Other than that levelling as a Warrior is mostly about being ahead of the curve, you want to do a lot of grinding to ensure you are doing quests when they are green.

90% of the mobs you kill should be green, it increases your ability to hit, to crit, and to avoid glancing blows.
This will also increase your survivability as the opposite affects the mobs, more glancing, less chance to hit, less chance to crit. It allows you to kill more and take less damage, you will have a lot less downtime doing that.

As soon as mobs are yellow to you your downtime will increase dramatically with the increased damage taken.

When you get retaliation be sure to use it on cooldown to make big pulls (make sure there are no ranged or mobs that use disarms/CC) every 30 mins.
It’s realistically your only ability to grab 8-10 mobs efficiently so making good use of it gives you a nice xp boost every 30 mins.
It combos really nicely with Sweeping Strikes and Cleave. Both activate off your retal hits and with a 2H you get a lot of damage and rage so you can pretty much just spam cleave during it for massive AoE.

Warrior is not hard but you’ve got to “feel the flow.” Once you get the flow, it’s like riding a bike. Fight behind your autoattacks will add 60% more “warrior” to your level 17. What that means is be patient. You land your charge and toss out a rend then wait a few seconds for your auto attack. Be patient. Another auto attack lands and you’ve now got enough rage to heroic strike BUT… Be patient. You just killed your target and look for a new target, charge+rend, Heroic strike, Auto attack, execute, Charge next target, rend + hamstring. Your health is lower so Strafe a few seconds while the dot ticks and dive into your target at the exact moment your auto attack wants to land + hamstring again and strafe away till your auto attack comes back… Learn to time your strafe away hamstring timing in relation to different mob attack speeds. Works great against giants, not so good against cats. When you learn to fight without getting hit as a warrior you can explore fighting more than one mob at a time knowing you can get away if you want. It’s not about standing still and swinging an axe. It’s the full use of the character’s abilities + the game’s movement + understanding how you can move through the world and control your own interactions during combat. GL


It’s a downhill battle. It definitely gets a lot better compared to sub 30 or 20 sub. Since probably mid 30s I can usually pull two mobs at my level. Three mobs is doable if I can intimidating shout bandage or maybe even without depending on mob type. You could never do that at low levels.

Warriors may still be worst class 2019 for leveling compared to other classes even at higher level, but no need to pretend like it doesn’t clearly get better.

I’d say this statement is somewhat misleading. Nothing is hard, compared to something that is harder.

So, what about in the context of leveling, and in comparison to other classes? Which class is harder to solo level than warrior?

So I did level a Warrior in classic as an alt to my main Mage(i leveled all 60s but druid/shaman/Lock)

I had a very hard time with my warrior leveling after having leveled the Mage. (warrior was my 2nd 60) It was hard and I died a lot.

This time around I play my classic warrior so much better and honestly the warrior can grind faster than my mage and pull off some crazy stuff with cooldowns. I know the class and it makes all the diff. If I never leveled a warrior I would believe they are hard.

Fair enough. However, as the OP has clearly stated some frustration and feeling that he is the only one feeling this way, as well as it not being particularly difficult to find posts of people saying things like:

I thought I’d give a bit of a realistic view. Solo questing as a warrior sucks hard. If you enjoy it, that’s fine. I don’t. That’s all I’m saying. It’s not fun.

Solo leveling on my hunter is fun by comparison.

Do I like warriors, and warrior play style? Absolutely! I don’t particularly enjoy solo questing anyway, so that isn’t the key metric for how I measure which class I prefer.

Now, if you compare going from being able to kill a single mob to being able to pull two mobs (maybe three, but only if…), to say how mages scale in their ability to pull more mobs later, the amount that warriors “get better” is greatly minimized.

I’d say these are the two ends at the extreme, and that’s the point.

Oh yeah… you should make a video to shock the world.

EDIT: While I do agree that it’s easier to level a warrior if you’ve got some experience with it, for sure, what I would like to avoid is pretending that warriors get so significantly better as you level that you would compare them to mages for grinding! Of course, I’ll freely admit I was wrong if and when you prove me wrong.

I don’t think many people would be very shocked. Takes 60 seconds to refill my mana bar with 2 rounds of drinks. How many -2 or -3 level mobs can your warrior cut in half in a min? 10?

Without eating? Not many.

Ugh, you are level 58… I guess the equivalent for you might be how many level 49s can you murder :stuck_out_tongue: 56 mobs have loads of hps.

:slight_smile: Fair enough!

Though, to be fair, I was thinking more of level 60 mages grinding ZF, and trying to compare that to anything a warrior could do (which without a healer, wouldn’t be as impressive).

I’d be interested in what your gear, talents, and rotations are like, and what sorts of mobs your grinding to keep up with a mage while leveling.

You’re not the only one having difficulties.

Dynamite (engineering) helps me a lot.
Having health potions also helps tremendously.
Use a ranged weapon to pull mobs away (like already mentioned).
And I zone hop to keep quests at a lower level, because doing quests at level is painful and end up losing time and money from death runs and repairs.

This is what I do.

My warrior is 43, mage 44. The warrior just feels like a grinding machine right now. Still rocking the WW axe and still 3-4 hitting feralas junk.

I think the fun part is subjective enough. I’ve leveled pretty much guildless and solo besides the occasional group up and I have enjoyed it post 30 when you locked in abilities.

I love charging in for my SS WW wombo combo, it feels so damn good o green mob grinding/questing specifically. I also agree that partying up makes it more fun too, especially if it’s a shammy with WF.

I will say that there are sometimes those extensive misses, blocks, parries and that certainly be frustrating sometimes. And I wouldn’t say warrior is the most efficient class out there for questing, like you said mage capabilities are silly by conparison.

The point I drive home is if you hate warrior at low levels to not fret entirely. It gets better, you’ll never be mage good and you’ll be an easy pvp target while leveling for the most part, but post 30 your toolkit gets more and more rounded out and the difference is stark. You just have to gut it out.

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Yeah, I definitely agree with this :slight_smile:

This, I question… I never hated warrior at low levels, but I also don’t particularly like solo questing. I don’t much like solo questing at higher levels any more than I liked it at lower levels, at least not in a significant sense.

So, I suppose I’d caution against giving false hope. Unless of course, you think that I’m off base with that, then I’ll have to reconsider why I feel that way.

Most people complaining about warriors at low level are like “WTF if two mobs pull I will die!!!” which always strikes me as a solo play comment so the advice of it getting better and two mobs not meaning assured death falls in line with that if you ask me.

Now whether you enjoy playing your warrior at higher levels after your toolkit is rounded out…I can’t predict that part.