Warlock vs shadow priest

Pre trinkets it swings all the fights in wotf favor.

Also a lock can fear 2 times easily. Especially if you have a void out.

Obviously you will coil and fear.

Then fake cast fear till you draw kick, but it won’t matter since he can wotf it, however vs any other rogue it would be 100% them losing the fight.

Racials carry hard in this version of wow, I mean even into the next few xpacs till they rebalance it.

It’s like saying every man for himself wasn’t op.

I have to agree everything that was said here. But i think shadow priest are definitely harder to burst down until he is oom of course but pvp gear give toons of mp5 so you are more than likely be really strong.

The time you spent fake casting you could have spent damaging. If you’re trying to bait you’re not playing aggressively enough. Just kill them, don’t toy with them.
Coil->nuke. Fear isn’t even worth casting rogues are too squishy.

I win almost all of my fights without bothering to fear at all. You simply don’t need to. Just kill them instead, its way faster.

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I could def agree with that, as damage scales far better than HP in classic.

I was more getting at racials are game breaking for more than classic.

Even in TBC when we get Res, racials are still insanely powerful.

Being able to save a trinket slot to get out of fear and equip a shadow reflector trinket instead does make a big difference in any match up against a lock or spriest…

Particular PvP experiences don’t really negate the fact that fear is still a big part of a Warlock’s overall PvP toolkit and was for a large part of vanilla before deathcoil was introduced, and still continued to be very important thereafter.

Pre-deathcoil lock was bad. Post deathcoil, lock no longer needs fear at all. It’s only really useful for group pvp, its vestigial for 1v1.

that used to be the case. now that gear scaled so well, that everyone gets bursted down in a single rotation.