Warlock PvP Revamp

10/04/2018 10:34 AMPosted by Scoobydooxd
10/04/2018 10:07 AMPosted by Wrathh
Thursday morning bump! Also with contagion now baked into unstable affliction, endless affliction inadvertently was buffed.
Damage from ua still feels low in pvp. Especially against players that have pw shield or ice barrier up. If they get behind a pillar with a full row of dots on them nothing really happens to their health.

I can't argue that one bit.
1 Like
10/04/2018 06:26 AMPosted by Yatogami
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Curse of shadows is great in pvp actually. it's probably our best pvp talent. And everlasting affliction has -some- uses, But yeah. i can't for the life of me think of a use for soulshatter.

Is it really? I’ve never played at the levels you have but at least in my experience of playing with lfg people I’ve always needed t take the most to just survive. Vs melee I’d take weakness, big gate and idk what else I kinda defaulted to weakness and tongues for the healer and vs casters spell reflect tongues rot and decay. In 2s sometimes I use the drain life dmg reduction vs melee healer with weakness. I can’t picture a time I’d get to use shadows and be able to pull it off

I think I remember reading that everlasting is actually a dps loss Since it takes longer to do the same amount of dmg but I’ve taken it a couple times just to have dot presence on targets for longer.

Soulshatter is just like why. If that’s not the talent being removed for demon armor I just give up, demon armor should be baseline but we gonna just have to suck it up I guess but if it doesn’t replace soulshatter then blizz will need to seek help

Thing about curse of shadows is that it works with drain life. And drain with the traits and versatility/haste gear can do upwards of 200k damage in 3 seconds, add 20% on top of that and it's kind of a big deal. But yeah. If the drain trait wasn't as op as it is curse of shadows probably wouldn't be very useful. Which is sad because I really like the concept of it.

And yup, everlasting affliction is a loss of dps. But I've been taking it in rbgs for ua covers on people, it's not great, but we don't really have many other options for talents there.

Soulshatter feels like a troll talent though. I guess only use I've ever had for it, and it felt like an absolute waste was playing with it to remove dots and buff myself with haste for quick fears on healers while playing mage lock x, and trying to drain the kill target with no dots.
Hoping they see this and make some of this in live

Is it really? I’ve never played at the levels you have but at least in my experience of playing with lfg people I’ve always needed t take the most to just survive. Vs melee I’d take weakness, big gate and idk what else I kinda defaulted to weakness and tongues for the healer and vs casters spell reflect tongues rot and decay. In 2s sometimes I use the drain life dmg reduction vs melee healer with weakness. I can’t picture a time I’d get to use shadows and be able to pull it off

I think I remember reading that everlasting is actually a dps loss Since it takes longer to do the same amount of dmg but I’ve taken it a couple times just to have dot presence on targets for longer.

Soulshatter is just like why. If that’s not the talent being removed for demon armor I just give up, demon armor should be baseline but we gonna just have to suck it up I guess but if it doesn’t replace soulshatter then blizz will need to seek help

Thing about curse of shadows is that it works with drain life. And drain with the traits and versatility/haste gear can do upwards of 200k damage in 3 seconds, add 20% on top of that and it's kind of a big deal. But yeah. If the drain trait wasn't as op as it is curse of shadows probably wouldn't be very useful. Which is sad because I really like the concept of it.

And yup, everlasting affliction is a loss of dps. But I've been taking it in rbgs for ua covers on people, it's not great, but we don't really have many other options for talents there.

Soulshatter feels like a troll talent though. I guess only use I've ever had for it, and it felt like an absolute waste was playing with it to remove dots and buff myself with haste for quick fears on healers while playing mage lock x, and trying to drain the kill target with no dots.

yeah i really wish curse of shadows was better(for lack of better word i guess because its not terrible but maybe its bad because its an honor talent IMO). i would love to take it but at the ratings i play at i feel like i cant afford to not take the defensive talents and also i thought before bfa came out curse of shadows was announced as a class buff that was returning like how some classes got buffs. i was excited and when i leveled my lock i was looking for it in the spellbook and couldnt find it, turns out its still an honor talent. P stupid if you ask me
Wish blizzard would announce something. This is disgusting
Bumping this before sleeeeep
30% soullink for every spec,deathcoil baseline, teleport baseline problem solved
Send help. Got tunnelled through wall, ironbark, healthstone, and rallying cry while standing in fel lord against a turbo, and died in less than 40 sec. Not even exaggerating. Locks suck
10/05/2018 03:00 AMPosted by Featherfeet
died in less than 40 sec

That's actually a very long time to live if they were truly tunneling you. Good job.

I want to get my destro lock out of the garage... bumping for justice!!
10/05/2018 03:00 AMPosted by Featherfeet
Send help. Got tunnelled through wall, ironbark, healthstone, and rallying cry while standing in fel lord against a turbo, and died in less than 40 sec. Not even exaggerating. Locks suck

Somebody post the video of snuts dying through all his druid’s Hits, ironbark, and unending resolve.

P.s. I feel you man
Friday Morning Bump. WTB Blue Post for Healthstones and summons.

Clip to prove i died with literally every defensive up and rally. :(
10/05/2018 10:02 AMPosted by Featherfeet

Clip to prove i died with literally every defensive up and rally. :(

I am stunned that Enhancement received a damage buff on October 2nd. They usually do about 10 - 15k DPS in the arena on me.
Keeping this up
keep it up fellas
Buff locks. I'd like to play my class this season.
BIZzZZZUMPED. Where are my community managers at?
Games trash atm for locks. Tried all 3 specs all best aze traits. Was 2.3k last season and most of legion on all 3 of my locks. Now struggling to find teams to finally try climb because no one wants to heal a lock... and why would they if i was heals id just be playing with enh,survival,ret,dh,rogues lol. Ty blizzard for making this the !@#$test start to the xpack i could possibly imagined. Would of been fine if our damage was a little low and not dying in 2 seconds with every cd in the game up to stay alive so we can last to rot phase. But we struggle to last 2 mins atm
10/07/2018 06:11 AMPosted by Shìnigami
Games trash atm for locks. Tried all 3 specs all best aze traits. Was 2.3k last season and most of legion on all 3 of my locks. Now struggling to find teams to finally try climb because no one wants to heal a lock... and why would they if i was heals id just be playing with enh,survival,ret,dh,rogues lol. Ty blizzard for making this the !@#$test start to the xpack i could possibly imagined. Would of been fine if our damage was a little low and not dying in 2 seconds with every cd in the game up to stay alive so we can last to rot phase. But we struggle to last 2 mins atm

I got to experience this over the weekend. I literally had a druid healer that stopped playing 3s Saturday afternoon by saying, "Man, I go out of mana every game because Wrathh takes so much damage. I just need to take a break from arena with Warlocks." On Sunday I started leveling a balance druid.