Did you guys see the new rain of fire tracking on enemies? Go read up on the warlock changes! https://www.wowhead.com/news/patch-11-1-undermine-d-development-notes-class-changes-holy-priest-and-resto-355134
Do you think we are getting it good or not? Thoughts?
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Horrible changes not nearly enough Warlock is dead
Most of the changes are quality of life which isn’t nothing…
However, why affliction as one of the least played specs in the game isn’t getting any additional development time is extremely dissapointing.
I would hate to be a rogue though, what blizz is doing to that class is diabolical (lowest playrates in the game by far, terrible themes on their hero talents, bad playstyles).
so another future patch of disappointment if those are the changes!
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" Frostfire Burst damage increased by 70%."
What in the actual…
They need to put Shadowbolt back to where it was.
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Anything that is not a nerf is probably good. Damn drain life’s damage doubled. lol
Lol this is how you know this individual doesn’t think things through so they left fel lord pvp talent which sees almost 0 use and took out observer which actually gets used.
Also I might be wrong doesn’t that new redesign for doom seems like an actual nerf. Just how many times do I need to be casting HOG to get doom off as opposed to being able to do it when I cast an instant ability. All of our damn abilities are being just hamfisted into we want you to cast sooo much more.
So let me get this straight right now I get doom off by casting my instants core procs but not you’re telling me I have to cast hog to get this off sooo…???
So they change an ability that works off just spending cores to now you have to spend a core to applied doom to then cast a 3 soulshard hand of guldan to get its 2nd effect off that we already get by spending core…???
And then decided to give us an ability to get haste through using healthstone but without the healing yeah no thanks. Way too much disrupting casting in the game for us to lose our only heal while also taking the talents that interact with that heal ability . And let’s not kid ourselves if that hates buff is too strong it’ll get nerfed.
Didn’t even touch any of the general tree talents either.
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Yeah I dont really understand the reasoning for removing observer in pvp. It was one of those talents you tended to take against other casters. I think they buffed fel bonds by 400k damage, but that ability is often ignored as it just causes you to stand a few seconds before you can move again. I tend to only get that off on melee or when the enemy team groups.
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Doom is now back to exactly how it was as a tier set bonus for Dragonflight season 3.
Having Hand of Guldan reduce Doom’s duration works much better and we all tried telling Blizzard that in beta but they didn’t listen.
Can a more experienced Lock assess if that huge Drain Life buff is going to make the spell worth casting now?
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I feel this is chicken and egg situation.
Warlocks are not played overall (unless in patches we are OP)… so there’s less dev time. And when the class gets no dev time, less play it and so it goes.
It’s really up to Blizzard to break the cycle.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if they fricking buffed guillotine and immutable hatred and the 2 talents on top of them, so we would be force to play doom in all content.
That’s what I noticed. I was wondering why they ignored that entire line. Since that entire side needs much more effort into than w.e they did for the doom timer reduction.
They probably figure if we got one side working, that’s good enough than trying to figure out what to do with the other.
Our trees need a total rehaul. Too many dead talents.
I wouldn’t say they need an entire overhaul just some of the talents needs some tuning/maybe a different interaction I think.
Less removal of the rng and more of direct actual effects instead of a chance of this happening. The hero talents some slight adjustments.
Now the actual trees that require heavy tune is the class trees. Those actually need some looking at.
There’s about 10 or so talents in the warlock class tree that are just there as place holders. We don’t actually have an amazing last node ability. Soul conduit is at best 3rd or 2nd talent not even worth it’s placement where it’s currently at.
And the gating of our class tree points it’s into like 8 or so 2 points nodes.
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There’s so much potential for our class tree. They can bring back dark soul, covenant abilities like decimating bolt, etc. but they opt out to using 5% shard rng…
I get that they are going for some QoL stuff, but I don’t know that the RoF change is going to address my issue with the style. Sure, it auto casts on your current target instead of having to place it, but the mobs can just move out of it like they can now. I don’t think it attaches to the mob or tracks it, at least based on the wording.
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I don’ t know why they don’t make it similar to a druids starfall. Tiny meteors dropping all over the area sound fun.
Yeah, I know a number of specs use location based AoE, but the current design of stacking RoF that we’ve had for a while really gets penalized if there’s any type of mob movement.
Unfortunately I don’t think that will ever be fixed unless the spec is redesigned. I wouldn’t even mind going back to the old MoP/WoD era FnB so that we could have better on demand AoE that moves with the mobs.
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