Warlock PvP Revamp

10/02/2018 09:54 AMPosted by Treeform
Is it possible posting this post link on Blizzard Twitter? I have heard blizz use to offer follow up there...

Ya, but you need to click on the damn portal for the summon to work! That's what the community managers are waiting on...
I mean Warlock is in an almost good spot, just some survability Cds are needed, or something to be able to escape the 100% melee uptime.
Fix the math on haste, why should a caster class devote too much to haste and gain so little of it?

My lock is nearly 1200 haste and I have 18%? my shadow priest has 538 haste and 35% haste, this is the core of our problem.
Question for Chameetri. Mechanically the two biggest general issues I feel for affliction are Soul Shards only serving as a UA dump and lack of survival/utility. I've had a few ideas, such reworking lifetap as soul burn 2.0, but as someone with infinitely more arena experience than me I wanted your opinion: How do you feel about losing life tap and most of our self healing, and what would you think if blizzard decided to revisit the soul burn mechanic in some form?
10/02/2018 02:10 PMPosted by Richardd
Question for Chameetri. Mechanically the two biggest general issues I feel for affliction are Soul Shards only serving as a UA dump and lack of survival/utility. I've had a few ideas, such reworking lifetap as soul burn 2.0, but as someone with infinitely more arena experience than me I wanted your opinion: How do you feel about losing life tap and most of our self healing, and what would you think if blizzard decided to revisit the soul burn mechanic in some form?

Will just jump in here briefly and say that I enjoyed the soul-burn mechanic. Soul burn port was really cool, and I used it almost every game. I enjoyed using shards for a variety of abilities. It's really boring these days, shards are basically just a reagent for UA. Boring boring boring. Aff is sooooooo boring. And, to top it off, has craptacular survivability.

Today, I'm not at all a fan of the random nature of shard generation (destro is already the "chaotic" random damage dealer - we don't need aff to have that sort of inconsistency as well).
10/02/2018 02:23 PMPosted by Selenora
10/02/2018 02:10 PMPosted by Richardd
Question for Chameetri. Mechanically the two biggest general issues I feel for affliction are Soul Shards only serving as a UA dump and lack of survival/utility. I've had a few ideas, such reworking lifetap as soul burn 2.0, but as someone with infinitely more arena experience than me I wanted your opinion: How do you feel about losing life tap and most of our self healing, and what would you think if blizzard decided to revisit the soul burn mechanic in some form?

Will just jump in here briefly and say that I enjoyed the soul-burn mechanic. Soul burn port was really cool, and I used it almost every game. I enjoyed using shards for a variety of abilities. It's really boring these days, shards are basically just a reagent for UA. Boring boring boring. Aff is sooooooo boring. And, to top it off, has craptacular survivability.

Today, I'm not at all a fan of the random nature of shard generation (destro is already the "chaotic" random damage dealer - we don't need aff to have that sort of inconsistency as well).

Thanks for your response!

I completely agree(obviously). Though I wasn't the biggest fan of Soul Burn+Soul Swap, the current use of soul shards feels lazy and boring to me.

I proposed an idea to bring back life tap here https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20769447307
But the TLDR version is to bring back life tap and merge it with soul burn. Life tap is now exciting to hit, and the HP cost may better balance soul burn. We also don't have pointless mana issues and maybe it could justify improving our self healing somewhat. As someone who doesn't avoid arena like the plague, what do you think?
Bump! But let's be honest, warlocks have been !@#$ for a long time. Why would blizz care to fix the class now? I bought BFA already knowing i'd have a bad time as a warlock, but that's on me, i'm dumb and deserve to pay for being dumb. The changes we want to see will never come. Not in this expansion, nor in future expansions. Give up and unsub guys, there are lots of better games to play nowadays.
This guy gets it.
10/02/2018 02:10 PMPosted by Richardd
Question for Chameetri. Mechanically the two biggest general issues I feel for affliction are Soul Shards only serving as a UA dump and lack of survival/utility. I've had a few ideas, such reworking lifetap as soul burn 2.0, but as someone with infinitely more arena experience than me I wanted your opinion: How do you feel about losing life tap and most of our self healing, and what would you think if blizzard decided to revisit the soul burn mechanic in some form?

If we start to get into the spec specific issues, I agree with you on the current Unstable Affliction system. Unstable Affliction, in my opinion, was the benchmark spell for the spec that required the enemy healer to make a choice, "Do I let my target take full up time on these dots that do medium damage, or do I clear the dots, take a massive hit for dispelling Unstable Affliction, and remain silenced for 4 seconds?" I feel like that is not the case any longer.

