Warlocks have been the premier class for as long as anyone can remember

You ARE being ignorant and smug. I told you RAID TIERS is what I’m talking about. I do not care how any class performed in content that none of the top players took seriously. The wording you used made it seem like I was explicitly trying to hide something when you simply can’t comprehend why you’d overlook a mini-tier.

Here I am on my main Warlock, not defending the class because it’s very obviously been broken for over a decade.

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Raid tiers drop tier.
Raid tiers haven’t dropped tier since legion.
So of the 11 you posted, only 5 dropped tier.

So either raid tier is considered as dropping tier, or it is considered all raids.
Can’t really have both.

Hopefully that is simple enough for you.

Top players completed these raids which means they took it seriously, there were still race to world fist so they took it seriously. I would like to know where you are getting your information from as you keep making bold comments and not backing them up.

You’re in the same boat. You said raid tier, yet Castle Nathria had no tier. Sanctum of Domination had no tier. Quite a few of the raids you posted had no tier. So which is it, is it a raid tier if it only drops tier or is it a raid tier because blizzard gave it its own list in the raids section and it was its own raid?

If it’s a raid tier without dropping tier, you were shown wrong. If it’s not a raid tier without dropping tier, quite a few of your examples you listed do not or did not drop tier, and then some of the ones from this expansion also did not drop tier, which makes that point moot anyways then.

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just ignore their rants and move on brother. they just wanna be right regardless on if they are or aren’t. save yourself the headache.


I agree, warlock healthstones are a massive source of groupwide healing. Nerf warlocks.


If it’s listed as a raid tier officially, then it’s a raid tier. CoS and ToV are not listed as tiers anywhere you look. I can’t believe I’m STILL having to explain this to you people.

Whoa whoa buddy. Warlocks are NOT tanky in this exapansion. You know what caster is? Mages.

Warlocks are very, very tanky. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

You’re confusing Warlocks with Mages.


You’re not even level 60.

As a Warlock, I can take 0 damage from Castigate (hallway boss in SD) on a 22 Tyranical by just pressing Dark Pact (1 min CD.) A Mage would have to burn Ice Block (5 min CD) for the same effect.

Pass me some.

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You are delusional. Mages are tanky. You, are not.

Because warlock in lore give everything for power. So we should be top. We are the OG sacrificed everything for power.

And were just super fun. Especially ATM demo finally a big boy and destro super fun flashy and fel green fires a plus if you done that class challenge from mop.

I was a rdruid but I think I may finally stay this class…as an alttoholic I’m tired of toon hopping. Though I will probably end up trying out Evocker and who knows how I’ll feel about them…still hope they can appear as more then just elf/humans…

Every character in the game should be able to fight you at any given moment, since in lore everyone hates Locks and want them dead. You should have to hide in crevices and sewers just to survive the slaughter coming at you, like Locks have to do in lore.

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But we all know rogues are the filthy sewer dwellers. Warlocks use chaos magic probably to hide their decrepit forms from others perhaps like ol palpatine in star wars using sith magic.

Besides, no one would be so silly. They like our lime candy and closets too much :stuck_out_tongue:

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Why? Have you tried playing destro? Outside of Tier shennanigans this time around, We are the LEAST mobile caster (And before you scream gateway) Unless everything is priorly prepared for.

We have to go out of our way to set up mobility and this is something no other class has to do, As far as casters go, We are SLOW casters not just from movement speed mashing W is fun But that even our cast times are slow, Elemental shams? A rather fast cast time, Destro when-ever anything is concerned? Long and slow.

Destro warlocks have been historically competitive in every scene by the better part of actually being decently balanced, Not in that blizzard favours us but we are built well enough that someone who is competent or better will be able to perform good enough to do the content at hand.

Someone who is bad at what they do? Will look absolutely awful on charts unless they are playing survival.


Yes. I have a 3200 io Destro Lock as my main currently.

And yet you didn’t answer anything else.

vast amount of defensives, who’re you kidding we have 2 defensive buttons.

these abilities aren’t even comparable…