Warrior Completely Unplayable Into Mage

mm hunter isnt even that good vs mage right now in this disc hpal meta

You are delusional beyond all belief.


Yesterday I had a fmage, spriest, and warlock in my solo shuffle on my warrior on that stupid dragonflight arena with the ramps and pillars everywhere. It was probably the worst experience I have ever had on this game.

As a frost mage main, I support these changes 1000% :slight_smile:

You mean when Warrior was one of the most disgustingly OP classes in the game and lost that mobility for a reason?

Yeah it was super fun eating 70% of my health in a charge.

I believe the game is better by you not having 100% easy W key uptime.

Congrats, you struggle into frost mage. So does every melee. That doesn’t mean you need to be unpeelable.

No :clap:

I love some Christtel posting.

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Christtel coming into the thread to turn everything into a ret issue for some reason. Rets image will never recover as long as this psycho has free reign to post.

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Ret can join the numerous classes with bad reps courtesy of a few vocal posters, joining the likes of warlocks, DHs, and warriors.


I made a completely neutral comment but whrn someone brings up"muh 20yd range" I have to respond. If you dont like what you see put me on ignore

The Ret rework and RSS ruined this forum. At least people like Seoulite having mental breakdowns were funny.

Bring back MoP arms and remove mages. Thanks.

It’s crazy because, while there were a lot of 10.0.7 ret defenders, most disappeared after the season. Christtel is the only one who stayed.

Like you do to anyone who ever suggests that ret isn’t insanely underpowered?


Does being the delusional ret poster really fufill you?

Lets hope Christel won’t get the Joker 2 treatment.

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please don’t speak to the Grandmaster of Chess that way

I’ll give him credit. The man finally found the class that clicked with him and stayed loyal to it even after DH usurped it. But to be fair, DF DH has like 5 more keybinds than ret so it was kind of a jump skill wise.

Also to be fair, ret didn’t ever have a bad season in DF. Sure it never reached 10.0.7 power again but it was never even remotely bad, at worst it fell from godtier to A+, and had access to peak comps the entire expac.

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Realist and probably a bigger ret main than you. Its all facts what do you care.