It’s not bad at all actually. People on here just need attention and will complain about anything and everything to get it. Plus when you go under the setup just click classic instead of modern and voila.
No i loved the old UI because i could use addons to change it. I enjoyed that much more than what blizzard has given us. If you like it more power to you. I would just like an option to use what i liked as well.
Who are these people? Never heard of one either in real-life or inside the game
The way it was before was fine: players that needed a fancy/convoluted/complicated UI had their addons, and the rest of us were happy with the simple/trouble-free stock UI. Win-win everyone was happy
…is this is another example of Blizz making changes to the game to appease some obscure/vocal minority?
all u get by clicking classic in profile in top left corner u still have to rearrange bars chat so clicking classic is no quick fix
there’s a preset that roughly puts the UI back to how it was before for default users.
You’re making the assumption that YOU aren’t the minority. I hope they give you lot a toggle, until than; adjust, play classic, or quit.
This was super helpful—the 90% adjustment allowed for the 2 left and 2 right main actions, which I like to use…and you can add more action bars, which was great. Thanks for this awesome tip!!
These people don’t actually care about the old UI, they legit just want something to complain about because that’s all that seems to give them drive/motivation.
Give it enough time and you see them slip up in their arguments. Legit in another thread about this the OP complained about the old UI being gone only to follow it up with complaining that elvui was not updated and trying to blame Blizzard for that. User complains about old UI being gone but uses an addon that replaced the old UI anyway
Just ignore these folks. Even when an addon that restores it comes out they will just shift their argument goalposts to “it should be baseline, not an addon, I quit, wah wah!”
The majority of players were using addons and have been for years. That alone says that a change was needed. You shouldnt need an addon for something as basic as a UI or bags. Glad this was finally done.
The art direction of the new UI is truly abysmal. It’s so much less readable than it used to be. I particularly hate what they did to bags. They even removed bank bags being a different colour for some daft reason!
There is literally a classic option lol
Not everyone asked for this. And no one I’ve ever seen asked for the entire WoW art style to be replaced with something modern. We don’t even have silver dragon rare portraits anymore.
I’m certain this is because the default UI scale is 60%. Of course if you try to put it back to 100% you end up with an absolute mess.
i was fine with the old ui.
All that does is move your health bar. It doesn’t get the old art or layout back.
This awful, new, completely customizable, clean looking UI…
nothing. some people just really, really hate change.
I’m not suffering at all!!
The way I see it, sifting through the new features will give us plenty to keep busy with until 11/28!!!
I can’t answer that all my toons are level 60 so they don’t show on my screen. Ultimately I’m not overly worried about those because we spend minimal time with an xp bar on our acreen anyway unless youre a twink or something weird like that.
I’ll have to make an alt later and see if those can be edited
This is me. I just play casually now, so I’ll never invest the time to customize the UI to something I can live with. I’ll just dread logging in until I realize I finally need to unsub.
Just bummed I got a handful of toons caught up and ready to go. First time I haven’t been invited to the beta and the surprise was not good.