Warlock vs shadow priest

Who’s better in 1v1, and PvP in general?

I’m focusing primarily on PvP. I love both classes and can’t choose.

What are the weaknesses and strengths of each?

Which one counters more specs? Or at least has a better chance against more specs

Which one wins against each other?

I need help

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warlock much much better in 1v1. their weakness is spell pushback, and being stun locked to death.

shadow priest is second, after warlock. their issues are mana, pushback, stun locks, and warlocks lol, and gearing one out is a pain too (no shadow set gear outside of rank 13).


Just play what you think is fun don’t try to meta pick esp this late into the game.

Spriest is kinda 1v1 focused Warlocks fits better into more scenarios.

Lock is 100x better in Battlegrounds.
Lock is better overall 1v1 and has more options to counter more classes.
Lock has about the same killing potential 1v1.

Spriest is OP in duels.
Spriest is OP in 1v1 unless someone understands how Spriest works and has full engi. Even then Spriest wins vs almost every class in a dueling setting.
Spriest will drink after every single pvp encounter unless they’re potatoes and you kill em as such.

Everyone with a mana bar has to drink a lot in pvp. Shadow priest has to drink twice as much as everyone else and doesn’t generally have a spot in premades.

Spriest also has no set gear. Much harder to gear correctly.

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I know the question was about pvp, but most of the gear you want for pvp you’re going to be getting in pve raids, especially at this stage of classic where the raid gear is better than the PvP gear, and warlocks are one of the most in demand classes for raid groups whereas shadow priests are kind of a meme in pve. Groups might want one spriest, if any.

Solo pvp and group pvp are very different animals. Depends on what category you’d enjoy more.

If you’re stacking Warlocks, then you almost always add one SPriest for Shadow Weaving.

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They fill different roles. Warlock is the stronger 1v1 duelist, but priest fits better into group pvp with their offensive dispel, pw:s, mind control, and insta fear bomb. Warlock in group pvp is there for curse of tongues and some burst damage.

They are both weakest to something like a rogue, as they have only very limited options for getting a melee class off them, and pushback sucks. And by weakest, I mean good rogues stand a chance, not that they auto win. Both Locks and SPriest are quite deadly.

They both do quite well against just about everything. However, SPriest tends to lose to Warlock.

Warlocks dont have green felfire effects. Ergo, Shadow Priests are superior.

Shadowpriest is much easier to pick up and do well on in a 1v1 or PvP scenario. Typically spriests have far less depth and a much more cookie cutter way of PvPing.

Warlocks have much more depth and many more different ways to PvP with the same character. Some builds/playstyles are situationally better than others and you have to really learn how to micro manage effectively with your pet to PvP well. Warlocks are probably one of the most complex PvP classes in vanilla.

As far as which one wins against the other is hard to generalize because a good warlock player that knows what they’re doing has far more tools to deal with a shadowpriest than vice versa. It’s also very contingent on who is Horde and who is Alliance, since clearly whoever is Undead will have a very big advantage over the other, and Orcs will also have passive 25% stun resist to counter blackout. At the same time a dwarf priest will also have fear ward against a Horde warlock as well, but Horde Warlocks also have other tools to deal with a dwarf priest outside of fear.


Fabulous video with a ton of duels.

Cant wait for spriest pvp uwu

The undead racial does not change any matchup IMO.

Alliance Lock beats Horde SPriest and Horde Lock beats Alliance SPriest.

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People put FAR too much importance on racials. Yes, they can make a difference, but not to the end-all, be-all that some people make it out to be. They really only make a difference if you are in the top tier of skill levels already.

That’s a pretty big generalization.

Especially when a lot of warlock players actually have no idea how to PvP on their class in classic since they’re used to raid logging or being PVE spec.

Racials, consumables, and engineering gadgets do make a big difference if we’re being serious here.

Orc passive stun resist is a big way to counter blackout, WOTF is a reliable way to get out of a bad situation, +10 shadow resistance matters, and a properly timed shadow reflector trinket can and will determine who wins. It’s idealistic thinking to think that these things don’t matter.

Now keep in mind if I was actually a min/max player or someone who only wanted to abuse racials I wouldn’t have made this character a Nightelf Warrior.

Yeah well, I’m talking about equal players against each other. The way I think about it is, what would happen if I were playing against myself? The answer is, warlock me wins pretty much every time barring absurd blackout luck, or catching myself without a pet.

Warlock has too many tools that shadow priest can do nothing about. You spellstone his dots/silence/shadow vuln off and he has to apply it all again while having done very little damage. You’ve got healthstone and a felhunter that can eat off debuffs. You’ve got curse of tongues that ensures the only spell the priest can reliably get off is SWP, and fear. The others open him up to spell lock. Its a pretty one sided matchup if the lock is ready to go.

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I dunno about others opinions I played both classes to 60 in Vanilla ran them in Battlegrounds up to Wrath, really in most situations I felt more comfortable 1v1 world pvp with Spriest except against Rogues and Paladins then I want SL/Warlock. You will do fine with Spriest in Battlegrounds with enough crit to spam mind blast and inner focus procs, and you still have the stun procs from classic ah the stun procs.

At the highest skill levels, yes. Though I’d put more weight on consumables and engineering than racials. Tools mean nothing without the skill to use them to their fullest.

It is the same as with the tryhards in the raiding scene. Sure, APES downed Rag and Ony before the first reset, and the speedrun crowd has been posting some blistering clears, but the average raider is nowhere near that level, and doesn’t need to be. Bosses die and loot is gained all the same.


Tell that to any class who can’t break fear before trinkets were released.

If your class revolves around a cc another race can be immune to 2 times, you’re prolly losing…


It doesn’t have a meaningful effect on any matchup other than mirror match lock v lock and priest v priest.

Alliance lock vs UD war, war was already unfearable, and lock still wins.

Alliance lock vs UD rogue, Rogue trinket removes fear and you were only getting one cast of that off against a good rogue anyway. Lock still often wins, the matchup is unchanged.

Alliance lock vs UD mage, lock still wins.

Alliance lock vs UD priest, lock still wins.

Alliance lock vs UD lock, the matchup gets trickier now. UD lock has a slight advantage. Still mostly a skill matchup decided by whoever gets the opener usually.

Same is true for the outcome of Spriest matchups none of them is changed by WotF except mirror match. You still win everything you were gonna win and lose everything you were gonna lose.

The only time WotF is noticeable is in group pvp when fear bombs are going off but half the horde team is dropping the first one. Then they go on DR much faster.

EA, perception and stoneform are all more powerful 1v1 racials than WotF. Preventing stealth openers, noping blind, and for warrior, getting out of a root can literally swing a dual. WotF won’t.

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