Warlords of draenor classic

Are you guys excited for when we inevitability get wod classic? Ive missed my garrison so much it’ll be so great.

In reality, it is heartbreaking to know that we will see the same decisions that prompted so many of us to quit the game happen in real time. I played the first three expansions religiously as a teenager. I quit for years after cata, only trying each subsequent expansion for the first month before quitting again. I am sure the private server runners will love a whole swath of people coming back though.


Not excited for WoD classic, but im excited for Cata and MoP. Im also not a selfish jerk and i wouldn’t want those who do enjoy WoD to miss out on it just because its not my favorite expansion.

The only thing i want are era servers for each expansion TBC through Shadowlands.


Eh, I’d probably play it if it came out. Can’t say I’m actively looking forward to it though. Pandaria is my end goal


WoD has many fond memories for me because it was the first expansion where I really understood who I was in the game, where I knew who people were in the game, and I realized I could fight alongside these people I had only read about. It was the first expansion I hit level cap (on this character, Adam), my first raid (Highmaul, also on Adam), and the expansion where I got my friends to play.

I will 100% be in support of of WOD Classic.


If Wod is short, I’m looking forward to WoD. It is one step closer to Legion, the second WoW peak, followed by MoP.


This! WoD classic would be pretty sick. But i still want to progress through cata and mop first.


I am not opposing to progression servers like LOTRO or EverQuest does


I was so bared in it that all I did was sit in my garrison 24/7 and only ever left to join a RBG or raid queue or dungeon queue. Did not enjoy the Pathfinder for that one. I actually paid one of my friends gold cap to fly me around everywhere just so I could get the stuff to unlock it.

I like WoD so…yes.

Nice leveling zone, the story albeit chopped was good for what we did get. I started late legion so was not there to feel burned on it I will confess.

Yes the ending was not so great. Draenor is free!..now please pick up you trash as you leave the assembly, thanks.

Also it left them with no other optionthan to later make AD AU draenor so they lacked vision here really. But its not all bad. I happen to be in the psychotic zealot Yrel fan club. Hope we see her again oneday.

I can’t wait for WoD, absolutely loved the raids in that expansion. Legion is where the game becomes too retail for me, but I’m sure I’ll just hop onto a different game version of WoW instead of quitting when we reach that point.

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I can’t wait to play Dragonflight classic. It’s going to be a blast!!


Nah that is definitely one I have no interesting in. MoP is about as far as I go. If WoD lasted longer than 3 months its already lasted too long.

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The other xpac that made me leave the 2nd time…lol. It was worse than cata, at least cata had some good things in it.

By the time they get to WoD, it will have so many changes it will just be retail 2.0 in the WoD setting. After seeing what they done to wrath…lol

I hope your bodies are ready for BFA and Shadowlands classic.


WoD sucked, but BRF was one of the all time greatest raids and i would love to go back

Absolutely agree, the idea of reexperiencing these xpacs as they were has long been tossed out the window by Blizzard and I’m interested too see if they take more of a hands on approach with Cata because we’ve just got more & more changes as classic has advanced.

It’s not being “a selfish jerk” to draw a line in the sand for what the purpose of a product line is. Why do we need to let classic just play through up to DF and beyond because >=1 person wants to play the next xpac? It’s like being annoyed that a movie franchise is going for the lowest hanging fruit instead of doing something interesting

I wouldn’t want classic going beyond MOP…

I would say WoD would have been the end for me, since it brought on Mythic dungeons. But they added them in Wrath, so I had stopped already.