Warlock PvP Revamp

My offer still stands for a Community Manager to address this I am willing to hand out 1 healthstone, 1 soulstone, and a life time of summons.
Warlock is incredibly laughable in arena right now, I have no idea how they've been allowed to stay in the state they are in. On top of that the current proposed changes on PTR are almost nerfs. I'm fairly certain blizzard has no idea what to do with the class at the moment. Your only hope of pushing 2.2+ on lock is either cheesing as destro with a fire mage every 3 minutes, which is incredibly easy to shut down during the setup, or cheesing as aff/boomy and hoping for a massive deathbolt. Again, easy to shut down.

On top of that, they are one of the most trainable targets in the game, and have no strong defensives to show for it, lol3minutewall.
10/19/2018 09:09 AMPosted by Oxytrox
Your only hope of pushing 2.2+ on lock is either cheesing as destro with a fire mage every 3 minutes, which is incredibly easy to shut down during the setup, or cheesing as aff/boomy and hoping for a massive deathbolt. Again, easy to shut down.

Don't forget the demo dream!!!
10/19/2018 09:19 AMPosted by Babyhewey
10/19/2018 09:09 AMPosted by Oxytrox
Your only hope of pushing 2.2+ on lock is either cheesing as destro with a fire mage every 3 minutes, which is incredibly easy to shut down during the setup, or cheesing as aff/boomy and hoping for a massive deathbolt. Again, easy to shut down.

Don't forget the demo dream!!!

I haven't played on Wrathh this week but Demo is 100% in the mix for 3s. It's just so frustrating when you run out of mana. Like what the fruit basket!
I have always loved my Warlock, but with the way things are now it's so hard to love it like I used to. Blizzard, I really do look forward seeing how you respond to all of this feedback.

We know DHs are the cool, edgy, new class. But don't forget about your original edge.
The fact that Mana drift is in the game and yet Viper Sting, Drain Mana and Mana burn are gone just doesn't make sense to me.
10/19/2018 10:47 AMPosted by Wrathh
The fact that Mana drift is in the game and yet Viper Sting, Drain Mana and Mana burn are gone just doesn't make sense to me.

IT makes sense the DH class was just created out of all the things that mostly warlocks used to have.
META and everything that went with it was the beta test for the DH class.

so why wouldnt they have a talent we used to have.
I think this would also get alot of constructive feedback on the Warlock forums, have we posted it there recently?
10/19/2018 11:01 AMPosted by Xinrus
I think this would also get alot of constructive feedback on the Warlock forums, have we posted it there recently?

There’s a few good posters there that would comment but I think the overall result would be half and half with people coming in and saying “warlock is fine” because they’re thinking of pve or there will be people saying who cares it’s pvplul etc. in arena at least everyone’s on the same wavelength with wanting pvp to be good and people here are less biased and can see that locks are in a bad state
10/19/2018 11:07 AMPosted by Yatogami
10/19/2018 11:01 AMPosted by Xinrus
I think this would also get alot of constructive feedback on the Warlock forums, have we posted it there recently?

There’s a few good posters there that would comment but I think the overall result would be half and half with people coming in and saying “warlock is fine” because they’re thinking of pve or there will be people saying who cares it’s pvplul etc. in arena at least everyone’s on the same wavelength with wanting pvp to be good and people here are less biased and can see that locks are in a bad state

I have been debating on taking this to the general discussion forum for the sheer fact that I see more blizzard responses there than any other forum.
10/19/2018 11:14 AMPosted by Wrathh
<span class="truncated">...</span>

There’s a few good posters there that would comment but I think the overall result would be half and half with people coming in and saying “warlock is fine” because they’re thinking of pve or there will be people saying who cares it’s pvplul etc. in arena at least everyone’s on the same wavelength with wanting pvp to be good and people here are less biased and can see that locks are in a bad state

I have been debating on taking this to the general discussion forum for the sheer fact that I see more blizzard responses there than any other forum.

There’s a huge post about warlock changes in general not just pvp but overall with like 1k + replies in a diff sub one sec lemme find it


There’s some pvp related stuff there too but it’s got a ton of replies and even blue posts but they’re like pre bfa

There’s also another thread in bfa items and classes with like 500 replies talking about warlocks
overall our class prob has the largest feedback group of any of he classes with the most amount of player posts since Alpha and Beta and now even in live -

There was an arcane mage going on about being ignored and how many posts there were, linked like 6 pages but they were all like one page long except for one was 11 pages. and then I was like ..... warlock main post is at 74 pages - and he said warlocks get all the attention.
I was just thinking to my self maybe its cause of how many of us there are that are vocal.

Keep this going its all we an do is make sure that we are heard and eventually they will respond. I remember this same feeling in that main thread until we pushed that blue post.
I don't know what the deal is with blizzard but they don't want pure rot teams to ever be viable again that's for sure.
10/19/2018 03:15 PMPosted by Alkhan
I don't know what the deal is with blizzard but they don't want pure rot teams to ever be viable again that's for sure.

I love how Ion talked about the possibility of there being a rot meta this expansion when the game isn't even close to being built around that. It would take some crazy rebalancing and reworking and it probably wouldn't happen until late in the expansion when everyone has good defensive traits.
good post, sadly blizzard dont care or read on the forums any longer.
I already stop queing arena on my main lock, game is bad and should be dead.
I just want to be wanted. Someone. Want me.
10/19/2018 07:10 PMPosted by Iamdc
I just want to be wanted. Someone. Want me.
I want you. As a friend.
I'm just annoyed that we have lost so many abilities and what we have left just feels like worse versions of what every other class has.

Pruning and homonigization
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Last night fought a 80k health hunter, lost, check his damage, 10k dps over a 3 min game in 3v3, great game blizzard GG.