Warlock PvP Revamp


So you can transmog a dagger into an artifact staff? Damn G I had no idea.
10/20/2018 02:03 AMPosted by Lokkedown
Pruning and homonigization


Might be my new favorite word
10/19/2018 11:07 AMPosted by Yatogami
10/19/2018 11:01 AMPosted by Xinrus
I think this would also get alot of constructive feedback on the Warlock forums, have we posted it there recently?

There’s a few good posters there that would comment but I think the overall result would be half and half with people coming in and saying “warlock is fine” because they’re thinking of pve or there will be people saying who cares it’s pvplul etc. in arena at least everyone’s on the same wavelength with wanting pvp to be good and people here are less biased and can see that locks are in a bad state

Anyone saying "warlock is fine" is absolutely out of his/her !@#$%^- mind.
10/19/2018 09:41 AMPosted by Wrathh
10/19/2018 09:19 AMPosted by Babyhewey

Don't forget the demo dream!!!

I haven't played on Wrathh this week but Demo is 100% in the mix for 3s. It's just so frustrating when you run out of mana. Like what the fruit basket!

What comps are you playing as demo rn?
Demo, Ret, Resto Shaman
It is really bonkers just how fast people re-roll to whatever is the most op spec. Blizzard must be making a killing on character boosts.

I like to play skirms throughout the day / whenever I have a bit of time and 2-3 weeks ago you would see hundreds of fresh 120 assassination rogues and now 2 out of 3 games contain a fresh 120 fire mage.
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Daily reminder for blizzard for how !@#$ty PVP this expansion is for warlocks.
Sunday bump!
Monday bump - for the fact that we still are free kills........................
Praying for some announced changes soon, especially with Blizzcon coming up in just 10 days. Maybe Holinka can make some good suggestions to help us out now that he's back on!
Monday Afternoon Bump
Man after playing with my destro buddy I feel like port baseline would solve so many issues. Coil for set up and port for emergency...

His damage is good just the uptime dps have on him is insane.
Tuesday bump
Demon Armor Tank Specs – Row 1 PvP Talent
Requires Warlock (Affliction, Destruction)
Requires level 7
Protects the caster, increasing maximum health by 15% and increases armor by 125%.

8.1.0 (Tue Oct 16 2018) Build 27985

This is the only thing done to help our survival so far -

IT really comes down to there are so many reasons our survival is so bad -
and its not just a numbers buff issue - It's a core DPS delivery issue -
It gets compound on due to changes to other classes over the years as well
Every melee has multiple gap closer's, interrupts, snares, and spell lock outs and damage reductions.
Warlocks don't counter anything anymore - used to be we countered hunters and then warriors were the counter for a lock

This is gonna be about AFFLICTION - the spec I play but the others have issues
DISPEL Protection
Being tied to a stacking mechanic requiring 5 stacks to have full dot protection
Damage is laughable with healers clearing it without worry/been like this for 3 expacs.

UA Stacking (with built in contagion) requiring us to stack our big dot to 5 to do any real damage to a target. Thats 5-7 seconds of free casting required to get that off if you even have the shards. (make it go away back to 1 big dot for dispel protection and remove soul shard cost)
Haunt - Another casted spell that requires free time to get off to buff our damage. (revert to old haunt - burst on soul shard cost and big damage buff small heal)
Shadowbolt is casted and does no real damage in pvp - not worth the gcd.
Siphon life Damage and heal is so low in PVP that its not worth the GCD. (raise the heal amount in pvp)

Movement and CC issues. -
Burning Rush - the 4% life per second is to high in rated pvp with the lack of self heals/durability the class currently has to be worth it in any way. (Make it a mana drain in PVP instead of health/or a incoming heal absorb)
Demonic Circle - a talent choice and (should be baseline -everyone agrees)
Mortal Coil - is a talent choice on the same row as circle and (should be baseline)The Heal and a small Cd reduction should be the talent)
Dark pact - No longer pulls from pets health and is less useful as you re lower in health. only good at the start or at high health. (needs to be reverted to pet)
Howl of Terror - I's gone all together - ( bring it back put it circle's spot)
CoE Still gone - NO SLOW other then with the pet that removes our ability to interrupt. (Bring it back baseline this PLEASE Rot should be able to kite)
Blood horror still gone - nothing to punish a melee for sitting on the lock at all (bring this back)
Shadow fury (talent take it away - put in Blood Horror on its place)

Basically makes it so that kitting is not even really an option.

ID - gives us a sudo MG like move but requires us to live long enough to get max stacks to be effective (this is being partially addressed in 8.1) -
but also creates and issue cause if this trait is to strong and intended to be our kill mechanic then our dots will always be low and not the priority on damage.
Deathbolt Fun in theory but terrible for same reasons as ID -
its just another build a giant ramp to try and do big damage.

Both of these are easily countered with a single dispel of UA stacks or interrupt of ID

Leaving us to have to run and hide and try and rebuild all the shards and stacks to do any meaningful damage. During this time we have to rely on our team mates to carry and slow and cc and control the opposition due to our personal lack of durability.

