Go play overwatch this is an MMO gear is the only thing matters not that you would know that with 0 pvp rating.
Imagine doing pve without rewards, you wouldn’t and you know it.
Go play overwatch this is an MMO gear is the only thing matters not that you would know that with 0 pvp rating.
Imagine doing pve without rewards, you wouldn’t and you know it.
Warmode was not implemented properly, there should have never been %bonus or gear rewards.
But my question remains…
WHY is Blizz pushing WPVP at all?
Is this just a hint of what they have planned?
Are they trying to push a pvp only server?
I really hope not, as a pve only player my entire 10 years of subscribing, that would be a really good way to push me out. Let me say it in a way Ion might be able to understand…
This is really embarrassing coming from a horde player. I was reslly expecting this thread to be created by one of the alliance.
OP please faction change back to the alliance.
It’s an opt-in type of play.
If you (or anyone) requires loot to participate in Warmode, then they are probably NOT from old actual PvP servers.
As an example, I’ve not yet seen someone from Stormreaver whine about Warmode, because they have likely experienced much “worse”, heh.
And to be clear “worse” = better, in this case, if someone enjoys open world (usually NOT balanced!) PvP.
On a related note… Please keep giving the turds more loot/incentive/whatever to keep Warmode ON. WoW feels a lot more alive lately.
Yes I wonder why they are so obsessed with making ppl turn on WM… there are so many real PvP options for people interested in it . BG’s, Arenas, Skirmish, Brawls etc . WPvP is a joke.
Take away all rewards from WM, only thing they should leave as a ‘reward’ to use WM should be the PvP talents.
Edit:- And give PvP specific gear to ppl who take part in PvP .
No one can change your mind.
If you don’t like PvP, why would you bother for a single piece of loot that may or may not even be useful? It’s just more RNG for not much reward.
Well good thing they said “played” as in past tense. I swear, reading comprehension is a lost art.
It’s not content, it’s a mode of play. No one should be turning it on that doesn’t want to participate in and genuinely enjoy wpvp. Timeless Isle had world pvp content, warmode doesn’t. The only thing that could be argued as content in warmode is the crate drop-offs and those DO award conquest, azerite, gold, and sometimes gear.
If you want rewards, go do actual content. There is rated BGs, areana, and even random BGs for pvp players. Raiding, m+, heroic/mythic dungeons, and even world quests if you enjoy pve content. Random wpvp never awarded heroic raid level gear on those legacy pvp realms of yours.
You might have trouble with reading comprehension, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt here.
No, it’s not a “handout” a handout would imply that reward is being given for free or without effort. You have to actively go searching for other players and killing them, which is, by definition doing something to earn that reward.
Do you understand that not everybody gets into a group to do this quest? Some people just walk around doing their world quests, get into some 1v1s and earn the kill that way. Plus, the idea of people turning off warmode immediately after finishing the quest is an unsubstantiated meme that Horde players made up after a full week of being saltmined on GD and in WM.
This is a problem inherent to the game itself and not specifically warmode.
Are you kidding me… there is post after post by alliance players saying they are doing just that .
Chief, that ship sailed literally two weeks ago when literally every 45 minutes we had a unique Horde post about the warmode imbalance. There’s nothing that can beat the thread that said they wanted to have a WM protest by turning it off pepega
I literally don’t care because people posting on GD about what they do isn’t a good measure of that even happening. How about actually bringing up a substantiated claim instead of fake news and alt accounts to prove a point?
Lol…there are before reditt threads about alliance saying this exact same thing and how they won’t be participating this week.
You believe what you want .
Oh and it was absolutely an handout …giving out heroic level gear for 30 minutes of easy work ???
Who cares. /r/wow has some pretty high IQ posts that criticize the game really well, better than GD, but other than that, who cares. There were also Horde players saying the exact same thing about turning off warmode.
I don’t believe in “what I want” I believe in statements backed by some evidence. saying “AYY YO LMAO THIS ALLIANCE GD POSTER SED THEY TERN IT OFF AFTER THE QUEST SO IT TRUE” isn’t evidence.
Ironically, it’s people like you who pick and choose to believe what they want. The whole meme of the Alliance turning off warmode after finishing a quest is fueled partially by QQ and mostly confirmation bias.
Raids are a failure with out loot.
Dungeons are a failure with out loot.
PvP is a failure with out loot.
PvE is a failure with out loot.
So what’s your point?
Grabbing a group in group finder and camping quest nodes for ten minutes isn’t really a heroic raid gear level of effort. Handout just means getting something free of charge, it doesn’t mean you don’t have to do anything to get it, even if it is just getting in line. Although I suppose we could change it to over-the-top bribe instead.
Except there have been plenty of people happily admitting that they do just that. I’m not naive enough to think everyone does it, but those that only turned warmode on for the heroic raid gear obviously aren’t interested in warmode if they needed to be bribed to even turn it on.
On this we agree. Although the AOO quest further exacerbates the issue.
No it’s common sense …alliance refuse to put on WM before reward. Alliance out on WM after reward offered . So reward is why alliance put on WM, so logically once say reward is achieved WM would go back off.
Let’s see how Alliance have WM on this week . I would guess not many .
Two can play this juvenile simple game, they didn’t SAY it they TYPED IT HURHUR
Modes of play are content and vice versa, e.g.; PvE content and PvP content. Is that not clear? They are not mutually exclusive.
People don’t only do things because they enjoy them, I assume your parents go to work every day, you think they enjoy it every day? You think people who raid every day enjoy it always? Its for the reward period, that is what people enjoy.
Already addressed this, having a world where you can hit other people is content, and should have a reward system, blizzard agrees the 15% buff is still active.
So now you are the lord of what is and isn’t ‘actual’ content? Wait I thought you said Warmode isn’t content, did you just contradict yourself so early? So which is it? Is it ‘fake news’ content or not content at all?
And there is also Warmode which gives rewards and used to give gear rewards for participating in it. Input - doing content, Output - gear, there is no difference between Warmode and other content, it should give gear.
HMMM I wonder why those pvp servers died and got removed as a result HMMMM maybe nobody wanted to do content that gives no rewards? Wow its like human beings acting like human beings insane.
Warmode is a failure
without loot
That’s better.
I don’t think anyone is saying that it is “harder” than anything else, it just isn’t a handout like you are claiming. You still have to do something for it. Again, is the gear too high for the level of effort, maybe, but it isn’t for doing absolutely nothing, like a handout would be.
Also, I don’t disagree that loot this xpac is coming at a furious pace and it is easier than ever to gear up, if that is important to the player. But, it does keep more than just your M+ and Raiders involved in the game as a result (I am an example of this, my raiding days are pretty far behind me, but I do enjoy getting more powerful through other means).
Hope that makes sense.
Why are you equivocating between levels of effort and the definition of effort itself?
You can’t even be bothered to prove your own point properly.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a “heroic raid” effort, the fact that you’re agreeing that it’s a “handout” is hilariously absurd because you JUST SAID
And it isn’t free of charge because you have to actively pvp to earn your reward.
wew lad the intelligence is stunning here.
It’s actually astonishing for me to see people like you unironically believe GD randos and alt accounts.