Warmode Etiquette?

When encountering an enemy, it is considered polite to ask before braiding their hair.

People who would throw tantrums because PvP happened in a FFA zone were the bane of my Legion existence.


This sort of attitude is prejudicial against Rogues. Unfair sportsmanship is our entire thing. What, next you’ll say we can’t throw bricks?

Did you know in Bareback Brawl, you could stealth while riding the ram? You could wait on ledges, sap people, then headbutt them off. What an amazing time to be alive.


Knocking people off ledges with rams was the pinnacle of my WoW career.

Everything I did before that was mere prologue. Everything I have done since has been naught but empty, melancholic death throes.


I was just talking about this with a guildie but my old guild held a birthday event there and held a king of the hill sorta game. I missed it for whatever IRL reason and I am still sad to this day I didn’t get to go to the kill your guildies event.

what if I told you that shaman can do this AT ANY TIME?

If you pvp me I will cry
Unless I win in which case I am very good player


every time i attack someone in warmode they dont fight back and i just feel bad and have to give up and walk away with their health at 35%

every time I get attacked they have good gear and kill me

if it wasn’t for this snarky black dragon lady giving me free alliance parachute box every once in a while i wouldnt bother at all

As someone attempting to get into Pvp, this has been a huge turnoff for me.

I have noticed this too. MG Alliance seem to go after me or other WRA than others. Like we insulted their mother or something. Others me my guild that have been joining me have noticed it too.

The other deterrent has been gear. Trying to get gear while there are several that out gear me that seem to focus me for being lower geared them than them. It has sucked but been doing BGs to try to even the playing field.

Another is raids protecting the WQs. My bf and I just tried to head to one of the WQs and there was a huge Alliance raid just guarding it. I was unlucky enough to fall right in the middle of them. Trying to get out of there was like ringing the dinner bell. 40+ people fell on me in seconds. It was like that every time I rezed.


I remember when Shamans first got Thundershock, and I was in Thunder Bluff right as an Alliance group was using one of the lifts to try and get up and kill Cairne.

“For the Horde!” Kaboooooom

Single largest amount of honorable kills I’ve ever gotten in this game, and I will never stop smiling at the memory of the screeching rage I received via whispers.


but for reals, i used to play on a pvp server, wasn’t my first choice but it’s where my friends would go. Horde was out numbered by Alliance but I did it all threw classic till wrath

generally speaking, as far as i remember it was an anything goes sorta thing.

The most I can remember is if someone waved at you, it generally meant they were friendly and didn’t want to fight. It was up to you to choose whether or not to engage or sometimes it was a trick to get you to put your guard down and they attack you. I know people would fight over mining nodes and throne of the elements in Nagrand during BC was a constant war zone. You avoided leveling in Tarran Mill and STV because those were the PVP/lowbie gank zones.

That was really the only etiquette I remember everything else was a blur getting ganked by rogues on my priest.

Also funny but I remember when I was really new to the game and I thought the elite NPC patrol in the barrens where players and running away from them scared out of my mind lol

Anyway this is also why i hate warmode.

It incentivizes people that dont want to PVP to join the PVP mode for the award and then are angry and crappy at people because PVP happened in the PVP mode

We’ve had a lot of threads about MG. We probably did, at some point.

Yeah I think it’s pretty crazy that Alliance gets the extra WM bonuses even though they outnumber us massively in our cluster. It should go based on cluster population not overall game population. The system just doesn’t function properly at all, it’s encouraging the advantaged side to get more advantaged.

MG Alliance generally has a very different culture regarding WPvP than WrA Alliance. It’s extremely evident when you go do your sparks quests. WrA players tend to do the WQ’s for their sparks and are open to 1v1, MG players tend to form 5 man death squads and farm more kills than the quest possibly requires. I don’t fault them for it all, the system encourages it. I’d love their aggression if we had the numbers to match it. Oh well.


You don’t have to tell me, I’ve frequently run afoul of shamans who blast me off the ledges in Eye of the Storm and Arathi Basin. :sob:

live footage of someone who gets killed by stage hazards in For Honor or being grabbed and thrown off a ledge

For what it’s worth, I would 100% team up with WrA Horde to go after MG Alliance and clap them up.
My allegiance is to this server, not some made-up faction.


and I’ll DO IT AGAIN

I think this it. I’m fine being ganked, but if a rogue does it I find it annoying.

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paper beats rock. scissors beat paper. scissors also happen to beat rock until rock hits level 60 and becomes an unstoppable killing machine and then rock also beats paper. it would beat scissors, but it can’t find scissors, because scissors are invisible.

scissors beat paper and avoid rock. that is called balance.

But do scissors beat deez?