Warlock PvP Revamp

11/10/2018 12:18 PMPosted by Yveltäl
Warlocks were never meant to be tanks even tho they are pretty immobile
Being an immobile rot caster with armor and health like a tank was the lock class fantasy from the beginning and for years and years afterwards. (Lock was the last class to be designed and a lot of leftover concepts from other classes just got mashed into the lock class)

In BC when each class still had unique strengths,weaknesses and play styles I would sit in the middle of the map with my 13k health and rot the dps or drain mana the healer depending on who was in range. Downside of that was that I couldn't catch up to anything/outlasting the enemy team was the only way to win and having to keep the pet alive was a 24/7 job.
I can't tell if Yveltal is trolling or just insanely clueless

Anyway, good points Menemies, Wrathh, and Alkhan.
Sunday bump
@Blizzard yall good?
I miss embers and life tap
And being tanky af

WoD lock was so fun for me
I got some faith in blizzard. we got a little under an entire month till 8.1 surely they will drop some juicy new warlock info soon. but still not gonna let this thread leave front page
11/13/2018 08:20 AMPosted by Megynkelley
I got some faith in blizzard. we got a little under an entire month till 8.1 surely they will drop some juicy new warlock info soon. but still not gonna let this thread leave front page

Jokes on all of us it was created more than 2 weeks ago and will disappear once the new forum change happens
I bet Blizz can't wait to get this thread deleted.
lol im sure they want to wipe out the 83 page Affliction post
Wednesday bump!
Still bumping!

Finally unbanned bump. Considering rolling Zandalari resto druid for 8.1. Anybody playing rdruid in arena? How are they?

Bump baby bump

This is the best thread on the forums. Blues - please show it and warlocks some love!


I am a very angry warlock

saturday bump

I like warlock its a very good & fun class right now altho maybe nerf damage a little bit it would be good then :smiley:

Bumping til season 2