Warlock's Succubus "Grimoire of Sacrifice" Talent Bug

Good afternoon Blizzard!

First off, thank you for changing the succubus ability to something that Warlocks will use more often.

Unfortunately, the new talented “Grimoire of Sacrifice” Command Demon Ability “Seduction” has been behaving awkwardly and buggy. The talented Command Demon ability does not remove any Damage Over Time (DOTs) on the target, but IMMEDIATELY breaks on damage. Conversely, the non-talented, normal demon ability from the Succubus, “Seduction” will REMOVE all the DOTS on the target, but cause the enemy to walk towards the Succubus. The behavior between the two spells is awkward and seems buggy.

In order for Warlocks to be able to use the talented “Grimoire of Sacrifice” Succubus Command Demon Ability “Seduction”, please change the behavior so that the Warlock casting “Seduction” on the target does NOT remove the DOTS and causes the target to start walking towards the Warlock.

Currently, Seductions behavior in both the regular demon Succubus’ ability and the talented Grimoire of Sacrifice Command Demon ability do not allow Affliction to use the ability effectively. (As it is detrimental for a Warlock to either REMOVE all the DOTS from the target, or the Seduction ability is instantly broken the second any of the DOTS tick on the target, thus deeming the ability useless). I presume Seduction’s damage break was intended to act similar to how much damage it takes to break Fear.

Thank you.


Edit: When conversing with a few Warlocks, some were confused by the gravity of the current iteration’s uselessness. Below is clarification.

Grimoire of Sacrifice: Seduction

This spell gives the Warlock the ability to use Command Demon Ability “Seduction” . The spell is a 1.5 second cast, which is then channeled (preventing the Warlock from using other abilities), and shares diminishing returns with Disorient. Currently, it would be imprudent to cast Grimoire’d Seduction over Fear, as they share the same cast time, same school of magic, same Diminishing Returns classification, stops the Warlock from being able to cast anything else, AND immediately breaks on damage. Fear will allow the Warlock to act after the 1.5 second cast and allow damage. This is why Grimoire Seduction needs to not break on damage and remained a channelled spell. It also makes it almost impossible to actually use Grimoire’d Seduction if another player is around due to the damage break, and requires the Warlock to either wait for all his/her DOTs to fall from the target and cancel all pet damage before casting. It is simply impractical and does not fit the Warlock’s spellkit. If this is not fixed, sadly this Grimoire’d spell will still never be used.

Hope that helps provide insight. :slight_smile:


This is clearly a bug, so nothing I’m about to say should be interpreted as anything in contrary to that, but to address the “no reason to use it” I think that it misses the main use case of long form CC on multiple targets.

If anything, this adds to the significance of the issue, because in situations where you would want to have two single target CC’s (arenas have this occurrence often) its critical to have dependable behavior.