Warlock PvP Revamp

Ey guys no re-rolling!

Also while were at it can we get hellfire and fel flame back? It's a bit odd and clunky to not be able to aoe stealth classes or instant kill totems while every other dps takes that as granted.
enhance just randomly got a bunch of buffs on ptr. 8.1 release is getting closer by the minute but im keeping hope alive that maybe we will get a surprise update too
11/09/2018 05:21 PMPosted by Alkhan
Ey guys no re-rolling!

Also while were at it can we get hellfire and fel flame back? It's a bit odd and clunky to not be able to aoe stealth classes or instant kill totems while every other dps takes that as granted.

Let it die man. We won't be good anytime soon, roll a DH, they're laughably easy to play

Oh wait I forgot, Shaman passive AOE magic dispel coming in 8.1
8.1 Warlock Buffs on mmo-champion front page atm. Turns out it's nothing but slight pet spell power buffs.
11/09/2018 09:27 PMPosted by Alkhan
8.1 Warlock Buffs on mmo-champion front page atm. Turns out it's nothing but slight pet spell power buffs.

Saw it, I mean they could definitely be of assistance for demo consistent damage.

Shoot I’ll take anything at this point
11/09/2018 10:23 PMPosted by Menemies
11/09/2018 09:27 PMPosted by Alkhan
8.1 Warlock Buffs on mmo-champion front page atm. Turns out it's nothing but slight pet spell power buffs.

Saw it, I mean they could definitely be of assistance for demo consistent damage.

Shoot I’ll take anything at this point
It's not a buff. Pet energy regeneration is currently double dipping from the locks haste. This bug will be fixed in 8.1 and they decided to provide a spell power / damage buff to lock pets so 8.1 pet damage will feel roughly the same as on live.
11/09/2018 09:27 PMPosted by Alkhan
8.1 Warlock Buffs on mmo-champion front page atm. Turns out it's nothing but slight pet spell power buffs.

Oh my god I thought you were joking

The disgusting part is everyone already plays sac so it's just literally nothing for Locks.
11/09/2018 06:25 PMPosted by Yatogami
enhance just randomly got a bunch of buffs on ptr. 8.1 release is getting closer by the minute but im keeping hope alive that maybe we will get a surprise update too

Oh, worst part for Affliction, is that Turbo, TSG, Hero Cleave, and Legion Cleave are going to be everywhere.
warlocks are fine.
11/10/2018 07:10 AMPosted by Yveltäl
warlocks are fine.

I mean, people are entitled to opinions but you're just objectively wrong.
just give us port baseline idgaf about anything else
Welp 8.1 was looking okay, but with the other buffs and changes going around once again I don't think I will Arena much with lock. My friends only play with me now out of sympathy, and keep telling me to re-roll. Was hoping that 8.1 would increase our cleave damage. Maybe address that for some reason Affy is a single target spec that has to fap in a corner between burst, or 100 stack ID. What is this class design? I thought I was a master of DOTS and DRAINS rotting the enemy team. Punishing them for trying to sit on my face, while I gate around the map. Not some 1 shot gimmick b.s. on a rented power.
11/10/2018 07:10 AMPosted by Yveltäl
warlocks are fine.

2.8% representation on the ladder, yeah bro we're killin it.
11/10/2018 10:36 AMPosted by Menemies
11/10/2018 07:10 AMPosted by Yveltäl
warlocks are fine.

2.8% representation on the ladder, yeah bro we're killin it.
0.9% representation here at least you are almost 3% It's kinda funny what 1 minute wall did to all these legion destro warlocks brains. Like Warlock isn't even bad right now it just gets trucked over by Fire RMPala and Meleecleaves like it did before legion. Warlocks were never meant to be tanks even tho they are pretty immobile. You guys still do really good damage as destro just leave it at that no one wants a reminder of legion season 4 5 6 7 warlock.
11/10/2018 12:18 PMPosted by Yveltäl
11/10/2018 10:36 AMPosted by Menemies

2.8% representation on the ladder, yeah bro we're killin it.
0.9% representation here at least you are almost 3% It's kinda funny what 1 minute wall did to all these legion destro warlocks brains. Like Warlock isn't even bad right now it just gets trucked over by Fire RMPala and Meleecleaves like it did before legion. Warlocks were never meant to be tanks even tho they are pretty immobile. You guys still do really good damage as destro just leave it at that no one wants a reminder of legion season 4 5 6 7 warlock.

