Warlock PvP Revamp

Bumping this thread before passing out.
It's time to make warlocks a bit more tanky.
Still no sign of those buffs :/

If blizzard wanted to do ONE thing only and could only make one change to lock. They should at least just give us a amor buff spell that increased armor by 30% or more. Which would theoretically reduce the Mongo melee damage we take. Not much would change in terms of spell damage taken though. Thankfully spell damage is not what's hurting us right now.
WTB blue post for healthstones and summons.
Where are the blues to comment they do not like warlocks ??

Really... A full Agony + Corruption + UA causes ~30 k damage ON 18 secs (if not dispelled) on ~130k health pool (~350 ilvl). Every melee delivery 10k damage on ~ 3 secs (2 or 3 Globals).


Missing mop lock too much.

No way to improve other than increasing 30% passive damage mitigation, increasing mastery scaling to another 30% (we are meant to be a multidot spec, rip haunt and every other ST multiplifier), make mastery counts toward drain soul, give back some talents to be baseline, rip Ion and bring back GC.

And for God sakes... remove UA stacks! We dislike it, healers dislikes it, Everyone dislikes. UA means dispell protection and do need to be feared by healers ( 8 k damage on dispels makes me lmao).

This or rip pvp warlocks.
Still waiting for a response from blues about warlocks.
Baseline Fel Armor with the increased healing taken.

Baseline. mother. !@#$ing. demonic. circle.

Gateway Mastery either baseline or available to all 3 specs.

Blood Horror from MoP returned ideally baseline but optional as a talent.

Shadowfury made instant cast and change Darkfury to like..two charges or something idk.

bing bang boom, locks are now fine. Your survivability is now up to your game sense and reactivity and not just a passive wall that enables retards to never die.
10/01/2018 04:45 PMPosted by Atrophy
Baseline Fel Armor with the increased healing taken.

Baseline. mother. !@#$ing. demonic. circle.

Gateway Mastery either baseline or available to all 3 specs.

Blood Horror from MoP returned ideally baseline but optional as a talent.

Shadowfury made instant cast and change Darkfury to like..two charges or something idk.

bing bang boom, locks are now fine. Your survivability is now up to your game sense and reactivity and not just a passive wall that enables retards to never die.

I do not believe just get improved on control will fix warlocks. We do need a lot more phisical damage mitigation because whenever your control skills go DR, you can not do anything else to stay alive.

Ion (or whoever developer involved in class balance) doesn't know what "justice" and "equality" means in a game.
I tried some bg, rbg and arena and... holy !@#$... Who did design pvp warlocks? I will stay far away from pvp until things get fixed.

What if port and coil were baseline? I'm not sure locks need a strong slow or root, but I do think giving them back coil and port baseline and adding new talents in their stead that give them more meaningful options such as a slow on incinerate or shadowbolt, and shadowfury being an instant cast.
I think we all want actual changes for our class and hope they’re coming soon but at this point I’d be happy if they just nerfed drain life trait and buffed our armor to compensate so we could at least play our class while we wait
Gonna start a summoning stone for blue

1 like = 1 person clicking the summon portal for each like we have a higher chance of summoning rare spawn blue texters
maybe next season locks will be relevant again. catch me in the gy
I am clicking on the summon for the community manager, but still need help!
10/02/2018 07:22 AMPosted by Chameetri
I am clicking on the summon for the community manager, but still need help!

Unfortunately, they won't come to confront our ideas. Keep bumping though.

Is it possible posting this post link on Blizzard Twitter? I have heard blizz use to offer follow up there...