Warlock PvP Revamp

11/05/2018 12:53 PMPosted by Yoyoyoyyo
You guys are far from weak. As Someone already stated in here, you guys need physicsl resistance buff. These mele are just on top of you yo easily. You are above casters.

Blizzard community managers, where art thou?
Each day I check MMO to see if any lock survival changes are in queue.






Back to my alts I go!
still waiting on a response
It's official now boyz neither Kul Tiran nor Zandalari will be available to warlocks.
crazy that this well written a post hasn't received any blue/green love yet. Demon armor in 8.1 will be nice, but we really need Demonic Circle back baseline. And to have any slow over 50% reduced to 50%.
@blizzard Sup
mages can be kultirans and get a new knockback+stun racial but not warlocks. wouldnt want people having a hard time touching a lock now
Still checking wowhead on the daily. Where are my community managers at?
the Warlocks of the NA wow arena forums demand answers Blizzard!
11/06/2018 05:33 PMPosted by Megynkelley
the Warlocks of the NA wow arena forums demand answers Blizzard!
We got an answer in form of blizz giving rmp 3 knockbacks via kul tiran allied race. (to make sure that everybody pays cash for a character boost or faction/race change)
Cleansing Waters
Your Chain Heal and Healing Rain spells have a 20% increased chance to critically heal, and when they critically heal the target is dispelled of all harmful magical effects.

!@#$ Blizzard to hell. Honestly
11/06/2018 07:00 PMPosted by Alkhan
Cleansing Waters
Your Chain Heal and Healing Rain spells have a 20% increased chance to critically heal, and when they critically heal the target is dispelled of all harmful magical effects.

!@#$ Blizzard to hell. Honestly

The removal of warlocks has begun
11/06/2018 07:02 PMPosted by Yatogami
The removal of warlocks has begun
They are legit insane.
In 8.1 they really expect from affliction locks in order to do any form of damage to ramp up agony while preventing classes like mages,druids from removing it then spend about 8 seconds dodging interrupts and pseudo interrupts like grounding totem in order to cast unstable afflictions,haunt and then finally somehow prevent a resto shaman from using his dispel or chain heal while dots are rolling. Jeepers Creepers.

Edit: aand my cat just broke my monitor. Solid day.
1 Like
Rsham is losing rippling waters which is huge throughput. The chain heal dispel looks like it only works on magic and not curses. Would still like to see a buff to UA dispel though.
11/06/2018 07:14 PMPosted by Alkhan
11/06/2018 07:02 PMPosted by Yatogami
The removal of warlocks has begun
They are legit insane.
In 8.1 they really expect from affliction locks in order to do any form of damage to ramp up agony while preventing classes like mages,druids from removing it then spend about 8 seconds dodging interrupts and pseudo interrupts like grounding totem in order to cast unstable afflictions,haunt and then finally somehow prevent a resto shaman from using his dispel or chain heal while dots are rolling. Jeepers Creepers.

Edit: aand my cat just broke my monitor. Solid day.

Sorry man hope it gets better
Did you guys see the bile scourge bomber buff....cause that's what we needed right?!? Am I right? Blizzard, do you guys just have like a wheel with changes on it similar to Wheel of Fortune? I also saw rogues are getting their execute back today. That was nice to see.
11/05/2018 07:14 PMPosted by Chameetri
11/05/2018 12:53 PMPosted by Yoyoyoyyo
You guys are far from weak. As Someone already stated in here, you guys need physicsl resistance buff. These mele are just on top of you yo easily. You are above casters.


I'm not trolling though. You guys very well know your main problem is mele. If your having trouble with a mage or another caster idk what to tell ya.

Not every spec is viable for the majority of the classes right now and I know you guys have little options to switch as well. I acknowledge something needs to be done about how much damage you take from mele because that is warlock's main problem. Mele sits on top of them to easily and takes to much damage. Explain to me how I'm trolling?

I honestly don't care what they do to this class. I'm just giving an unbiased opinion.
11/07/2018 12:03 PMPosted by Yoyoyoyyo
I'm not trolling though. You guys very well know your main problem is mele. If your having trouble with a mage or another caster idk what to tell ya.
Compared to previous expansions it is much harder to win against casters. Did some skirms yesterday and got legit globalled by a fire mage after preventing him from getting greater pyros off for about 2 minutes and a balance druid hit me for 90% of my health with 2 instant starsurges when he finally caught up with me in the last 1-2 seconds of incarn.

Another good example is frost mages. Historically that spec always had a beyond hard time against affliction locks but in bfa they press their instants and you as lock are in deep !@#$ while your meager dot damage gets absorbed and removed.

Still 50:50 chance against casters would be fine if their melee partners would be brought in line.