Warlocks have been the premier class for as long as anyone can remember

You have been picky, you can do this with a lot of other classes just taking some specific weeks of each expansion on warcraftlogs. I wonder if you posted this on mage forum or some warlock hurted you so bad that you feel the urge to came here to complain… Just a hint, devs stopped reading warlock forums like 5 years ago. If you want to be heard try another section.

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Cause warlock is awesome and everyone knows it


Yes, don’t we all my guy.

Instead of lobbying for buffs to your spec/class, why are you trying to portray warlocks in a negative light???

don’t forget warlocks have had some of the lowest class representation throughout the games history, but they were also less dumbed down and intricate earlier in time


So what’s the current best spec for groups and raids?

By “intricate,” you mean “an absolute, cluster*&^%$,” right?

And also, Locks have three DPS specs; there’s a pretty good chance that at least one of them is going to perform near the top at any given time, right? I mean, that’s just math…

Lucifer is spot on when he says elemental shamans are wanna be fire mages.

When they got rid of totem mastery and made all their totems have cds and be utility. They gutted elemenal.

But elemental is way easier to play and isnt as punishing when you mess up the rotation. Fire mage you mess up combustion ans you can kiss your dps goodbye.

My elemental shaman at 250 ilevel pulls more dps than my 265 fire mage who is aotc

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Can you switch to your lock please.

His warlock is in this topic as well, his name is “Scarepro”.

I wish posts like these didn’t exist. Tearing down one class just because another isn’t doing as well is kind of foolish when you still have variables at play like skill level and the people who play X class. Does it ever occur to people that sometimes classes/specs are just better equipped to deal with certain mechanics? I play destro litterally for the stuns right now. Stunning things and potentially taking away a mechanic passively is why people play destro in mythic + keys. Yes, they’re cheating the system but the system has gotten way too overly complicated.

I have never trusted Blizzard to get the math right. I think the people who make this game have vested interests in certain classes and in order to not have those interests you would need to have a group of people that have never played WoW. Caring/passion aren’t bad things until they skew the balance of things. What class developers need to do is make it so all classes/specs do the same sustainable damage over 10 minutes for single target and then do the same thing when there are 4 targets. Then what they have to do is provide a utility kit (stuns, damage reduction, healing) for each class and spec. Now, that’s when things get wonky. Things shouldn’t be wonky in the damage, things should be wonky in the utility kit.

I’m not sure how I feel about a talent tree system given that again I certainly don’t trust Blizzard to get the math correct because they allow for too many variables and do not test things like they should with top players from each class/spec. I certainly would feel better about less variables.

You wanna make a good game, players simply want to blow things up. They don’t want to have to move around all the damn time to avoid things. Mechanics that happen once in a while are ok but they can’t be stacked with other potentially harmful mechanics all the time. That’s not fun nor enjoyable to most. Most people do not like wiping for hours upon end. People lose their patience.


Absolutely not. Might as well literally delete classes, then, and just go down to 3 classes: 1 that can only tank, 1 that can only heal and 1 that can only DPS, and then split the utility in there so people don’t have to worry bout damage.

A lot of people enjoy the differences, just not when they’re like 30+% of a difference, sure, but differences are good.

Ehh, they just need to have actually cool and fun talents to play and use.

You’re not wrong, there, yeah, we do get impatient. They just need to do more tuning for numbers more frequently. 1-2 times a month should be fine, and during tuning passes they mainly need to nerf the extremes at the higher end and buff the extremes at the lowest end, just 3-5% buffs. People really underestimate these small buffs because it only results in like 1-3% damage increase, but it allows things to creep up closer slowly so they can check and see. Granted, if they wanna do only 1 tuning pass per month, rather than a 3-5% it should be around 10% buffs/nerfs, then, and if it’s 2 tuning passes then 5% buffs/nerfs are fine.

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I think what it really is (for me at least) is the mechanics that require at times a lot of communication or high group coordination/reaction. That’s the stuff that’s not so fun, and the frequency at which mechanics happen. Sometimes a person just has a bad day and needs to be able to have a fight where they’re just blowing things up on their own terms.

You realize people can tell you are the OP posting on another character right?