Warmode Etiquette?

The terms of engagement depend on any particular encounter!

I tend to leave people alone while we’re both leveling and enjoying the bonus XP but will be ready if targeted.

The only real dirty move is the false emote e.g. a wave or /love, /lavish etc. (that issues a sort of truce) followed by a surprise attack. SNEAKY and CHEEKY!

This expac, when I was pvp geared on my warlock, I wouldn’t even bother attacking anyone with less than 300k hp. I get nothing out of it.

Some people love a good gank, though!

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This is the weirdest cope for Legion and denial BfA actually brought in a good system.

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Yeah Warmode is a BfA special. Legion did have some fun pvp world quests and the sewer area though. Real gamers grinded eyeballs for the ratstallion

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Woah! Was it!? I guess I was wrong on that. I must have been thinking about the tower assaults!

I’m just here to make sure BfA gets its due credit :smiling_imp:


WPvP actually gave me a couple chuckles last night.

Looking around for dirt to dig in for Sparks… Get sidetracked by HandyNotes, something about a treasure or something… Messing around… Feral druid from Moon Guard attacks in the starting area, aggros NPC guards. Since I wasn’t a level 60, I kill them, the guard, then go about my business.

Continue flying about, then suddenly I’m not flying anymore. I fatfingered abilities while flying a bit recently so I was like, “Huh, what did I push this time?” No, was apparently chased and dismounted by a DK who had a hunter friend riding with them. Confused and out of the loop, I glide down to a spot, they follow… Try to mount up, death grip. Almost fumble my way off the mountain cliff for a good eight seconds before making the decision, “Do I fight them, or run? It’s 2v1, DK and Hunter vs Devastation evoker, maybe I should–”

I stop, turn, and knock the Death Knight off the side of the ridge, then look at the hunter, who hasn’t pushed anything yet, probably confused. They start channeling Rapid Fire on me. Their HP is still under 200k. They die, almost instantly when I push some buttons. I thank them for the sparks, put a flag in their corpse, and continue on, curious as to what was going on through the DK’s head after that engagement…

In the end? If they engage me, no mercy must kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill. If they don’t engage and I don’t NEED to kill them for something, I might leave them be if it is convenient. Sometimes, I just gotta slap some people though and won’t hesitate to start blasting a red name. My only etiquette is that if they rage-whisper me, I laugh. If they are Horde, I won’t swing first (unless it’s an elf, don’t have the time to discern what kind). If they are vastly undergeared or underleveled, I won’t kill them unless they make a (futile) attempt.

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Me quietly flying, relaxing, and not really paying attention then…


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Why must you remind us, Chimichanga!? D:

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I loved this. I quote this all the time.

It’s more of a breach of WM etiquette to complain about getting attacked then it is to attack someone when they have WM on.

If you don’t want to PVP, don’t put WM on.


My PVP etiquette- which translates to Warmode etiquette-

I like PvP so I play Warmode. If someone attacks me, that’s the game. If it becomes too much where I’d rather knock out quests than fight, I’ll go change to get off Warmode.

I don’t normally attack lowbies, but occasionally I will just throw a hammer at them.
I don’t normally make it difficult for people to level their character. One death then bam see you later.

If someone complains to me that I killed them on Warmode, they’re complaining that they’re playing the game.

Also warmode is one of the best things ever to be added to WoW. PvP is meant for the WORLD!

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I’ve always been under the impression that the 10% XP bonus was to make up for the 10% of every hour spent running back to your corpse.


I’ve been a firsthand witness to the breeding habits of Moonguard players. You can see how engorged they get when five of them do their mating dance. What a bunch of beauties! They get most excited when the creature they intend to fertilize is far weaker than any one of them! They’ve come over about twelve times to get me to participate in this ritual. Crikey! You can cut the tension with a knife!


Who hasn’t buddy

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WrA is way weirder about ERP than Moon Guard is, I gotta say.


i thought this too for the longest time. “it’s just goofy server rivalry,” i said. “the servers have the exact same people.”

but i was wrong. i’;ve been playing an alt on MG and I was so wrong. there’s plenty of weird crap that happens on WRA but on MG it is so out in the open it’s mesmerizing. mystifying.

luckily none of it really bothers me but so i just go “welp” but there is some WILD STUFF

I fully believe that.

I just mean WrA has more people who go to a lot of effort to tell you they aren’t into what those people over on MG are.

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yeah, like you. give me $20.

it both is and is not the same people on wra and mg.
i still have to get my only mg character off of there.

also war mode etiquette is really just “don’t be a weenie”

And yet being a weenie is one of the time-honored traditions of Warmode.

A social paradox.