It makes for poor team comps and healers absolutely hating having a lock in group.
I've also done over 500 games in BFA - low rating but a ton of mages and rogues and cleaves so I'm pretty familiar with how we die.
This is prob the last time I'm leaving a big feedback post
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Already gave up warlock PVP.
The whole dot / rot concept has to be improved. It is too outdated to be competitive.

Nowadays all classes do +- the same amount of damage but class A (rogue as example) can do that damage instantly and without a single worry in the world while class B Lock has to ramp up the damage,avoid interrupts while casting AND deal with the enemy healer having dispel on a meager 8 second cooldown + most of the time 1 dps having remove curse.

Under those circumstances it is no surprise that class A is a hundred times more viable than class B.
10/23/2018 11:30 AMPosted by Alkhan
The whole dot / rot concept has to be improved. It is too outdated to be competitive.

Nowadays all classes do +- the same amount of damage but class A (rogue as example) can do that damage instantly and without a single worry in the world while class B Lock has to ramp up the damage,avoid interrupts while casting AND deal with the enemy healer having dispel on a meager 8 second cooldown + most of the time 1 dps having remove curse.

Under those circumstances it is no surprise that class A is a hundred times more viable than class B.

they need to remove UA stacking, buff all our instant dots and casted dots, revert changes to our mobility, and buff our defense and we will be a lot better
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Demonic Embrace (New)
Stamina increased by 10%.Seems to be baseline? + no idea how it will interact with demon armor.

Pandemic Invocation (New Azerite Trait )Refreshing Corruption, Agony, or Siphon Life with less than 5 seconds remaining will deal 116 Shadow damage and has a 6.66% chance to grant you a Soul Shard.I like it but since it requires timing / micro management it has to be miles ahead of passives with similar effects such as sudden onset / wracking brilliance.

Terror of the Mind (New Azerite Trait )
̶y̶̶o̶̶u̶̶ ̶̶s̶̶t̶̶e̶̶a̶̶l̶̶ ̶̶1̶̶4̶̶3̶̶ ̶̶h̶̶e̶̶a̶̶l̶̶t̶̶h̶̶ ̶̶e̶̶v̶̶e̶̶r̶̶y̶̶ ̶̶1̶̶ ̶̶s̶̶e̶̶c̶̶ ̶̶f̶̶r̶̶o̶̶m̶̶ ̶̶t̶̶a̶̶r̶̶g̶̶e̶̶t̶̶s̶̶ ̶̶a̶̶f̶̶f̶̶e̶̶c̶̶t̶̶e̶̶d̶̶ ̶̶b̶̶y̶̶ ̶̶y̶̶o̶̶u̶̶r̶̶ ̶̶f̶̶e̶̶a̶̶r̶̶ ̶̶s̶̶p̶̶e̶̶l̶̶l̶ Soul Leech gains 143 absorption every 1 sec while a target is affected by Fear.I give blizz points for creativity but this trait only works against targets that aren't affected by dots which is kinda counter productive. Could be op though if blizzard increases the amount of damage fear can take before breaking and lock becomes a bit more viable.

Curse of WeaknessReduces the target's ̶p̶̶h̶̶y̶̶s̶̶i̶̶c̶̶a̶̶l̶̶ ̶̶d̶̶a̶̶m̶̶a̶̶g̶̶e̶̶ ̶̶d̶̶e̶̶a̶̶l̶̶t̶̶ ̶̶b̶̶y̶̶ ̶̶2̶̶5̶% attack power by 30% for 10 sec. PvP Talent.Seems like a nerf to a pvp talent that with demon armor on the horizon nobody will be able to take due to the lack of pvp talent slots.

10/23/2018 02:22 PMPosted by Alkhan
Seems to be baseline? + no idea how it will interact with demon armor.

Think it is baseline in the spellbook. PvP talents usually have a tag in datamined tooltips.

Assuming it will stack with Demon Armor.

10/23/2018 02:22 PMPosted by Alkhan
Seems like a nerf to a pvp talent that with demon armor on the horizon nobody will be able to take due to the lack of pvp talent slots.

Yeah we're basically going to be limited to 2 honor talent slots most of the time. It does look like a nerf to physical damage reduction but I guess it will work against magic abilities that scale from attack power. *shrug

10/20/2018 09:53 AMPosted by Alkhan

So you can transmog a dagger into an artifact staff? Damn G I had no idea.

Just saw this. Yeah, you can transmog your main hand weapon to your artifact appearances no matter which weapon type you are using. There's an option in a drop down menu.
Bump n pray for shadow priest 8.1 amount of love. We got a 10% passive Stam increase and a talented stam + armor increase

Spriest got 15% passive dmg reduction baseline and talented shorter defensive cd with heal and movement speed baked into it

Their fear takes 40% more dmg before breaking

Tons of other things

Show warlock similar love please blizz we will take a damage cut for some of that & delete inevitable demise

They did say in the recent qa they wanna move more toward spread style for Aff and the recent build showed no sign of that so ima assume warlock stuff isn’t ready to be shown yet and hope it makes it into 8.1