Warlock PvP Revamp

10/03/2018 02:52 PMPosted by Tournesol
Hope is ded

I still have it.
Imagine not being able to push rating for a month, and then waiting two more weeks after an announcement, just to receive: "Warlocks now receieve 5% bonus physical damage reduction from armor when engaged in PvP combat.

I really hope that's not where we end up.
Thank you for putting this together. This is seriously a great post.

The only concerns I have in addition to those are that our pets will be too squishy (70k health on fel hunter at 370 ilvl... come on) if soul link ever comes back to affliction/destruction and also for some ungodly reason healthstone's cooldown doesnt refresh ever while in combat, which with a pet in arenas is... the whole time. So it's a once per match cooldown in most cases.

I'm really afraid we won't get the revamp(or is it just a rollback) that we need though. And that instead they'll just give us a tiny survivability buff to us and call it a day.
Thank you for putting this together. This is seriously a great post.

The only concerns I have in addition to those are that our pets will be too squishy (70k health on fel hunter at 370 ilvl... come on) if soul link ever comes back to affliction/destruction and aso for some ungodly reason healthstone's cooldown doesnt refresh ever while in combat, which with a pet in arenas is... the whole time. So it's a once per match cooldown in most cases.

I'm really afraid we won't get the revamp(or is it just a rollback) that we need though. And that instead they'll just add a tiny survivability buff to us and call it a day.

I completely agree with that. Pet scaling seems to be an issue every expansion and I don't understand why. I think pet scaling should be intertwined with your item level. Hell, shouldn't the pets be adopting our stats? Why is HP not included in their adaptation?
Demon Armor on PTR notes increases health by 15% and armor by 125%... PvP talent.

Confirmed useless class till 8.1.

Jesus Christ if I knew lock was going to be dog !@# for 3 months at the start of the expansion I'd never have signed up.
I saw the 8.1 notes. I am happy that something is being done, but I am disappointed that this will cost a pvp talent slot and is only available for affliction and destruction. This change is something which is better than what the past two months have been, nothing. I feel underwhelmed by the announcement for the sheer fact that demon armor won't be baseline, but again, this is just my initial reaction.

I do struggle to understand why the cost of the pvp talent point or the limitation to affliction and destruction only. In my head, I think the developers are trying to justify this limitation because demonology has soul link, however, the reality is that in the current state of pvp, melee cleaves sit on a demonology warlock and eventually outright win the game because of the amount of damage the demonology warlock is taking, and the lack of pressure that a demonology warlock would be putting out against the cleave.

This pvp talent should really be for all 3 specs at the minimum, and I will even go as far to request that it be baseline for all 3 specs. Mages, the warlock counter part, currently has frost armor that provides slows, so why can't warlocks get demon armor baseline? To take it a step further, where is fel armor? Could we have both of these spells reinstated into the game as apart of the warlock kit?

I said this in my initial post, but I will state it again, I strongly urge any Blizzard developer that is responsible for the Warlock class to start looking hard at our current tool kit. Although this a change, which is more than anything we have received in the past 2 months, it's time stop putting band-aids on the class and fix the root cause. This is project management 101. You have incredible players like Walirikz, Chanimals, Maldiva, Snutz all taking up different classes because the Warlock kit has not been resolved. If you don't believe me about this I want you to take a look at the 1 game that a warlock, Maldiva, made an appearance in during the 1st Battle for Azeroth Arena Cup. Your eyes should be focused on the WCS interface which shows every classes defensive/offensive cool downs that are within the current match. The thing that stood out the most for the 1 match, that 1 warlock showed up in, was that Maldiva had one cooldown (Unending Resolve) vs the numerous cool downs of the other 5 players in the arena. It is crazy to me that unending resolve is the only warlock cool down that was shown.

If that doesn't convince you as a developer, than let me know. I will quickly compile a comprehensive listing of defensive tools for every class in this game. I am trying to help you blizz, please look at the warlock kit.
Excited to finally see a change to help locks vs melee, but I still would like to urge Blizzard to make the new Demon Armor talent baseline as well as Demonic Circle.

I would also like to see Gateway Mastery made baseline, as it's nearly mandatory against any melee team. Forcing us to take Demon Armor and Gateway mastery PvP talents against every melee team makes me think at least one of these talents should be baseline, otherwise we'll have to trade flavor and lose other PvP talent options.

Affliction remains the only spec in the game without a single form of instant crowd control OR snare. Making demonic circle baseline to enable us to pick a Crowd Control talent would help give the class some of its old flavor back and make it a lot more fun. Make demonic circle baseline and return howl of terror to the talent tree in its place. Then change the "darkfury" talent to make shadowfury an instant cast. This gives us a viable row of instant crowd control options and would really help make the class more fun again.
10/03/2018 05:03 PMPosted by Chameetri
I saw the 8.1 notes. I am happy that something is being done, but I am disappointed that this will cost a pvp talent slot and is only available for affliction and destruction. This change is something which is better than what the past two months have been, nothing. I feel underwhelmed by the announcement for the sheer fact that demon armor won't be baseline, but again, this is just my initial reaction.

I do struggle to understand why the cost of the pvp talent point or the limitation to affliction and destruction only. In my head, I think the developers are trying to justify this limitation because demonology has soul link, however, the reality is that in the current state of pvp, melee cleaves sit on a demonology warlock and eventually outright win the game because of the amount of damage the demonology warlock is taking, and the lack of pressure that a demonology warlock would be putting out against the cleave.

This pvp talent should really be for all 3 specs at the minimum, and I will even go as far to request that it be baseline for all 3 specs. Mages, the warlock counter part, currently has frost armor that provides slows, so why can't warlocks get demon armor baseline? To take it a step further, where is fel armor? Could we have both of these spells reinstated into the game as apart of the warlock kit?