Unstable Affliction has now become a buffer spell that increases all damage done to the target, which I don't agree with. This buffer was meant to be a curse, aka curse of shadows, or curse of elements. Unstable Affliction, just like Warlock class design in general, has lost it's identity and intent. UA should be that big bad spell that hurts a player. Whether that player be the healer or the target, its Afflictions BFG dot, and some how it hasn't been that in a long time.
10/02/2018 02:10 PMPosted by Richardd
reworking lifetap as soul burn 2.0
They tried the whole lifetap provides X in bfa beta but then scrapped it and compensated locks by giving demon hunters a purge.

10/02/2018 05:57 PMPosted by Chameetri
10/02/2018 02:10 PMPosted by Richardd
Question for Chameetri. Mechanically the two biggest general issues I feel for affliction are Soul Shards only serving as a UA dump and lack of survival/utility. I've had a few ideas, such reworking lifetap as soul burn 2.0, but as someone with infinitely more arena experience than me I wanted your opinion: How do you feel about losing life tap and most of our self healing, and what would you think if blizzard decided to revisit the soul burn mechanic in some form?

If we start to get into the spec specific issues, I agree with you on the current Unstable Affliction system. Unstable Affliction, in my opinion, was the benchmark spell for the spec that required the enemy healer to make a choice, "Do I let my target take full up time on these dots that do medium damage, or do I clear the dots, take a massive hit for dispelling Unstable Affliction, and remain silenced for 4 seconds?" I feel like that is not the case any longer.

Unstable Affliction has now become a buffer spell that increases all damage done to the target, which I don't agree with. This buffer was meant to be a curse, aka curse of shadows, or curse of elements. Unstable Affliction, just like Warlock class design in general, has lost it's identity and intent. UA should be that big bad spell that hurts a player. Whether that player be the healer or the target, its Afflictions BFG dot, and some how it hasn't been that in a long time.

Thank you for your response, I think you summed up my feelings on the subject much better than I could.

10/02/2018 06:25 PMPosted by Scoobydooxd
10/02/2018 02:10 PMPosted by Richardd
reworking lifetap as soul burn 2.0
They tried the whole lifetap provides X in bfa beta but then scrapped it and compensated locks by giving demon hunters a purge.


I remember that. I was thinking it should go the other way(consumes a soul shard) but regardless they clearly were trying to make Lifetap valuable again. Did they ever comment on why they ditched it? I'm curious if it was an intentional design decision, or if they just cut it and said "good enough."
Maldiva <Method> Rank 1 Warlock Learning Rogue
10/02/2018 10:25 PMPosted by Scoobydooxd
Maldiva <Method> Rank 1 Warlock Learning Rogue

Jesus blizzard...
Wednesday morning bump!
Bump. Trying to do the "Win 10 Skirmishes" quest this week has been torture.
Warlock (specifically affliction) needs a complete rework, which we won't see 'til 8.1 at least.

Bandaid fix in the meantime would be something like demon armor which reduces physical damage by 20-30%, soul link available for all specs, and increased healing on drain life. Obviously if you take sac you lose soul link, so a super tanked lock would be a tanky brick utility bot rather than a dps powerhouse.

In the long term I'd like to see actual penalties for sitting on a warlock, like a stacking debuff as you hit them in the way their currently useless drain life talent works.

Warlock since the sl/sl days has always worked because it was inefficient to sit on one. It needs to return to that state. If you sat on a lock in the old days you could limit their damage somewhat, but you'd be chopping through armor, SL, and drain/siphon life healing which were actually significant. At the same time they'd be getting healed by their healer. It's a battle of attrition almost nobody could win.

Another compounding problem is the amount of instant stuns/cc flying around from high burst melee classes. Warlocks have been losing the CC arms race since vanilla. More and more classes get more stuns/interrupts while warlocks slowly lose theirs. We still have fear (at 10% of our mana... lol), but no baseline coil, a casted shadowfury.... and that's it unless you are demo. It's impossible to drain tank or even reliably cast *anything* when there is this much cc flying around. Add that to the orc relentless nerf and it's just a giant pile of crap. Add that to warlock's increasing reliance on hard casting spells like UA and it gets worse and worse.

These are problems that aren't going to resolve themselves in a quick fix, or likely even in 8.1. Once the survivability gets a boost they might look at the other stuff, but I wouldn't count on locks being in a good spot until 2-3 major patches from now.
8.1 isn’t gonna help warlocks mechanically it’ll just be numbers tuning. Increased versatility and a damage buff with a nerf to drain life and the dmg will be nutty for like a week or two the forums will be in flames everyone will say warlocks are a brain dead class to get easy glad etc forgetting season 1 of bfa and then it’ll get nerfed in dmg but it’ll be okay cuz by then dmg will be fine and locks will be able to live a little longer

Cya later I’m heading back to the future
I personally really enjoy some of these suggestions and when I have more time will try to make a cliff note version containing the recommendations.

Gotta have hope that the right set of eyes will see this and potentially do something. It sure would be nice to see a community manager respond and discuss the future plans for warlocks as hinted in one of the previous hot fix notes.
Hope is ded