Warlords of draenor classic

I am. Every xpac had it’s ups and downs.
Some people on here are very dramatic and pessimists. So be it.

Overall, yes. I look forward to replaying everything until BFA.
With Classic re-releases, we could avoid content droughts. We could avoid QoL patches coming in too late. All the good things, that tend to come in x.2/3 can now be in the game since day 1.

M+ was introduced in Legion.
MoP had Challenger Modes.
WoD also had challenge modes.

You’ll notice I didn’t say Mythic+.

And MoP challenge modes weren’t power progression. It was cosmetic stuff.

As far as Wrath’s Mythics…yeah that’s actually even worse. It’s a toxic, gatekeeping mess that couldn’t be further from the authentic Wrath dungeon experience. The Cata Classic dungeon experience will be worse than that. This was an expansion that had RDF from the start and a reward system in place to keep the dungeons relevant (a supposed reason they added Mythics to Wrath). So these Mythic dungeons are completely unnecessary in Cata.

Oddly enough…it probably be better in rerun.

BFA and SL admittedly got better…in the last 2 final patches. that is when they let us enjoy the game as all the gates are removed. PvP side its when they actually balance sort of.

SL IOC for most of the expac glaives were not even touched. A warrior could miss a swing on them and the glaive would die from the wind from the swing. That was 9.1 to like 9.2.5.

Final patch came, glaives finally got fixed for HP and IOC wasn’t jsut zerg hangar. Win zerg, win fight. Lose zerg…go watch youtube for a few minutes. As yeah it was basically over.

I’ll play WoD just to get to Legion, and then hope for a Legion Era to end off Classic.

Legion had so much to do and never enough time to do it all.

There’s no reason for classic to end at MoP… or WoD… or Legion

There’s no guiding principle of what “classic” is other than re-releasing content as long as people will pay to play it

If they speed up raid releases quickly enough, we’ll be at dragonflight classic in no time.

Serious response – nice post and story.
I am “meh” about WoD but I’d prob play it again.

One of the nice things if all these come around is I get to fix the mistakes I made the first time I played them.

I actually am and Legion if your asking. After that idc ill retire.

Personally, I had fun in WoD, but I wouldn’t play it again unless we got WoD Classic +, meaning all the stuff we know they cut from the original expac. That would never happen though. The only expac after Wrath I would play again is MoP, just to see some of the class designs I didn’t play back then. Other than that, I don’t really see the point.

WoD was a good Retail expansion. It had the best Dps spec to ever grace the game in Glad stance. Nothing was better than doing massive damage with a shield. I doubt that is inevitable though and don’t think they should keep releasing Retail expansions again.

Classic should stay in the Golden Age of WoW from Vanilla thru Wrath. Anything else is just wasting resources.

Didn’t even play any expansion after cataclysm. Don’t plan to start next time around either.

That is what they are doing. Noobs haven’t caught on. These will progress thru all storylines.

I also fully expect them to speed up phases going forward so they can start over with classic again.

Less than 1 person? And you’re saying you’re not a jerk with ridiculous claims like that?

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