I said this in my initial post, but I will state it again, I strongly urge any Blizzard developer that is responsible for the Warlock class to start looking hard at our current tool kit. Although this a change, which is more than anything we have received in the past 2 months, it's time stop putting band-aids on the class and fix the root cause. This is project management 101. You have incredible players like Walirikz, Chanimals, Maldiva, Snutz all taking up different classes because the Warlock kit has not been resolved. If you don't believe me about this I want you to take a look at the 1 game that a warlock, Maldiva, made an appearance in during the 1st Battle for Azeroth Arena Cup. Your eyes should be focused on the WCS interface which shows every classes defensive/offensive cool downs that are within the current match. The thing that stood out the most for the 1 match, that 1 warlock showed up in, was that Maldiva had one cooldown (Unending Resolve) vs the numerous cool downs of the other 5 players in the arena. It is crazy to me that unending resolve is the only warlock cool down that was shown.

If that doesn't convince you as a developer, than let me know. I will quickly compile a comprehensive listing of defensive tools for every class in this game. I am trying to help you blizz, please look at the warlock kit.

100% this

And why on earth are we forced to lose a whole season before we get any attempt at a resolution?
To the top!
Right now we pretty underwhelmed but there’s no way they don’t change some other stuff this isn’t all that’s coming, nightfall is crap and we can’t take drain life something gonna change about our first row definitely maybe make nightfall baseline is what’s gonna happen and we get something new, also that talent that increases dmg by 3% after sbolt needs to Be removed. Does anyone ever use vile taint? Delete the darkfury talent it’s never getting taken over coil or port or keep the talent make port base and replace talent with howl because where the hell is howl of terror.

Remove soulshatter honor talent, remove everlasting affliction honor talent, does anyone ever take curse of shadow? Don’t reduce the cast time of casting circle, make choosing it make unending resolve a 2 min cd. Give us back Fel/demon armor to swap back and forth
10/03/2018 07:38 PMPosted by Yatogami

Remove soulshatter honor talent, remove everlasting affliction honor talent, does anyone ever take curse of shadow?

Curse of shadows is great in pvp actually. it's probably our best pvp talent. And everlasting affliction has -some- uses, But yeah. i can't for the life of me think of a use for soulshatter.
10/03/2018 09:02 PMPosted by Smugpug
10/03/2018 07:38 PMPosted by Yatogami

Remove soulshatter honor talent, remove everlasting affliction honor talent, does anyone ever take curse of shadow?

Curse of shadows is great in pvp actually. it's probably our best pvp talent. And everlasting affliction has -some- uses, But yeah. i can't for the life of me think of a use for soulshatter.

Is it really? I’ve never played at the levels you have but at least in my experience of playing with lfg people I’ve always needed t take the most to just survive. Vs melee I’d take weakness, big gate and idk what else I kinda defaulted to weakness and tongues for the healer and vs casters spell reflect tongues rot and decay. In 2s sometimes I use the drain life dmg reduction vs melee healer with weakness. I can’t picture a time I’d get to use shadows and be able to pull it off

I think I remember reading that everlasting is actually a dps loss Since it takes longer to do the same amount of dmg but I’ve taken it a couple times just to have dot presence on targets for longer.

Soulshatter is just like why. If that’s not the talent being removed for demon armor I just give up, demon armor should be baseline but we gonna just have to suck it up I guess but if it doesn’t replace soulshatter then blizz will need to seek help
Where are the blues?
10/04/2018 06:26 AMPosted by Yatogami
I think I remember reading that everlasting is actually a dps loss Since it takes longer to do the same amount of dmg but I’ve taken it a couple times just to have dot presence on targets for longer

In legion it was a flat damage loss that provided longer dispel protection but in bfa it is pretty ok since longer lasting uas mean the 10% damage buff provided by having ua applied to a target lasts way longer. Still I'm not sure that is worth a pvp talent slot.
10/04/2018 09:37 AMPosted by Scoobydooxd
10/04/2018 06:26 AMPosted by Yatogami
I think I remember reading that everlasting is actually a dps loss Since it takes longer to do the same amount of dmg but I’ve taken it a couple times just to have dot presence on targets for longer

In legion it was a flat damage loss that provided longer dispel protection but in bfa it is pretty ok since longer lasting uas mean the 10% damage buff provided by having ua applied to a target lasts way longer. Still I'm not sure that is worth a pvp talent slot.

Ahh okay that makes sense actually but yeah not sure if 10% dmg for 2 more sec is worth but it adds up with more ua so I get it. I’d prefer if they just lasted more than 8 seconds like they did in every other expansion
10/04/2018 09:40 AMPosted by Yatogami
10% dmg for 2 more sec
I'm pretty sure endless affliction adds 6 seconds to the base duration of unstable affliction. 14 seconds in total.
10/04/2018 09:43 AMPosted by Scoobydooxd
10/04/2018 09:40 AMPosted by Yatogami
10% dmg for 2 more sec
I'm pretty sure endless affliction adds 6 seconds to the base duration of unstable affliction. 14 seconds in total.

Okay I’m tripping disregard lol. So it’s better than it used to be that’s good, not sure on it ever being worth a slot tho especially now with demon armor
Thursday morning bump! Also with contagion now baked into unstable affliction, endless affliction inadvertently was buffed.
10/04/2018 10:07 AMPosted by Wrathh
Thursday morning bump! Also with contagion now baked into unstable affliction, endless affliction inadvertently was buffed.
Damage from ua still feels low in pvp. Especially against players that have pw shield or ice barrier up. If they get behind a pillar with a full row of dots on them nothing really happens to their health.
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