Warlock vs SPriest; why even bother?

As a warlock main it’s very discouraging that warlocks are the main DoT class yet priest are better in every aspect of the game. Sure priests may get nerfed and warlocks possibly buffed (for PvP, they are fine as dest PvE) but when will this happen?

The first month or so of a new phase is the most fun. Broken classes are ruining that fun. Blizz should have done the opposite and slowly introduce burst when our gear can maybe handle it. The current state of the game is ruining the new phase experience for most.

What sucks more is by the time I get a priest to 40 it’s bound to get nerfed……right?

Still love SoD though, just a bit bitter atm.


We tried to warn everyone that they would be cracked our of their minds

Where is that one lock on here that was crying about how meta SL locks will be gods in phase 2 for pvp?

Why should warlocks need be buffed if they already totally dominated all 1v1 in entire classic

Haunt needs a buff imo. Would help aff pve and pvp if it was 50% boost to DoT dam instead of 20

Agreed. As a dedicated affliction lock it sucks that my spec is dead in PvE and underwhelming In PvP. Afflicting should be the model spec of a warlock.

Masters of dots. The true shadow weavers. Reduced to pyromaniacs. and the kicker is that shadowburn is our execute ability which is not even hitting super hard in a full destro build because blizzard forces us to choose between fire spell power or shadow spell power. And we dont use shadowbolt so we dont even have the shadowbolt debuff giving extra shadow dmg.

Meanwhile SWD EXECUTE goes BRRRRRRRRRRRR on 70% hp targets.

Ph2 blows.

Warlocks are fine right now.

Spriests being overpowered doesn’t mean warlocks are bad. Good lord, the warlock doomerism from all the fotm meta locks in p1 who have to suddenly learn how the class actually works in order to succeed is getting exhausting…

Damage is simply too high across the board right now, which is why aff is borderline useless, and destro basically has to play builds centered around globaling people or getting globaled, but make no mistake… of all the current builds capable of globaling people, Destro is much closer to where shadow is in the “should probably get nerfed” region than in the “OMG WARLOCKS ARE DEAD 4EVA” region that you guys think they are in.

Warlock main:

yeah we are absolutely terrible in pvp. By the time I can even use instant cast GCDs to get to get a row of damage up I’m dead. literally every single class does my DoT damage in 1 GCD.

Warlocks aren’t the problem though. We actually aren’t bad. Every other class is just unbelievably strong.

Did blizz even test their own game? Seriously.

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Youre so arrogant lol. I have played warlock since 2005 and I already tore apart your entire argument in another thread.

“JuSt PoSiTiOn BeTtEr” dogwater advice. I would love to see actual footage from a full match of AB of you playing chaosbolt in pvp.

Afflic warlocks are bad. Our dmg is too slow to be scary and everyone else’s burst destroys us. We know we have terrible mobility but not being able to tank any dmg is destroying us.

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What spec are you playing where you think we are “fine?” I’ve played locks for years, and I don’t want to drop creds but I’ve been glad a time or two as one too… I feel terrible. I feel terrible not cause locks are bad but because every other class is just insane.

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Afflic lock strength is in utility and longevity. Nobody lives long enough for it to matter.

He plays chaosbolt and his entire argument is that “If people are targeting you, you’re playing warlock the wrong way. JuSt PoSiTiOn BeTtEr”

you didn’t tear apart my argument, you cried endlesslessly and steadfastly refused to take any damn responsibility for not knowing how to play the class you claim to have played since 2005.

Position yourself BETTER, and you can get casts off… I literally free cast 99% of any BG im in. You not being able to figure out how that works is entirely a “you” problem, not a problem with the class itself.

Destro to conflag is a top tier caster rn in bgs, behind only shadowpriest… and behind hunter if you count them since they’re also ranged. Better than ele and mage.

I guess my question is how are you getting casts off?

Destro can still work in 1v1 but requires a bit of setup still

Seduce your target, pray he doesn’t have a universal trinket, cast CoE on him, cast RoF for Lake under him, then chaos bolt him. 90% of people will be one shot, if they aren’t just shadowburn

He is playing vs noobs and in battles that are one sided prob. No idea how you can defend a one shot. Sure vs noobs that let someone free cast you will destroy. That’s more PvE than PvP though.

I know how to play my class in classic. and you are playing a classic warlock style in SoD run and gun pvp where everyone dies in globals.

Stay max range and cast. Rogues cant shadowstep and warriors cant charge. Well by the time my 2.5s cast goes off they certainly can get within range brother.

Just position better… yeah maybe I need to learn fly hacking or something then. you seem to know out of bounds spot where u can freecast. Or people on your server are just absolute bots.

How exactly are you getting interupted at 36 yards?

Intercept and ccharge? 24 yards
Shadowstep? 30
Earthshock is what? 24? maybe 30?
Mage silence is 24.
Priest silence is I think 30 with talents? (might be wrong on that one)

The only things that can even hit you in a bg without you screwing up are a hunter, fire mage, and now a spriest but only when casting mind spike… That leaves stealths… which have to spend half the fight just getting to you (and are an immediate overextended swap target when they leave stealth, 50 yards from their lines)… I legitimately don’t understand how people are finding it so hard to get casts off in bgs… it’s not like arena where you are crowded into enclosed spaces… Just limit the number off people in your 36 yard bubble to 1, and then delete that target over and over until everyone is dead.