Warning: Shadowlands Class Design is Dead in the Water

While I am excited for the aesthetics of the upcoming expansion, I am very dismayed at Blizzard’s reveal that there will be no class design besides them “unpruning”, ie returning us abilities they took away, or making many spec-specific abilities class-specific ones.

This is a fantastic starting point. But it doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface to address the problem that is modern WoW’s dreadful, boring, stale, outdated, one dimensional, unengaging, uninspired class design. This class design is what has lead to, is leading to, and will lead to people quitting and moving on (in the worst cases, moving on for good).

Sure, there is much else that are dealbreakers like artificial time-gates, the questionable story or Pathfinder, for example, that break the camel’s back. But if your game has fun class design that makes people want to log in simply to hop around, and fiddle with their classes, then you retain the player. That’s what kept me subbed: The desire to shapeshift around on my druid, try the different specs, and feel rewarded by the engaging gameplay (WotLK-Cata Feral).

If class design is a patient with a dreadful, possibly terminal illness, Shadowlands is diagnosing the illness, perhaps scheduling a doctor’s appointment. It is not the much-needed treatment.

And Blizzard is making the cardinal sin of tying core class progression to an expansion yet again (for the 3rd time now - Artifacts, HoA, and now soulbinding). Really guys, you ought to figure out by now how to create systems as fundamentals then build on them as expansions come and go.

Giving us stuff, then taking it away only to give it back later is what got us here in the first place and look around - the game is in shambles. It is lazy, bad design, your customers can see through it and frankly, it should take a patch or two for you to “unprune”, not a whole expansion feature.

Shadowlands Class Design, or lack thereof vis a vis:

  • No new mechanics to make classes more modern, dynamic or fast-paced
  • No changes to revitalize boring or gutted specs that Legion was responsible for
  • No GCD changes to solve clunky, unwieldy combat

It is very disappointing because this feels like a gargantuan missed opportunity. You could have used the new lore as a chance to evolve your core class design forward and bring it to the future where it is dynamic, polished, and engaging. But you didn’t.

I wanna be cautiously optimistic and hopeful. I hope this is Cataclysm all over again - if you weren’t aware, the devs initially simply wanted to revamp the starter zones… and as they were doing that, they went, “We can’t just do the starter zones and not revamp ALL of (vanilla) Azeroth” - and so they did. Here’s hoping they wake up and realize that more needs to be done.

[Post edited by Forum Moderator to remove an inappropriate comment.]


Oh so you’ve played the beta?

How is it?


I learned my lesson from BfA, i am not purchasing the next xpac until i see what class design looks like.


I keep wondering where these people are gaining the ability to see into the future…


i don’t think its that he has so much peered into the future but more so that we have been down this road before and it was not too long ago. The key phrases and discussions we are seeing now is not unlike what we have seen before BfA hit beta.


Please let’s avoid the tired territory of “it’s only Alpha! Beta will fix it! it’s only beta! Live will fix it!”. That sort of unintelligent, erroneous mentality gave us the stinkers that are WoD and BFA.

To the observer of the scantest intelligence, it will be apparent that alphas and betas are rarely, if ever, the magic solutions.


Understandable concerns, but i doubt Blizz would just add old abilities and consider the classes fixed.

I would think class re-tooling/tuning is one of the expansion features.


I hope it moves in this direction. That said, they didn’t really touch upon this - if at all - in Blizzcon.


They have said more than once now that there will be no major class changes in Shadowlands.


is different than retooling/retuning

Survival going from ranged to melee is a major class change.


probably because they had nothing to report on it , even so with teh returning spells classes may be " better". I say may be only because i am not one of those people who think more buttons or a complicated rotation is better.

people say BM is a 4 button spec all the time , i just laugh at them , I use 16 quite regularly on my main hunter in raids . its not all about dps , but utility as well


There will be major class changes for some classes. For example Rogues having poisons returned to Outlaw and Sub changes a lot of mechanics and interactions for both specs.

But overall I agree that they are not doing enough to undo the damage they have done in BFA/Legion.

Unpruning is basically going back to square 1 of where classes should have been at WoD. But unfortunately classes are not progressing since that point in time of WoD.


The sky ain’t falling just yet (despite Sylvanas smashing it).

I’ve high hopes; even if there are no “Major” changes, there can be minor ones too.

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I am not concerned with button-count per se.

I want classes to have the same vision that the 2016 DH was made with. Mobile, engaging, and fun. Pressing button X for damage, builders-and-spenders, etc are just bland, bad design in this age. They may have been cutting edge at one point but the days of EQ1 are done and we are almost in 2020.

Kinda crazy that games like Age of Conan (2008 release) had a more engaging combat system in comparison to BFA.


Real talk, they just need to make sure everything has the same level of mobility.

The raid mechanics and movement has become over the top and you can’t have things running around at base speed anymore, otherwise you need to tone the movement mechanics down.

The DK class is basically dead because of bad mobility. It has to be the number 1 complaint I’ve seen over the years and people just continue to abandon that class.
Slow moving cannot be a fantasy in this game, whoever thought that was smoking on some stuff and probably doesn’t even work for Blizzard anymore.


My other main is a Prot/Ret Pally so I feel this to my pally’s slow, oafish core. I get what they were going for - a lumbering juggernaut - but it just doesn’t work in the video game. I havent played a plethora of games so I don’t know if it works anywhere.

The closest for me would be OW’s Reinhardt. But even he has that dash.

All you did was grab a thesaurus and use all the words. They should not just knee jerk 180 like they have been known to do, baby steps are important.


A baby step out of the dumpster that is also on a grease-fire will not make you burn any less. But okay.


I’m worried with all this “unpruning” I’m going to be out of keybinds and find the game frustrating going through more actions to get the same job done or more required busy work for class functionality.


Classes are not that bad right now, they could use more flavor and some improvements but “classes suk” doesn’t mean anything.