Warlocks need more Demons!

If we had a demonic enslave system where Demo could enslave bosses:

  • Felguard slot = Presume Fel Lords would be in this category, since Felguards are Mo’arg melee and Wrathguards are Eredar melee, so I’d enslave Imonar the Soulhunter from Antorus
  • Voidwalker slot = assuming we could enslave Aberrations (ie Void Monsters, Sha monsters, etc) given Voidwalker is one, maybe enslave Erudax from Grim Batol; if we couldn’t summon Aberrations, maybe Pit Lords/Annihilan could fit this slot, in which case I always liked the Argaloth model from Baradin hold
  • Imp slot = any of the Inquisitor models would be cool in this slot as they’re primarily a caster as an add; alternatively any of the Ered’ruin models (Doomguards, Doomlords) if they don’t become baseline again
  • Succubus slot = as others have said, would be cool to have Satyrs in this slot given tradition um “stereotypes” in terms of Satyr mythsin comparison to Succubus myths hahahaha, maybe the Peroth’arn model
  • Felhunter slot = given the animalistic nature of this slot, maybe the Vilefiends could be given to this slot, e.g. the Blistermaw model; alternatively, given the “watcher” nature of the Observer, maybe give Inquisitors to this slot
  • Infernals = maybe Pit Lords make most sense here
  • Doomguard = assuming baseline CD again, would be cool to maybe replace with an Eredar caster model