Warlock vs SPriest; why even bother?

How are you staying permanently 36 yards away while casting? your enemy doesnt know that hitting the W key moves them forward?

You can easily close the gap to make all those abilities available within 2-3 seconds of casting my guy.

This is a really really difficult concept for you… but if they move, you can… *gasp… ALSO MOVE.

classes that can actually chase you down are hunter, druid, and mage, but only if the mage wastes blink.

You can literally cast shadow bolt twice on a warrior before he can charge you, if you cast from 36 yards… something someone who has played since 2005 might actually know. At 35 yards, the intercept lands before the second cast goes off.

Timing and distance… learn how.

Great. So you can cancel your cast. deal 0 damage. and run. And your enemy can also run. And you can keep running and still doing 0 damage. Untill you stop running and start casting, in which case, they will … GASP keep running to close the distance on you.

Really difficult concept to grasp.

its just an example mate. Nobody is dying to a warrior. Lets be real.

im starting to see more and more how you are just out here talking nonsense. How is the mage “wasting” their blink if they use it to get within casting range of you? That is what their entire purpose of blink is against a warlock. We dont have any roots. And that mage will presence of mind nuke you 100-0 before you can even cast immolate brother. There is no planet where a chaosbolt lock beats a mage in SoD ph2

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Doesn’t really work if someone can waste your 2.5 second cast moving slightly out of range

Destro needs a way to pin targets down, instant shadowfury would be nice…

How do you range a stealthed rogue or Druid? Also, like I stated earlier yes if you aren’t being focused and are in an organized group vs a pug you will destroy. Anyone who lets anyone free cast in the back is PvPing wrong. Good players will pick you off.

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Every second they’re chasing you, they aren’t completing objectives… Let them chase, stop being impatient. Pick your openings.

And? That’s literally the weakness of destro, it doesn’t “pursue” well… it’s an ARTILLERY archetype… and when you get your casts off, there isn’t a single other class in the game with that kind of burst potential.

If you’re in the backlines, they literally have to stealth around an entire battle to even touch you, and when they do, they are 50 yards from their front lines and the easiest kill swap target in the world.

You don’t need to be a in a premade to do this… hell most of the time I solo queu, and it works just as well against premades as it does pugs…

You literally cannot stop it without over extending yourself, unless you are a hunter. “Good players” have to overextend themselves to stop it. Organized groups CAN do that, with things like mage dives into block, and trap launcher can do some really dirty things controlling group movements

what if its world pvp? AB is not the only form of pvp in the game. And not everyone plays AB to win either. Im just in there to PvP. I couldn’t care less about objectives.

Sadly that is not even remotely true. Mages have the same burst. ele shamans have the same burst, spriests have better burst. hunters are pretty bursty too ngl.

Thing is. Destruction in original classic was the big nuke machine you are describing. In SOD PH2 we are not. We are just mediocre burst dmg. Nothing special. and it requires hard casting and standing still. Unlike the other true bursters.

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I’m not. I play affliction. But casting anything seems to be futile. Who lets an immolate sit on a target? Seriously?

Locks are so easy to counter, I just don’t see how destro is effective. It’s a legitimate question. It’s unbelievable easy to counter.

… what? You’d be lucky to cast 1 shadow bolt from max range without charge/intercept stun. Best case 1 cast, assuming you are at exactly 36 yards.

But then what? You have a player bashing your face in? How do I account of the rest of their HP. You just trolling at this point?

I play metamorph destro. Searing pain does good dmg with CoE and I am tanky enough to survive melees and rogues in particular. I can cast while running which is huge. And lifetap is less detrimental.

but I tried hard to make chaosbolt work, but its such a meme build. Literally dead the moment someone gets on top of you. If you are sitting there casting like a pleb and someone with a mount pulls up or any sprint class. Many classes have passive movement speed increases. Its just a futile effort trying to go for those big chaosbolt hits (which arent even that big) You get more dmg applied from spamming searing pains than you do trying to cast a chaosbolt in many cases.

Btw read the title and my original post lol. You are saying dest is fine….that’s not a dot spec :joy:

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Should have specified that is off a seduce or sheep (anything where he’s immobilized), The travel time for the bolt in the air, and time it takes to close from 36–>24 you can get a second bolt off… It’s the only time you’d ever double bolt (more applicable to sm/ruin in normal vanilla than SoD, rotationally speaking)

Immolate doesn’t need to be on the target more than a hundreth of a second. Grace–> Chaos bolt—>immo->conflag is 4 seconds of hard casting, with at least 45% crit chance on 3 spells that all land at nearly the same millisecond. There’s literally no time too dispell anything.

I’m not going to say that warlock is good because I don’t think it is, especially compared to shadow priest but

This would be like a warrior saying “Hey we are the main melee dps class, why is rogue able to do more damage than me?”, you start your argument with an opinion when both classes have always been dot classes

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I think what he means is that warlock have an entire tree specifically built around dots. That’s why warlock is considered the master of dots.

It would be like a rogue getting outshined in the stealth areas by a druid. If druid suddenly had stronger stealth, moved faster, and could do things rogues couldnt do in stealth. That would be dumb as hell. When stealthing is the entire identity of rogues.

I also responded to that by pointing out that Shadow being overturned right now doesn’t mean warlocks are bad…

and furthermore pointed out that OVERALL damage is FAR too high right now, which is part of the reason affliction isn’t performing as well… The meta right now is about bursting and flat out deleting people in a global. Not exactly Affliction’s forte. A global damage nerf getting re-implimented might make affliction instantly more viable, while also potentially making Shadow’s toolkit significantly less powerful, givin the way their burst works.

Warrior and rogues are both melee dps. How is this the same? At least use melee Hunter was your example noob.

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you almost figured it out, both classes are dot classes, its exactly the same, if anything shadow priest identity is more based around dots than warlock considering that shadow is their only dps spec and warlocks have other dps specs which are not dot based

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But a meta lock is a joke. They do no meaningful damage. It’s literally a running joke on my discord how we ignore meta locks until they are the last person standing. Maybe you feel important cause you don’t die, but you don’t die cause you aren’t a threat.

Warlocks are a joke regardless of build currently. Its just that meta locks look more goofy than the others.

but when solo pvping I definitely feel like meta is the best choice. Lets me win more fights than any other build. And against rogues are a guaranteed win always.

Destro meta does do decent damage though. Always try to start with an incinerate to get the dmg buff. With that the searing pain will be hitting for around 300 dmg (with stamina gear) we still have the immo+conflag+shadowburn burst. and if im free casting I am still spamming incinerates. It definitely has much higher damage output than affliction.

So you’re basing Warlock status on a CC’d ideal scenario. Sounds like a 1v1 my man.