WARNING! Alliance is turning War Mode OFF!

  • Calls the Horde Cowards.
  • Recieves Loot to just turn on WM
  • Recieves Heroic 400+ ilvl Raid Gear from a new raid for having WM turn on
  • Horde turns it off to stop them from recieving the free gear
  • There welfare gets nerfed.
  • Still calls Horde cowards.

The Alliance has the numbers, and everything to fight the Horde, yet, it took for Welfare to be introduced into game for you to turn on WM to actually what, call the Horde cowards. I mean, most of the Alliance didn’t want to do it for PVP. They just wanted it for the welfare loot.


Why are you trying to change the target of the conversation? This is only about you calling people cowards for not wanting to be victims. That’s it. I’m not discussing numbers or anything like that.

But you’re the type of fool that believes people who get mugged are cowards.


Worse yet, it set the precedence that if you do content you forgo rewards, and actually hand your rewards to other people who couldn’t be bothered to put in the time or effort.

Pretend you’re a hardcore raider, and instead of you getting to use your bonus coins for loot for yourself, it instead goes to a random player who might not even raid or do very much in game at all. It is very very stupid game design on Blizzards part. They should have walked this back a LONG time ago, and who ever suggested the system should learn a very strong lesson from this.

Not whats happening in WM

So let me get this straight, internet wow tough guy…There is an aspect of the game that I do not enjoy. I was on a pvp server for a long time, got tired of it and didn’t pvp ever after that. I had no intention of ever turning on WM…simply because I DONT FIND IT FUN. I’m not scared, I’m not intimidated…it is pretty boring and I just don’t enjoy it.

Blizz dangled some carrots of 400 ilvl gear, so I turned it on, killed 25, then turned it back off. It wasn’t personal, it wasn’t greed, it was just another activity besides dungeons/lfr that I could do quickly to get a gear upgrade.

This is all Blizzards fault…why are you calling people cowards for using a system and getting a reward that is offered? Are you going to do the new mythic raid and refuse to loot bosses simply because one of your gear pieces is high ilvl from a BS world quest? You used a welfare epic to down that boss…coward. Absurd, no? How about high end pvp players etc…you used a piece of raid gear from a bonus roll…you didn’t earn that piece! Coward!

edit to add that this post is directed towards the basement trolls calling people who don’t enjoy a certain thing cowards

Wait, you mean to say that Alliance are just going to turn it off before the buff flips over to Horde so the welfare loot is either Alliance or not available?

Wow, I am truly shocked! Who could have ever seen this coming?..

…Oh right, anyone with a functioning brain.


Exactly! That is why this issue is all Blizzards fault, not Alliance doing the activities offered for a reward that is an upgrade! Blame blizz…people need to stop finger pointing and name calling and realize that it isn’t the players that made this system and rewards FUBAR…

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This warmode thing is a failure in its current form. And in my opinion it’s just an Ashran 2.0. Where we’re constantly having hotfixes and changes to try and make everyone happy when at the end of the day, nobody will be.

Warmode should have been it’s own entity with its own World Quests out in the open world. Have its own currency that I’d call “War Effort” for completing WQs with a vendor that has xmog, mounts, tabards, ect. ect. with achievements that give you titles, and quests that also reward Conquest as well as Azerite.


Absolutely…injecting pve into pvp and vice versa is a nightmare waiting to happen…and well, the problems are already cropping up and causing worse issues. Why mix the two? People will get butt hurt, point fingers, and generally blame the other faction when this is Blizzards fault.


You gotaa get them drunk if you want to party

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I am never drunk, yet, everyday is a party.

And yet, skimming your responses to many threads on the forums, you are overwhelmingly negative. Interesting. Every day is a party indeed?

The gear isn’t free. Alliance players pay for it every day that the developers are Horde fanboys.

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It is free. You get given a Heroic Piece of Gear without doing any Heroic Raiding or any content. It is free.


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You must be a psychic to know that. Also, Warmode has been on for quite a while.

Killing Horde is content. Be harder to kill if you don’t want us to have it.


Free implies nothing given or done in return. In this case, we had to kill 25 horde…pvp is a valid method of gameplay correct? And pvp had to happen to complete the quest for the 400 ilvl piece of gear. So you are wrong.


This is exactly what blizzard wanted, don’t make it sound like a negative.

Now the Alliance and Horde that actually want to war over 10-15% bonus will do it while those that don’t want to participate will stay happily in a mostly non-pvp environment.

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