Warlocks are just drop out mages

Warlocks also don’t all come from mages. For example, Orc warlocks were former Shaman.

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That’s funny, since my Warlock is the one who always survives encounters, while the Mage is dead, licking the floor from being too squishy. :slight_smile:


simple put a lock and a mage into 1v1 outside stormwind gates and we shall see who win

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That poor Mage :frowning:

I would feast on their mana, and then their soul.

Warlocks are what Mages aspire to be, just look at how many Frost Mages bemoan their lack of a permanent pet!

All paladins are dropout warriors. Their martial prowess wasn’t good enough so instead of learning the art of combat, they just copied some priest’s homework and sold their soul to the light in the process.

Paladins are just failed warriors. Change my mind!

Actually I see Warlocks being like athletes who take performance enhancing drugs (I.e. Mages drinking green Fel Koolaid)