Warlock vs. Hunter

He’s referring to the new hunter in TWW beta which is alot tankier than current. They also uped i forgot that passive regen health ability which is doing alot of self healing.

And a few dps classes obtained new defensives through the hero tree / talent rework.

A respectable and unbiased comment. I appreciate your attention to facts. I have been preaching this for so long.

I dont understand where people get this idea that warlocks are the tankiest, just because they dont know how to deal with them.

Long time affliction main and part time MM hunter alt. Warlocks are squishy PERIOD This is obviously why they are hard targeted by everyone in every game.
I can say without a shadow of a doubt that hunters are way stronger and now tankier than warlocks.
Hunter is the type of class that you can just start a new character and instantly start destroying people. No learning curve no resource mgmt great defensives self heals insane burst camo no threat of being interrupted etc


Hunters doing 40% more dmg that 2/3rds of the lock specs atm in the logs, sooooo.
Im a lock player, but you cant deny that.

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