I had the exact same experience haha. My origin was Thaurissan - a Horde dominated PvP server. And my friends and I played Alliance. Oof. As a lore-lover, questing was pain. That’s why I ended up here, TL:DR. Wanted story focus. So after a frustrating Cataclysm I came here in MoP and never looked back!
Ganking a fisher seems kind of low though, imo. Maybe all they’re really fishing for is a friend on the other side of the faction line.
Going to echo what many here have said and say that war mode was on and PvP happened. That people expect not to be engaged in PvP in war mode and that it’s simply a mode meant to make leveling faster misses the point. The bonus to leveling is supposed to serve as an incentive to taking on the added risk of being attacked by the opposite faction. There’s no bait and switch when you toggle WM on.
That said, as an “annoying” rogue, whenever I’m in war mode, there are few points of self-imposed etiquette that I abide by. First, I don’t usually engage Horde players for no reason. If I’m attacked, it’s game on. In WPvP quests, I’ll usually try to complete the objective without attacking other players (even though they give way more credit toward completion). Though again, if they attack me, I’m going to do everything I can to make them dead. So far this expansion I’ve only attacked a player outright once in a WPvP quest, and it was the last kill I needed for it. When I do kill players in WPvP, I don’t camp them. Once is enough, and then I’m gone. I feel like that’s more than fair.
But again, these are just my own, self-imposed limits. It’s pretty clear what to expect when signing up for war mode. So even if you were someone who subscribed to the “if it’s red it’s dead” philosophy, it’d be hard to fault you unless you were deliberately going out of your way to make things toxic.
My etiquette is to give groups of people love taps and bounce so I can collect bloody coins off whoever dies.
theres only a few
leave fishers alone
dont desecrate the body (no toys/ownership flags/teabags)
Fisher etiquette solidarity.
Can I use toys on the body if it’s their fifth failed attempt at jumping me and dying hilariously?
I would say maybe a city banner or guild banner
If you’re level capped, don’t kill someone who isn’t.
If you outnumber them, that’s dishonorable (and pathetic).
If they’re fishing, come on.
If you’re a rogue, just don’t. It’s not OK. You never have to fight if you don’t want to, and they don’t get that option. There I said it.
Why would you fish in warmode? More fish because there’s less competition? Nah, PvP that person.
If you’re a rogue, the people in warmode know you’re out there. Stunlock away. It’s not like a pally isn’t going to bubble or other classes aren’t going to use their class abilities.
Plant all the banners.
If they’re under level, they know what could happen, especially now since so many are level capped and gearing.
All this being said, fair fights are awesome when you can get them. But it’s warmode and there’s going to be a gank squad. Just expect it going in.
I got an angry PVP whisper a few months back from winning an engagement where the player attacked ME…
Wrap your heads around that one because I am still confused…
This 1000 times this. Some of my most long-lasting friendships in game were from people that used to gank me or stir up fights in Stormwind when I played only Alliance on this server.
Yeah, being as young as I was, the way people acted in PvP was really confusing and uncomfortable at the time and I’d feel embarrassed when they wanted to humiliate your body. I was just someone who cared a lot about things, and still do, so PvP culture is a bit of a turn off. I think it makes people say and do some weird things.
But I really liked the world and characters, and little me was always rping in m head and drawing pictures. Had no idea the RP world was a thing and honestly, it’s for the better. I’m glad I didn’t have exposure to WoW RP at a young age.
Over all, I do think there is a form of unspoken etiquette in Warmode on an RP server coupled with yeah, you’re in Warmode, so do expect the occasional attack. I think if you’re hunting really low levels, I will never really find that brag worthy. If anything, it’s a bit pathetic and on an RP server, I think really people just do it for the exp boost and less about the trash talk. Competitive PVP is a bit hard wide scale on an RP server. It’s annoying in major cities , especially when Alliance try to hang out. The tavern duel function is annoying. PvT is also annoying (Player vs Turnip).
So really, it is kind of unfortunate that those who do want PvP don’t really have much of an outlet here…but then again, it is largely an RP server and there are RP-PvP events.
Perhaps more PvPers should give RP a try and maybe put together some real battles that require real PvP. Maybe a story line people can join in on, but the major fighting are for those who want the outlet.
Tellin’ ya, WrA could be having a lot of cool events and concepts if there was more collaboration!
as far as I know, Alliance are still getting a weekly quest that can be done in a raid to kill Horde for a piece of gear. Kinda noticed the ones from MG are exceptionally toxic
The warmode etiquette is to put your pinky out as you kill your enemy. We aren’t barbarians! And no elbows on the pile of corpses!
Totally agree with what many have said here. If you opt in the warmode, you opt in to the chance you’re going to get attacked. Likewise with the wpvp quests that flag everyone free for all.
If you can’t handle getting killed, then take a break and opt out of warmode. Play the PVE game for a bit.
Anything you do in warmode is a realm-wide invitation to have players attack you. This includes fishing, RP, sitting afk, you name it. If you don’t want to get killed, turn OFF warmode.
Having said that, there are a few rules, that I live by, to not fall into sweaty jerk territory:
If you outnumber the opponent by more than double, kill them once and move on - unless they re-engage you, in which case, let the bloodletting commence!
Avoid excessive emotes or banners. Dropping a banner or giving a /salute after a long-hard battle is fine, but if your opponent’s chat log is chock filled with “(insert name) makes some strange gestures”, then maybe you need to revisit your emote macros.
If the numbers outweigh you, calling in a LFR is one option to you, but try to keep as many on-realmers as you can. When you’re the only one in a 20 man raid from the server, it does speak a bit to your sweatiness. Maybe look for a wpvp guild that you can join forces with?
One amendment to the aforementioned RP in warmode. If it looks like an event (i.e. a large group of people roleplaying), then maybe leave them be. Not sure WHY people would roleplay in warmode, but disrupting a roleplay event is in bad form.
You learn to take the angry rage DMs as a badge of pride. I’ve got some screenshots that would make a sailor blush.
[Press X to doubt]
This was also a problem with the PVP quests in Legion. Some people would get pretty nasty with people because they uh y’know, pvp’d at the pvp world quest.
It’s like, I want the primal WQ transmog set but I don’t want to pvp, and get mad when someone pvps me lmao. So I just don’t do it and gonna wait till it’s outdated content and I can go in and steam roll it.
Just don’t hit me in the junk.
That seems like the only honorable agreement here.
To this day I can still say without a doubt that a majority of my positive memories of this game have come from the Wyrmrest Accord PvP community over the years similar to what Chonga mentioned. I’ve played both sides of the coin on WrA for one reason or another, but one thing that has been persistent is always making friends with people I’m either attacking, or attacking with when it comes to main city raids, or even just general open world PvP nonsense.
It’s always been difficult to let something like that go without a fight when its been such a constant reminder of why I can say WrA has been my “home server” for the better part of around twelve and a half years.