Warlock PvP Revamp

I've also made pvp centric warlock suggestions as well in this post for some possible ideas: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20769166794#post-1

I think we need to shift away from being the "tanky" cloth wearer design we've had in the past and need to be a lot more mobile, it really makes sense, we wear cloth for a reason and being incredibly tanky seems to be considered OP by our opponents.
09/27/2018 11:43 PMPosted by Lamasthu
I've also made pvp centric warlock suggestions as well in this post for some possible ideas: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20769166794#post-1

I think we need to shift away from being the "tanky" cloth wearer design we've had in the past and need to be a lot more mobile, it really makes sense, we wear cloth for a reason and being incredibly tanky seems to be considered OP by our opponents.

At this point I'd be happy with anything, whether it's more mobility or toughness.
Warlock is honestly fine. Memelee mobility needs to be nerfed and/or their auto attack damage as well.

After enough haste with constant procs my shadow fury is 1.3s.
09/29/2018 10:41 AMPosted by Feldezl
Warlock is honestly fine. Memelee mobility needs to be nerfed and/or their auto attack damage as well.

After enough haste with constant procs my shadow fury is 1.3s.

>Melee mobility being nerfed
>13 of the 36 playable specs are melee dps and are generally the highest played classes

Yeah good luck with that. The only thing shadowfury is any good for at this point is baiting a kick if you're destro so you can freecast a chaos bolt. It's so incredibly easy to avoid, roll, interrupt, knockback, stun, etc.

It's deep seated mechanical issues that can't be fixed with number tuning. Warlocks are playing with a toolkit like it's 2006 against mobile melee, mobile hybrid casters & frost mages. Not tanky or mobile. They'll probably slap an armor/versatility buff on it and call it a day or something.
just unsub
Shadowfury needs to be instant cast. There is no excuse for it not being instant cast.
I think it’s really crazy how we literally give them like 30 ideas on how the class could be better and like 3 expacs in a row they don’t do those things
09/29/2018 09:01 PMPosted by Yatogami
I think it’s really crazy how we literally give them like 30 ideas on how the class could be better and like 3 expacs in a row they don’t do those things

Blizzard devs are told not to listen to the community due to the fear of lawsuits, its weird. And its a pride thing as well.
09/29/2018 09:25 PMPosted by Lightvoìd
09/29/2018 09:01 PMPosted by Yatogami
I think it’s really crazy how we literally give them like 30 ideas on how the class could be better and like 3 expacs in a row they don’t do those things

Blizzard devs are told not to listen to the community due to the fear of lawsuits, its weird. And its a pride thing as well.

But after years of ideas being pitched at them some form could’ve worked it’s way in or something like if I said give x class y ability they could do it if it was a good idea but change it from what I said so that it’s not exactly my idea especially if it was something someone said years ago.

They should like have a box where they save good ideas to maybe implement in the future. They even have a suggestion box section in game if you go like you’re opening a ticket what’s the point of that
We are too squishy against melees, fix that please.
Sunday Morning BUMP
Daily bump.
Warriors making idiotic grunting noises while two shotting you bump.
warlocks mechanically cant be good this expac.. the only 2 options is for them to be unplayable like they are now, or be givin flat dmg buffs so rediculous that agony ticks for 9k and makes the class broken just because of damage. there can be no in between. they need a complete revamp. stacking UAs already doomed warlocks in pvp, which is why aff sucked in legion. but now theyve doubled down on it by making warlocks play around deathbolt and darkglare while also nerfing warlocks already laughable mobility. also the offensve cd gcd hurts us more than other classes because we are the most global hungry spec. cast 5 UAs. apply corruption, agony, potentially siphon life, phantom singularity, dark soul, darkglare, (not in this order) after all these things you can finally finish off by hitting them with a 13k deathbolt. also be sure while using all 600 of these globals, to go through 3 kicks. grounding totem, 8 stuns and pseudo interupts, dispel, and more dispels because in 2018 we still allow dps classes to have curse dispels. Do all this while standing in 1 spot and taking millions of dmg because you have no mobility no slows and no defensives.

clunkiest, weakest spec ive seen in the years ive played. im convinced its unfixable without just buffing the damage to unreasonable amounts or a complete rework,which they wont do. too much work when they have mythic dungeons to balance. expect them to just buff warlock damage by a stupid amount and call it a day
Been over a week since announced.
I dont want high mobility as a lock.. I like the idea of being a tough, resilient caster who uses magic to shield myself, minimizing damage.

I want survivability. Make us tougher, stronger, more armor.. something, especially since I'm demo. Moving around all the time means I'm not doing any damage.

Many good ideas here!

My personal opinion. Since hand of guldan is one of the coolest visuals and most gratifying sounds in the game. Make it slow or make the amount of shards used increase its damage per shard spent
09/30/2018 10:05 PMPosted by Onedown

My personal opinion. Since hand of guldan is one of the coolest visuals and most gratifying sounds in the game. Make it slow or make the amount of shards used increase its damage per shard spent

It's the only reason I play demonology, all the visuals are so cool.

Mad props to the art department.

We do need a snare outside of succubus