Warlocks take up less than 1% of the total 2400+ players, why blizz discriminate warlock players

Whose picking resto affinity? Sounds to me like train the feral if they dont have guardian

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You make a good point. It is unfortunate. Seems like Blizzard is rotating specs being viable not trying for balance.

Come to update the data, daily laugh at the failure of Blizz.



  1. Priest 16.7% (45)
  2. Shaman 15.6% (42)
  3. Warrior 13.0% (35)
  4. Paladin 11.9% (32)
  5. Druid 10.7% (29)
  6. Mage 8.5% (23)
  7. Rogue 5.6% (15)
  8. Monk 5.6% (15)
  9. Demon Hunter 4.8% (13)
  10. Hunter 4.1% (11)
  11. Death Knight 3.3% (9)
  12. Warlock 0.4% (1)
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Wait did that actually happen ?

Wow look at that a population chart, that’s nice, what’s it suppose to tell me? Oh that’s right what people are playing and nothing else, no other facts in there.

let me tell you something, warlock players takes up around 5-7% of total pvp players, and only 0.4% climbed to the top, that means warlocks simply don’t have enough tools to compete. You can shut your mouth up. Even warlock disappear from the list, you would say “wo, warlock is so strong, just no one plays it.”


I gotta say it’s a little off-putting that the guy leading the “warlocks are bad” forum movement only posts from a druid character.

But yeah how much of a dropoff did lock see from last season? I don’t think it was much. Class didn’t really get worse, there are just more versatile ones you can play right now.


Yeah last night when I fought fire / destro / hpala and they spent the entire game just rotating mobility and then on their first go killed my partner thru big zone I was thinking huh, warlocks prob need buffed cuz representation


If you want me pick games that i was killed by ret or double melee mongols from 100-0 in 1 sec through wall after i used all CDs, i can give you a thousand.


They basically semi obsolete a spec if they don’t want it to be good

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i’m sure the 1 that made it bought boost, now ban that lock and make it 0%

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Nothing wrong with that in my opinion. Destro warlocks discriminated everybody else during BFA…

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So you are saying it is a inside job. Because C9 win AWC in BFA, now they purposely nerf warlock to the ground to prevent C9 from winning.

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Chaos bolt is a 2.5 second cast. Let’s say 2 for this…so…10 chaos bolts, even havoc’d did that much damage, eh? Wow.

My man didn’t even need to generate shards?! I need to figure out which talent that is.

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lmao too bad they are busy playing ff14 during work hours. amongst other shady activities… :smiley:
bow down to kill shot peasant warlock

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stop trying to defend a busted class ur clueless

It wasn’t only because of C9. It was a general nightmare to play against destro wizzard cleaves in 3s.

If C9 can’t win without broken destro locks, they don’t deserve to win at all, right? :laughing:

Its crazy how theres not only 2 other warlock specs people would like to play, but fire mages have been S tier the past 3 expansions but no one seems to care.


Great logic and game design I tell ya. Tell new pvpers or players in general its Ok for their class as a whole to under perform because about a dozen nerds are still malding over last expansion.