Warlock vs. Hunter

Now this is for who can make the best argument for Warlock or Hunter. So for me it’s Warlock all the way, but just to be fair I’m doing a Pros and Cons to start with.



  • Summon an army at will, the only limit is how many purple crystals you can generate in what time
  • Subjugate demons, have a interrogator following you around or an infernal
  • Dots dots dots
  • Lots of damage, fast killing
  • Healthstones and drain health from your targets
  • Super easy
  • Felguard tank, you can heal your pet, do damage while pet’s tanking
  • Lose your pet? No problem! Summon a new one!


  • Subjugate has a 10 minute limit, then you have to re subjugate or kill
  • Your pets are fixed, you can custom their look but not anything else
  • Your pets are kind of robotic and don’t have personalities



  • Find an animal and tame it anytime
  • They’re all loyal
  • Super easy
  • Lots of damage, fast kills
  • Camouflage hiding ability
  • Pretend to die ability for both your pet and you
  • Feed your pet with actual food, re and un summon, heal your pet, pet’s a tank
  • Name your pet


  • Can’t summon an army, just 2 at the most
  • You lose your pet, you lose your life
  • Your pets can be cranky
  • Your pets can mysteriously abandon you at the worst times

And personally I’m on the Warlocks’ side all the way. Besides Hunters taming World Bosses and rares just get in the way of everything.

  • Summon an army at will, the only limit is how many purple crystals you can generate in what time

(this takes time to ramp up. A lot of time. in the mean time the hunter has trapped your main pet, interrupted your casts and blown you up).

  • Super easy

(and hunter is difficult?)

  • Felguard tank, you can heal your pet, do damage while pet’s tanking

(You obviously haven’t tried this against an elite mob. Also, hunters can heal their pets with instant cast abilities, whereas Warlocks have to stop DPS to heal their pet. sure the existing pets continue to attack, but so does the hunters, and when a warlock stops to heal the pets expire and its a huge DPS loss).

I was going to comment on the other “Pros”, but I think you get the picture.

I was going to do that for both sides… Then realized that would take an hour because I’m a perfectionist. And yes I have tried this against an elite mob, I just shadow bolt and summon enough pets to stop it from attacking just one, it doesn’t take long if you summon enough pets to kill it fast.

You obviously haven’t read the hunter section if you say hunter is difficult. I PUT SUPER EASY ON THERE, READ IT AGAIN.

No, before that happens I get my felguard to stun the hunter, roll out a Vilefiend and a bunch of other mobs and nuke the pet while my imps shoot green firebolts. Pet dies and hunter is already dead.

Edit: Also you have Affliction on, try Demonology. Demonology’s clearly better for summoning pets, it’s in the name.

Warlocks don’t suck though. Warlock wins.


Aka Hunters are mediocre. Survivability? Nada once your pet dies. Damage? Meh. Big casts that do a lot of damage? Nope. Shields? One. Heals? Like, 2. Only thing they’re really good for is taming pets and running around quickly. But Dwarf Hunters do look better than most Warlocks…

Warlocks? Survivability is forever, Damage is always on, big casts do a gazillion damage, shields are literal passives, leeches are passives, and healthstones + drain health = heals. Plus a water breathing spell & a free soulstone/revive! What more would any ranged caster want?

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Then can you post on your level 70 lock, or are you just talking at lower levels?

im pretty sure ive seen hunters with an army of pets

Uh? Current hunter rework. Is pretty nuts on damage and survivability.

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This is outdated information.

The war within hunter is one of the tankiest classes.

2x 40 %DR, turtle, heal, roar. if you play packleader your walls proc your heal and your heal procs your wall + survival gets an extra 6% passive DR.
It’s insanely tanky.

Compare this to lock 3min 40% dr, a shield which cost 20% of ur hp and diminishes in value the lower you are, and healthstones which are items you have to craft to mimic other class cds. Also drain life was gutted for affli.

If it wasn’t for soul link ( which is slightly stronger than the survival version) and soul leech , warlocks would probably be the squishiest class after shaman.

Also let’s compare mages next with their brand new 70% iceblock DR on 3 mins cd and the plethora of other cds they have( images, greater invis, temporal, shields) , all the while having near instant gameplay with a ton of mobility.

It’s actually sad how backwards the perceived strength of warlock is.


That’s a really huge “if”. IF I won the lottery I wouldn’t have to go to work. well, no crap sherlock… :wink:

My point being warlocks have mitigation but other classes have stronger cds overall.

Which means if said classes press their buttons properly they are actually tankier than locks.

That’s clearly a skill issue.

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Huh. Yes, you’re right but this is Warlock vs. Hunter. Have you played a Demonolgy Warlock and leveled it to at least around 60? Played correctly, in the right hands, it’s really, really, good. Better than Hunter, anyway.

Gotta admit it’s weird that now almost every DPS has some weird passive heal/heal attached to their defensives.

Is out deathcoil going to be increase from 10% back to 25%.

In the expansion it looks like the function of heal through damage and mitigate through shields was given to everyone.

The devs went crazy and just started giving eevryone leech/heal when using defensives/passive health regen. Seeing a warr stop attacking for 5 secs and then to proceed to regen 360k health a second is pretty damn stupid. To include all the weird health regen in hunter trees.

if you have to pick play a warlock in TWW they get tunning pass and rework almost weekly during alpha their hero talents are fun to play with and the animation looks great. Hunter after the rework they are in better shape than before but still meh their hero talent is boring doesn’t do much damage and is lack luster.

Warlock are also built like tanks. They can just take the hit in the face.

There’s currently about half of the dps specs that can take hits to the face and tank due to this stupid health regen/leech almost everyone as now.

Not to include the amount of absorbs shields half the dps classes can now proc where is making healers in some scenarios wondering what’s the point

Which is why blizz devs went with nerf leech but for some reason are avoiding the fact that they a ton of health regen abilities/small heals/shields on abilities.

Simple think about which class rely or use leech vs which class have a shield and you know why. DPS class that use a shield is blizzard’s favourite child like mages, evoker, and warlock class that rely on leech are the red head child blizzard don’t care about.

All I know is a week before beta releases is when we’ll see the real tuning pass and two weeks afterwards.

Seeing that the mythic + crowd is being affected by all this regen/defensives junk in glad well see more adjustments.

For the current state, warlocks all the way.
we do not die, we do not forget, we do not forgive.

seriously, if a warlock dies there are two possibilities either you or your team suck.
you just cannot die =) (the new lock cookies are sweeter than ever)

if we are talking about tww, hunters are a bit more tankier than their df state. But I still think locks would win

Did this guy really just say warlocks are squishy? Long time hunter here … aspect of turtle is probably one of the worst defensives in the game. Labeling healthstones as a con because they are an item is just silly.

Ok, what about your 2x survival of the fittest , roar and exhiliration? Survival now also gets a passive dr and we’re not even talking about hero talents.

Hunter is a lot tankier in tww than people seem to realize.