Warlocks, Mages... Where's the outrage?

Idk man… if there is one thing I have watched them be consistent on over nearly 2 decades is. They change things people had to look up to care about or they change things we never cared about.
Gameplay wise they change things either out of spite or ignorance. Figuring that out is the hard part

I don’t understand the loss of the water elemental. I thought that was a neat, unique ability. As long as warlocks don’t lose pets altogether (as summoners did in FFXIV), I guess I’ll be fine. But yeah, i don’t see the point of all this, either.

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did i hear it right that some big name sort was whining about losing to a hunter over not knowing its spec and thats why our hunter pet specs were ripped out of the game?
thought I read that in here a while back

My money is on they do this kind of pointless crap so they can reverse it later and we all get all giggly cuz they listening to the players finally, lol

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The L’s the Warlocks have Taken!

  1. Metamorphosis (removed in Legion) I understand that they always wanted Demon Hunters to have it, but it’s still a bitter pill for a lot of Warlock players.

  2. Soul Burn + Unending Breath = Waterwalking (removed in WoD). No the fact that Water Walking potions exist does not comfort me, nor should I have to enslave a Shaman, as entertaining that might be.

  3. Glyph of Nightmares (removed in Legion). I have never forgiven Blizzard for removing this Glyph. At first, I thought, “Maybe they just can’t have glyphs that interact with class specific mounts?” But then I notice that Paladins have glyphs that interact with their class mounts. So yeah, why remove Glyph of Nightmares? I don’t think too many people were complaining that it exists…

  4. The ability to summon Infernals as a perma pet (in favor of implementing it in to Destruction’s DPS rotation) (removed in BfA)

  5. Removing Observers because checks notes PvP players are too stupid to look up Warlock Pets?

Blizzard, you NEED to keep Observer in the game. Shivarra is a customization for the Succubus pet that’s still in the game (in the latest PTR build anyway), so why not make Observer just a customization for the Fel Hunter?

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I play Arcane so I don’t have a pet.

Sorry bout your floaties tho.

You see, the Shivarra is a hot dommy mommy with big boobies so per Blizzard logic, stupid people can easily tell that’s supposed to be a succubus.

So in theory if they just stuck a giant rack onto the felhunter and the Observer, it could likely stay.

Blizzard Logic! Yeah! High Five

We’re not losing the water elemental, it is being moved to a cooldown. Doing this means we’ll be seeing a lot more water elemental as a result. What we’re trading for it is a talent that hardly anyone takes. Sounds good to me.

Mages lost their pet as soon as the fake choice of Lonely Winter happened. I feel like I’m getting it half back with this change.

Tbh the worst thing is ranged classes getting pumled by movement mechanics that should only exist for melee.

Stop taking things away Blizzard!