Warrior Completely Unplayable Into Mage

that warr (mag) has been sitting that warr since week 2 after hitting it early with pre-nerf pres (Dno)…Also Mag is the only warrior above 2.1 rofl, next warr isn’t until ladder position 150 and is only like 2086 rated

Also rep numbers don’t realy mean much without context…I guess sub rogue sucks then? tons of DF seasons with sub rogue in bottom played melee

Can literally flip your argument, warrior is one of the most played classes in the entire game and easily alted by many due to its simplicity, yet only 1 above 2.4 in 2s and 3s…hmmm…something isn’t right


Nah. Playing against a frost mage that knows what their buttons do on warrior has to be the single most frustrating thing I’ve ever experienced in WoW PvP. If mage is the target, the warrior will do 10 million less damage than everyone else. (Unless the mage is bad). Playing demo into walking dead is a close second.


Do other melee classes feel like that into FM too?

I can’t do anything and the whole time I’m being blown up.

Other matchups I get to play my class.

Displacement and blast wave should be on 1 node. Alter time undispelable but last 5s and doesnt reset blink. I will keep saying this until blizzard listen. Mage complain about alter being dispel now they get what they want atleast. Even with this change, a good frost mage can still do the set up DB sheep RoF frost bomb snowdrift ray combo every 45s to 1 shot you because they dont die with 2 block. Warrior has no chance.

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Yes I can kill fotm FM since they only zug zug. I can bait their Alter then get thier block. Still take a lot of time but a decent one with brain will bait your cd then set up 1 shot you to get ur trinket then next set up kill you.

Windwalker. They dont even have targeted charges like warrior so they get even less chances for uptime.

if theres a devoker / frost mage / mm hunter lobby with 2 or 3 of these and all range. I just leave the game and take the 150 cr hit. not worth the stress. Warrior was fun for about 3 days before it got absolutely gutted. Still cant connect to these classes :slight_smile: How did warrior get gutted, but devoker still recharges 2 hovers on breath?

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I don’t even blame you tbh. The mental stress from a lobby like that isn’t worth going 1-5 cause that’s probably the best you’re going to do

You could wirte the same for other specs worst matchups. See why do warriors have anime main character complex that they need every matchup to go well for them.

Mages kite almost all melees


Again, these kite almost all melee and have the advantage in a straight 1v1. Why is it a warrior only issue?

r u rlly gonna pretend the meta isn’t insanely anti warrior rn


Agreed, frost mage needs some big nerfs.


You don’t even have to be decent. I’ve seen mages panic blink into a wall twice and still have enough mobility/roots/knockback to get away again without missing a beat.


Ret is a ranged class. Warriors have one ranged weapon toss that does like 5k damage. It is not the same.


Oh, true! They do sometimes (extremely rarely) balance around bgs. Tbh it’s similar to pve. The majority of balance is around raid dps, not M+ the same way the majority of pvp balance is around arena, not bg. There are some bg specific tunings, though, like boomy starfall/starburst and mw revival.

And me being ranged doesnt mean ISH because I womt be able to outdps any of those 3. Ret has no burst damsge and they can also outrange me. I cant land a hoj im done

Range means nothing against them. L2p

Bad wars dont get uptime

Let’s recall SL and BFA when war had 3 heroic leaps, and Execute has a mini charge with Death Sentence, and spamable AOE slow.

I believe warrior gameplay is made worse by removing these mobility. It used to be really fun to jump and dash around. Now being a war is frustrating. Mage is more mobile than ever, knockbacks, alter time, 1-2 blinks, multiple roots and slow, ice wall, I mean, just gave back the mobility warrior used to have.

I’m still learning a lot but war mobility feels good to me.

It’s just frost mage has too much, infinite mobility, infinite CC, high survivability, and the whole time (more or less) they are putting out good damage.

So you’re essentially asking the devs to make every caster like fire mage game play.

Where we just spam abilities on the go. Either that or cc becomes much more harsh. At least if you think ahead the outcomes of changes of that sort.

Cause surely you’re not saying you’d get this type of mobility and still keep every cast/hlrs as they are.