WARNING: Customer Support and Account Validation

Except it quite literally didn’t work.

People called for irrelevant issues, clogging up the lines for legit callers.

If over half the time you have to say “sorry, that isnt an issue we can do anything about” then its not working.


Can you show me where I gave any opinion on whether or not it was impossible?

And this one doesn’t any longer. Much of the support staff was also just recently laid off.

It didn’t. As noted by CS.

Microsoft did that.

There is no AI support system. There’s a series of questions asked to get you to the correct place to submit a ticket that is handled by GMs.

If you cannot find the correct link to submit said ticket, then ask the Customer Support forums— like was said already.


I am aware on how call centers work.

You literally get responses on par with an automated AI support system.

Because they have a script they have to follow based on your complaint. The same thing.


No, you clearly didn’t. Let’s try again.

The layoffs only happened RECENTLY. The phone support has been gone for AGES.


There is zero opinion in what I’ve said. Factual information is factual information.

And again, the Customer Support forum exists for a reason: to get help finding where you need to go or what to do from peer to peer help and Support Forum Agents. If you cannot find the correct ticket path, ask CS. It’s really just that simple.

Nothing to “do.” I’m not going to argue with you when you won’t read, won’t address what’s being said and want to just strawman everything.

Have a nice night.


This sounds odd to me. Why did this even happen to you? Did you purchase gold? They will only do that when an account has been hacked. I have left and came back multiples times over 20 years and they have never asked me to verify it was me. Although, in the old days I had an authenticator.

Thanks. I also hope you have a very good night and I wish you all the best.

When I came back after 7 years in 2019, I had a similar problem as I had no idea what the email was.

But I had all my personal info, the credit card that was used, the name of the expansion I last bought, the month and year I last played, a couple of character names I could remember and the physical authenticator, still working and in hand.

After discovering they no longer had any Customer Support, I spend hours spamming Blizzard’s computer system, answering their questions and requesting that they just send a code to my authenticator.

Nope, they would not let me access my account without the email.

At one point, I made it thru three layers of computerized auto-questions/responses but, in the end, they still denied my request.

(Ironically, they also told me to come here and post my problem… which I couldn’t do without an active sub which I couldn’t activate because they wouldn’t let me access my account which was my freakin’ problem.)

So I racked my brain, searched thru my computer for any hint and, in a burst of inspiration, the email address came to me as I was doing some chores.

But I had no password for the email account. And, because it was so old, no verification email or cell phone number was attached to it so Yahoo would not let me access it.

So I spent the next day spamming Blizzard’s and Yahoo’s computer systems.

Finally, after 6 freakin’ hours, Yahoo used the home phone number on file to send me an auto voice message with an code (thank goodness, I still had the same number), I used it to get in, reset it and went back to Blizzard.

Blizzard, even with the code from the email, then refused to let me back into the account until they re-verified it was me with a code sent to my physical authenticator.

Which they could have just done in the first place.

So yeah, keeping a virtual up-to-date copy and a physical up-to-date copy is important because, if the worst happens, you will get zero assistance from Blizzard.


Good advice ,plus keep a record of pws off line in case of your keeper is down or hacked.

And once again I’m reminded that the weekend is coming to an end.

Not long after I started playing wow, someone suggested I should start a second account, so I did. I started a second account with a different email, so presumably a different bnet. I didn’t get very far and now I have no idea what the email address I used was, although I’m 100% certain I used the same name and address, because I haven’t moved.

I wonder what percentage of the 100+ million accounts that haven’t been played in years are accounts that are derelict because people can no longer access them for a variety of reasons.

Bitwarden password manager, its open source and it works on mobile, windows, Mac and Linux and its free…and for 10 bucks a year you can get TOTP, download large files to save to it… secure notes
And live person to talk to…

Your welcome…


Email forwarding. Forward to one central email. No need to juggle multiple email logins. But you should still backup passwords and login cred’s to a txt and put it on a thumb drive or something. Assuming you know how to keep that safe.


I haven’t seen that referenced in a long time XD


This can be done if you are willing to pay 49.95/month for the subscription.

This is the first time I’ve ever heard this term and I’ve been on the internet for the last 25 years.

:cat: :cat2: :cat:


lol it’s an IT term mostly. xD

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There are of course, also, the ID-10-T errors. That was a normal one to reference when I worked tech support.


Ah the ol’ ID-10-T errors… xD


Forgetting how to log into your email is definitely fault of his/her own.

No one was calling anyone an idiot. Calm down.