This is where I will interject and say you're mistaken. To say that warlocks aren't meant to be "tanks" would be incorrect. Warlocks original design was to have massive health pools, the ability to heal themselves, and have great passive mitigation. The exchange for that was a lack of reactive abilities and mobility like a blink, temporal shield, shifting, ghostwolf, etc... I agree with you that the damage for both destruction and affliction are good right now, but damage is not the issue that I originally posted on. The fact of the matter is that warlocks take way too much damage in comparison to their caster counterparts that do have those mobility traits. The one dps caster that doesn't have mobility, shadow priests, can gain a 20% passive damage mitigation.

Also your comment about Legion Destruction warlocks is similar to my comment of, "Man look at all those Frost DeathKnight brains from Legion..." It's not warranted.
11/10/2018 12:18 PMPosted by Yveltäl
11/10/2018 10:36 AMPosted by Menemies

2.8% representation on the ladder, yeah bro we're killin it.
0.9% representation here at least you are almost 3% It's kinda funny what 1 minute wall did to all these legion destro warlocks brains. Like Warlock isn't even bad right now it just gets trucked over by Fire RMPala and Meleecleaves like it did before legion. Warlocks were never meant to be tanks even tho they are pretty immobile. You guys still do really good damage as destro just leave it at that no one wants a reminder of legion season 4 5 6 7 warlock.

"Warlock isn't even bad right now" - not even going to entertain that one at all lol.

We were SO much tankier every single expansion before BFA, btw. That's because locks are meant to be tanky, anyone that took a look at the warlock toolkit every expansion from BC to legion (pruning aside) could tell that warlock is meant to be a tanky caster. Shoot, at one point demonology literally had meta which is a tank form (RIP meta you will always be in our hearts). That tankyness made up for our lack of proper mobility and gap closers to get around and we were totally cool with it. Now we are the least tanky caster since spriests and mages outlive us by a lot and have a better toolkit.

You are not wrong about our damage though, it's fine. However damage isn't really what locks are complaining about lol, its the fact that we take entirely too much damage compared to other classes.
11/10/2018 12:43 PMPosted by Wrathh
11/10/2018 12:18 PMPosted by Yveltäl
... 0.9% representation here at least you are almost 3% It's kinda funny what 1 minute wall did to all these legion destro warlocks brains. Like Warlock isn't even bad right now it just gets trucked over by Fire RMPala and Meleecleaves like it did before legion. Warlocks were never meant to be tanks even tho they are pretty immobile. You guys still do really good damage as destro just leave it at that no one wants a reminder of legion season 4 5 6 7 warlock.

This is where I will interject and say you're mistaken. To say that warlocks aren't meant to be "tanks" would be incorrect. Warlocks original design was to have massive health pools, the ability to heal themselves, and have great passive mitigation. The exchange for that was a lack of reactive abilities and mobility like a blink, temporal shield, shifting, ghostwolf, etc... I agree with you that the damage for both destruction and affliction are good right now, but damage is not the issue that I originally posted on. The fact of the matter is that warlocks take way too much damage in comparison to their caster counterparts that do have those mobility traits. The one dps caster that doesn't have mobility, shadow priests, can gain a 20% passive damage mitigation.

Also your comment about Legion Destruction warlocks is similar to my comment of, "Man look at all those Frost DeathKnight brains from Legion..." It's not warranted.
You don't see me saying YEAH LETS BUFF FROST DK BACK UP do you? no so that last part was irrelevant and to think legion destro was actually fine is gross are u even human?
Nobody is asking for 1 min walls or legion destro. All the specs actually play like crap & yeah can be carried when playing with something like a fire mage. Destro has like no buttons to push and feels bad & Aff relies on a 1 shot and is a single target spec instead of the spread dmg it used to be also blizz has stated warlock is the “tanky caster” but that’s not the case
11/10/2018 03:24 PMPosted by Yatogami
Aff relies on a 1 shot and is a single target spec instead of the spread dmg it used to be

Didn't devs say something about boosting multi-dotting for aff again?

What's taking so long?
11/10/2018 03:41 PMPosted by Selenora
11/10/2018 03:24 PMPosted by Yatogami
Aff relies on a 1 shot and is a single target spec instead of the spread dmg it used to be

Didn't devs say something about boosting multi-dotting for aff again?

What's taking so long?

They did in the qa and since then Aff has only gained a new mandatory honor talent that gives armor and health & a passive health increase.

Maybe a week after that qa I made a post talking about how agony crits for 2k at 15 stacks.

I wish they would bring back soulburn haunt & change our darkglare to work like it did for demo. Instead of being a single target attacking demon make it so that it zaps all targets that have corruption on them for decent damage. Currently it just attacks the first target you have with dots and once that guy dies it’ll actually run up to melee range of the next person it wants to attack and then start shooting them but by that time it’s durations about up.

That still doesn’t fix making Aff better at spread dmg but it would make it so that our 3 min cd fits the spec better imo