Warmage Silva missing in Dalaran

Warmage Silva (NPC to turn in 3x Emissary quests for Kirin Tor) is missing from outside the Violet Citadel in Legion Dalaran to be able to turn this in. My character has completed all intro quests to TWW, as well as the campaign thus far.


Same issue. Dalaran phasing has been buggy as hell ever since Prepatch, and now its worse with TWW launch. I can’t start class hall campaign on my paladin, and now I’m locked out of 1.5k rep token. Hopefully they fix this place up for old content to work properly.


September 4th, Warmage Silva is still missing!


I noticed this same problem during the pre-patch event (my bug report is below) It was “easily” fixable by going through a few of the pre-patch quests down in the bowels of Dalaran. But those quests don’t seem to be around anymore. So my toons that already did those quests can see Silva. Those that did not do those quests cannot, and I cannot seem to find how to do those quests anymore.

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September 10th, Warmage Silva is still missing!


September 24th, Warmage Silva is still missing!

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This is never getting fixed, is it.

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As of October 1, Warmage Silva is still missing in Dalaran (on a level 80 character who has begun The War Within)

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As of Oct 2nd, Post maintenance. Also, tried another fix by completing the pre-xpac quest “the harbinger” still no Warmage Silva.

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After 10/8 maintenance, Warmage is still gone. Missed around 6 shots at getting this pet due to the NPC being missing.

He’s missing for me too :frowning:

Still missing.

As of November 23, Warmage Silva is still missing for some of my characters. My alt can’t see her, who has done virtually zero story quests in legion. My two mains can both see warmage silva.

Update on Warmage Silva, Jan 16th and still not visible to turn in Legion dailies.