Warlock PvP Revamp

we used to have more hp than other casters, 1 min wall and 2 spell locks which made us dump on them. those have all been taken away.
We also had life tap to prevent us from going out of mana for 14 years, Demonic Circle that was base line, passive damage mitigation from soul link, higher stamina that rivaled tanks, drain life that gave us a % of our health back, a castable armor that decreased physical damage while also increased the healing on us, deathcoil, blood horror to prevent melee from hitting us for 3 seconds, an instant cast aoe stun, an aoe fear that punished melee teams for training us, a pet that could spam cc with no cool down, a gateway that was 70 yards in length baseline, curses that were baseline. All of these are just in general but I can get spec specific just to name a few more things that were removed.
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Also reviewing the specs off of Arenamate.net, I see that the following are the 15 most played specs, accompanied by the volume of players above 2.1k:

Assasination Rogue 592
Discipline Priest 493
Holy Paladin 376
Restoration Shaman 370
Fire Mage 309
Balance Druid 307
Arms Warrior 300
Shadow Priest 294
Enhancement Shaman 251
Demon Hunter 226
Survival Hunter 216
Mistweaver Monk 215
Frost Mage 214
Retribution Paladin 202
Restoration Druid 154

There is also a total of 154 warlocks across all 3 specs above the 2.1k threshold as of 12PM today.
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11/07/2018 12:40 PMPosted by Chameetri
We also had life tap to prevent us from going out of mana for 14 years, Demonic Circle that was base line, passive damage mitigation from soul link, higher stamina that rivaled tanks, drain life that gave us a % of our health back, a castable armor that decreased physical damage while also increased the healing on us, deathcoil, blood horror to prevent melee from hitting us for 3 seconds, an instant cast aoe stun, an aoe fear that punished melee teams for training us, a pet that could spam cc with no cool down, a gateway that was 70 yards in length baseline, curses that were baseline. All of these are just in general but I can get spec specific just to name a few more things that were removed.

I forgot about blood horror.

Blizzard, what have you done to this class?
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Originally there was blood fear. Instant fear that would cost 10% health with a 5 second cooldown.
Endless !@#$%ing made Blizz remove blood fear and give us blood horror. Blood horror was a 4 second horror effect triggered by melee attacks on a 30 sec cooldown. Endless ^-*!@ing made blizz double the cd to 60 seconds. Finally legion pruning ended the oh so rich history of blood horror.
Sub ends in a week, not re-subbing.

Would rather play my 340 ilvl spriest than 377 ilvl lock, at least i get a perma 30% melee damage reduction on my spriest.

Yet I still get trained as spriest, maybe next time i'll reroll a war/DH or some melee mongo sh1t.
11/07/2018 04:03 PMPosted by Baoxueshabii
Sub ends in a week, not re-subbing.

Would rather play my 340 ilvl spriest than 377 ilvl lock, at least i get a perma 30% melee damage reduction on my spriest.

Yet I still get trained as spriest, maybe next time i'll reroll a war/DH or some melee mongo sh1t.

I think most have gone to DH. The mobility and utility is bananas. Also they're not receiving a nerf outside of Mana Rift, which shouldnt be in the game.
11/07/2018 05:34 PMPosted by Chameetri
I think most have gone to DH. The mobility and utility is bananas. Also they're not receiving a nerf outside of Mana Rift, which shouldnt be in the game.

Many other classes/specs play so well as far as escapes are concerned, that it takes a minute for me to realize I don't need to sit and get beat on by other classes when I'm on my [virtually any other class than warlock].
Gotta keep this at the top of the page. Really needing a blue answer on what they are going to do with warlocks. I love destro and I actually like the BFA version a lot more than the legion version, but im not sure if Demon Skin is enough. We need demon skin and port at the least. Also demonic gateway, since its essentially a 2 minute cd, should give us the legion 30% speed boost and it should also clear snares like port does. only for the warlock of course.
11/08/2018 12:12 PMPosted by Megynkelley
Also demonic gateway, since its essentially a 2 minute cd, should give us the legion 30% speed boost and it should also clear snares like port does. only for the warlock of course.
Mhm I noticed that a lot of classes have such insane speed boosts or slows that it takes longer for the lock to waddle around half a pillar after taking gateway than it takes for most classes to run through the whole arena map and catch up with the lock.

I think a lot of lock problems could be fixed without making locks too op by returning soul burn. That way locks could have the option to trade damage for survival tools such as a speed boost,reliable slow or maybe a heal/absorb.
Back to the top! Nimox, any insight here?
Still nothing, what a joke
Sure would be nice if a community manager were to address this post.
Sure would be nice if a community manager were to address this post.
With rmx becoming much stronger due to kul tiran racial being a knockback,turbo getting buffed,resto shamans receiving a magic mass dispel,healing absorb trinkets and the healers typically playing with locks aka holy paladins/resto shamans getting nerfed we might be looking at the warlock sh#tshow of the yearthousand.
yeah honestly 8.1 and season 2 is looking even worse.
then what we have now. its like there making all the already Op things live longer and be more OP.
The sad truth is that due to other classes being nerfed that usually kill warlocks and classes like shadow priest and dk being buffed and are classes that often play WITH warlocks & we’re getting a little defensive increase through talent and increased passive stam warlocks will actually be higher represented next season but it will come from nearly zero direct improvements to warlock and entirely from other things.

The spec will stay play like garbage but you’ll live long enough to just barely do what you’re supposed to do and it’ll be a little tougher with drain life 1 shot being gone.

That’s my opinion anyway, warlock participation improves slightly but still feels unrewarding to play and specs feel like garbage but you can win games

Edit: forgot about all 3 classes of rmp getting access to kultiran & also the new trinkets and rsham chain heal/healing rain dispel talent so I don’t actually know anymore.

Was just assuming shadowcleave and splay be good because dk and sp got actual changes & warlock gained some armor
11/09/2018 03:18 PMPosted by Wrathh
11/09/2018 09:25 AMPosted by Yatogami
the new trinkets and rsham chain heal/healing rain dispel talent so I don’t actually know anymore

TSG being everywhere and Rsham passive AoE cleanse is the final nail in the coffin, bro. Thanks for trying, but... it's over. Warlock has fewer players over 2.1 as a class than any SPEC of Druid, Mage, or Rogue.

I'm already leveling my DH, DK, and Spriest to see which I like best. Lock is shelved until actual fixes are in