With the removal of inevitable demise, and the increased drain value talents from the bottom of the warlock tree being removed, warlocks can’t really heal themselves back up with drain life anymore.
I had an idea where maybe the talents under soul rot could affect drain life instead, for people that don’t run with a healer and need more self sustain, so we could have the old drain life capstone in the middle of the aff tree as dark havest, and inevitable demise or a buffed version of death’s embrace could be there in place of ‘malign omen’.
Warlocks could always sustain themselves with drain life before, but in more recent times only aff could and now aff can’t so why not just remove drain life? if it does nothing.
we’re paying them back for all the self healing we could do in legion (drain soul heals were no joke).
But it’d be nice to get some good heals that aren’t just consumables. Then again, drain life could just be bugged rn. Given many things out there are
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It would be nice if there was a bit more self-sustain baked into our tree. Sweet Souls has been bugged for a full xpac now, I hear the new demonic healthstone is bugged, Demon Skin was nerfed, etc.
Considering the value of leech points from gear has been nerfed for TWW as well, and I think we could use some love. I’d settle for a mortal coil healing buff at this point. Up it from like 20% to 35%.
I think drain life should be useful for all the warlock specs, otherwise what’s the purpose of having it? We need to have the threat of self sustain that needs to be interrupted… otherwise we’ll just die to a cleave re-engage after porting/gating while health stone is on cd.
I just had an amazing idea, drain soul and oblivion could be changed into empowerment spells that would be off the global cooldown that could empower drain life. So you’d macro oblivion and drain soul over drain life and get OMEGA drains with soul rot.
Obviously we’d keep the same cooldown for oblivion but having them all combined in one big drain would be lit.
OMEGA kick threat. I’d love to wall for this.
Speaking from a pve standpoint (raids, M+), drain life has always been our worst option when it comes to self sustain. We’ve got so much else in our kit to keep ourselves healthy while healers top us up.
Demonic healthstones + soulburn is so strong it may need to be nerfed. It’s basically lay on hands on a minute cooldown lol
While I love the fantasy of life drain being strong, I feel like there’s too much in our kit already to give us another massive heal
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How can you actually think and justify that it needs to be nerfed, when it is literally ALL we got. Drain life is literally useless, don’t even bother putting it on your bar.
Warlock sustainability and survivability is absolutely gutted. The total massacre of drain life and its supporting talents/abilities have completely destroyed the sustain and survivability to Warlock compared to other classes.
Demonic Resolve on a 3 minute cooldown…
Dark Pact on a 45 second to 1 min cooldown and you have to sac health for it.
Demonic Healthstone on a 1 min cooldown and suffers from Dampening AND if you get kicked on shadow, blanket silenced, or stunned you can’t soul-burn when its needed.
1 DR on a long cd,
1 absorb that is a kiss-curse,
and a 3 use heal that is hurt by dampening and appropriate CC
Proceeds to list off more abilities… These forums are a hoot.
They could buff Drain Life by 1000% and it still wouldn’t be all that good. The healing it would do at 10x would be about on par with what my Ret paladin can do by hard casting Flash of Light, in the same amount of time.
If they’re not going to make drain life worth casting, they should at least move some of the lost throughput somewhere else.
Fel Synergy has been useless the entirety of Dragon Flight but now we’re pretty much forced into picking it to get to Demonic Hearthstone. They need to increase the healing on Fel Synergy substantially. Even the pet healing portion of the spell is extremely undertuned.
Being forced into dead talents to get to another talent feels so bad, especially when it’s so deep in the tree.
I am so fine with it being nerfed in favor of more gradual sustain. Our sustain and durability are suppose to be drain-like. A slow burn. Burst healing on warlock is really dumb and out of place, I don’t care how strong it is.
I know this is a old counter point. Why not bring back Destruction’s Burning Ember functionality with Ember Tap. The way warlocks used to self sustain was through soul leech. Now there is no healing coming in what so ever. Drain life isn’t even on my bars anyway. It is a useless spell for Destruction warlocks. It literally is a total net loss to even cast the spell.
Granted a lot of my points on this thread are pvp focused. Everything feels bad in terms of self sustain in comparison to literally every other class.
i think warlocks should have MUCH more self-sustain; otherwise we’re no different than just a bad imitation of mage…give us that self & pet auto healing (it’s sad hunters can heal their pets better than us) – make us near unkillable in PVE, it’ll be our own special unique aspect since our dps is weaker than mages.
Soulburn into Health Stone is huge, not only that you get 20 % max HP which means %HP abilities benefit. Dark Pact bubbles more and death coil heals more. On top of all of that you do get a good amount of passive healing and shielding from baseline talents.
Bring back haunts healing ability, where it lasted 8 seconds on the target, did no damage itself, but any damage they took while haunt was on them returned to us and healed for the amount. I missed this playstyle very much in pvp.
Endless health stones in combat is about to be broken when people realize they’ll maintain 1/3 uptime on that leech talent, on top of the giga health stone heals.
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The leech talent tied to healthstone was nerfed by 50% in pvp i believe.
The funny thing is this guys is on here talking about a leech talent in pvp after an ability usage meanwhile you have i think about 4 or so other specs with the same amount of leech just passively.
Not to mentioned the amount of off healing/additional defensives/mobility that is being done by others currently that override any leech talent current spec have. Unless your doing pretty insane damage like the current over performers specs currently.
Let’s not even talk about why would you waste 2 points into that when you need them for more important things.
While questing drain life even with soul burn and the drain life talents couldn’t help me recover HP against even two mobs. The healing on it sucks bigtime.
Im beginning to think its actually bugged and isnt healing for the correct amounts, even with every drain life talent taken drain life still cant sustain damage even from non elite mobs.
Cant say im surprised its bugged, since talents like Sweet souls has been bugged 2 years now, which is suppose to heal the warlock when others use their healhstones, currently only works if the player that uses it is on the warlocks realm.
Drain life no longer exists just do the same you do with corruption in demonology and remove.
They nerfed it to the point of uselessness.